The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Sabreline

@Reshiwott: Hm, interesting guess. I would love to see a evolution of Druiddigon.

@LillipupFTW: Thanks! For some odd reason, I like its eyes a lot. Did you mean the rotten food Pokemon?

@AllInAPackage: It seemed pretty easy. This one is proving to be difficult for you guys to guess.

@GoobieDoob: Hm, a Biohazard Pokemon. That would be interesting. I might add that for future Pokemon ideas. I also lol'd cause Biohazard is the title for Resident Evil in Japanese. I then thought of a crossover between the two games. Mutant Pokemon!

@Umbreon/Espeon: Thank you a lot!

Very good guesses but no one was right! I appreciate the feedback everyone!

Today's new Pokemon is the Grass Sloth Pokemon, Vegeloth.


#079 Vegeloth
The Grass Sloth Pokemon
Type: Rock/Grass
Color: Green
Ability: Leaf Guard/Sap Sipper
Height: 3'1
Weight: 122 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Vegeloth is the Grass Sloth Pokemon. It is a dual Rock/Grass tpye Pokemon and has the abilities Leaf Guard/Sap Sipper. It is revived through the Tongue Fossil. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Vegeloth existed many centuries ago in lush jungles and forests. It could stand on its hind legs and roll out its very long tongue to grab a hold leafs. If it could not reach them, it would use its long claws to bring down the branches. It could use its strong claws for self defense.

Vegeloth is based on a small ground sloth or megatherium. Its name comes from vegetation and sloth.

Here is tomorrow's Pokemon! Please guess what form it could belong to and what types it could be! It's a hard one so good luck! Also, let me know what you think of Vegeloth!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Vegeloth

The shadow is a tree or a police aubergine.:p
Vegeloth is cool, too.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Vegeloth

Police guy for the shadow. And I meant that Toxilizard from your first region, but I forgot his name.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Vegeloth

Is anyone else having problems too?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Vegeloth

I can see them just fine.

Great work, I can't wait to see more!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Vegeloth

Oh. Nevermind. I can see them now. Vegeloth looks amazing. Your better than Van Gogh! Great Job. I think the next one will be the Nanny Pokemon or the Mechanical Nanny Pokemon.

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Vegeloth

^ I second this! I think it will be this region's Chansey/Audino if that's the case. And maybe its a steel/light type? :p
As for Vegeloth, I thought it would be a fire type too, (couldn't post because I was away) but you sure fooled us! I love its design and have been working on a giant ground sloth (I believe that's what it was called) design for sometime and am glad to see I am not the only one who thought it was an excellent concept for a pokemon!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Vegeloth

@Reshiwott: Wow, a police aubergine? I didn't see that.

@LillipupFTW: It's cool. You got it I think.

@Juliacoolo: Thank you.

@GoobieDoob: Cool, I was worried for a second there. Haha I wouldn't say I am better than Van Gogh. Nor would I want to be (I like his art a lot). When I saw mechnical nanny, I immediately thought of Rosie from the Jetsons.

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: I am pretty sure its called a megatherium. I am glad you like the Fakemon! I have always wanted a grass type ground sloth.

Ok, very good guesses concerning the new shadow however, some people got fairly close to what it is.

Today's new Pokemon is the Siren Pokemon, Robolarm.


#081 Robolarm
The Siren Pokemon
Type: Electric/Sound
Color: Grey
Ability: Disorientate
Height: 3'7
Weight: 53 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Robolarm is the Siren Pokmemon. It is a dual Electric/Sound type Pokemon and has the new ability, Disorientate. Disorientate is a ability common with Sound-type Pokemon. When it uses a Sound-type attack, it may confuse the opponent. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Robolarm can be found guarding museums, stores, malls, and other buildings that have expensive materials inside. Once it notices a disturbance, it will activate its siren and rotating red light. It will then give chase to the perpetrator. It has been known to follow the trail of a thief for weeks on end without resting. Sometimes, it can be accidentally triggered into thinking there is a disturbance and will wail and screech continuously until forcefully stopped.

Robolarm is based off a traffic cone, a police car, and a siren. Its name comes from robot and alarm.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon. Please guess what form it could be and what type it could be. Also, let me know how you liked Robolarm.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

Woah, really good! The shadow looks like a artist.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

The shadow looks like a big bird eating a smaller bird or a quill on a piece of paper.
Robolarm is cool too.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

Robolarm looks... interesting. I think the shadow is a rooster with a cloak.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

Robolarm looks really nice! I could see it being like the Snubull in the Johto series chasing Team Rocket around XD

As for the name of the sloth, you are completely correct on that one! :p

I have no idea about the shadow but I can't wait to see it!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

Awesome job on Robolarm! For the shadow,I'm guessing it's a ghost bird.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

@LillipupFTW: Like Smeargle? lol

@Reshiwott: Wow, I can't even imagine how a Pokemon would turn out if it was a bird eating another bird lol. That would be scary!

@AllInAPackage: I was hoping for that type of reaction. I was aiming it to be the odd one out of the Fakemon. It is very odd but it's my favorite actually.

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: Yeah, basically. I want it to be annoying yet endearing lol.

@Umbreon/Espeon: Hmm, a ghost bird. That would be a pretty interesting Pokemon.

Very good guesses! I thought this one would prove to be pretty hard. i had a lot of fun reading the guesses for this shadow.

Today's Pokemon is the Surfing Pokemon, Puffaloha


#072 Puffaloha
The Surfing Pokemon
Type: Water/Ice
Color: Blue
Ability: Swift Swim/Storm Drain
Height: 2'1
Weight: 12 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Puffaloha is the Surfing Pokemon. It is a dual Water/Ice type Pokemon and has the abilities Swift Swim and Storm Drain. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Puffaloha can be found in small groups where they are constantly surfing. It is unknown how these Pokemon make their surfboards but are said to be of the finest quality. They constantly take care of the board and prevent it from getting damaged. They are more at home on a surf board then swimming or walking.

Puffaloha is based on a puffin and a surfer. Its name comes from puffin and aloha.

I will be busy on Saturday so I will release new content on Sunday. It will be a special double feature shadow release. These shadows are very important to the Yuutou Region. Please guess which forms they could be and what types they could be. Also, let me know how you like Puffaloha.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

The shadows look like some sort of tree monster and an Ice Robot.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

Puffaloha is awesome! For the shadow, it looks like a grass robot, and the evolution of Thudrus.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Robolarm

Puffaloha sure is cute! As for the shadow, I'm guessing a Grass/Fighting type for the first and like LillipupFTW said, I think the second is the evolved form/alternate form of Landorus, Thunderus, or Tornadus. :D

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:puffaloha

I think the first one is the Grass Legendary. And the Second one is the Poison Legendary or Fire Leendary. Or else it is a Pokemon with two forms.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:puffaloha

@Reshiwott: Good guesses!

@LillipupFTW: I won't be making any evolutions of previous legendaries for this region. Though it would be interesting to combine them all.

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: Thanks! Hmmm, I like the first idea. I always liked the idea of grass/fighting.

@GoobieDoob: Good guess and you are right that they are legendaries!

Todays new Pokemon is the Forest Guardian Pokemon, Kaeshizen and the Industry Machine, Kogyokai. They are this regions mascot Legendaries.


#151 Kishizen
The Forest Guardian Pokemon
Type: Grass/Light
Color: Green
Ability: Naturalization
Height: 22'9
Weight: 642 lbs.

Kaeshizen is the Forest Guardian. It is a dual Grass/Light type Legendary Pokemon and has the unique ability, Naturalization. This ability causes leafs and trees to grow around the opponent thus sharply restricting evasion, speed, and attack power. It also powers up Grass attacks.

Kaeshizen can be found in the deepest part of 100% virgin woods. It encases itself in a ring of trees and foliage in order to protect its realm. It desires to cover the entire world in forests and grass. It intensely hates steel and machinery since it often cuts down its trees and woods. It cause grass and plants to grow whenever it walks. It is said its very breathe can cause flowers to bloom and a vision of spring. It is the lifelong rival of Kogyokai.

Kaeshinzen is based on a large tree. Its name comes from Japanese meaning "kae" or "to return" and "shizen or "nature" thus "to return to nature".


#152 Kogyokai
The Industry Machine Pokemon
Type: Steel/Dark
Color: Grey
Ability: Industrialization
Height: 22'4
Weight: 842 lbs.

Kogyokai is the Industry Machine Pokemon. It is a dual Steel/Dark Legendary Pokemon and has the unique ability Industrialization. Industrialization continues to enhance its Attack, Defense, and Special Attack after every turn by collecting spare parts. It also powers up Steel type attacks.

Kogyokai lives in the deepest parts of industrial areas. It collects to itself scrap metal and spare parts to make enhancements to itself and to consume the left over scrap. It desires to cover the entire world in industry and make it one large city. It views trees as only materials and a means to an end. It is said that the Pokemon belches out smoke and uses it to covers itself to conceal it. It is the lifelong rival of Kaeshizen.

Kogyokai is based on scrap parts and a war machine. Its name comes from Japanese meaning "kogyo" or "industrialization" and "kai" or "world" thus "industrialize the world".

I hope you liked these two legendaries. It gives a bit of spoiler on the theme of this region. Here is tomorrow's shadow! Please guess what form it could be and what type it could be. Also, as always, please let me know how you like Kaishizen and Kogyoukai.