The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystalite

Crystalite is cute.It's ability is handy too.The shadow looks like a bandaboom evolution or a dancing tree.:p
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystalite

Yeah, 10 pounds is more believable, and Crystalite looks amazing! As for the shadow, I think it is an evolution of Carnivine! Great Job as always! :p

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystalite

Crystalite looks like a muddy hand with a crystal on top of him.:p He looks awesome!:D As for the shadow,I have no idea of what it could be.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystalite

Nice job on Crystolite! I think the shadow is a squid?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystalite

Crystolite looks great! Like BEnB said, I think it's a Carnivine evolution.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystalite

I'm guessing it is some sort of grass squid, carnivine evolution, or an evolution for Perfumuni. The Types:

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Crystalite

@Reshiwott : Thanks. I think its cute too!

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: I hope my art is improving as I do this more. I am always trying to do new things in the art so if you have any comments concerning the art style, please let me know!

@Umbreon/Espeon: I like that description!

@LillipupFTW: Nope but a very good guess!

@AllInAPackage: Thanks! So two votes for a Carnivine evo. Interesting.

@GoobieDoob: Scratch that, three votes. A grass type squid would be awesome though!!

Well, BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp, AllInAPackage, and GoobieDoob got it right!!

Today's new Pokemon is the Bug Trap Pokemon, Predivine.


#030 Predivine
The Bug Trap Pokemon
Type: Grass
Color: Green
Ability: Levitate
Height: 6'0
Weight: 156 lbs.
Evolves from: Carnivine via ?

Predivine is the Bug Trap Pokemon. It is a Grass type Pokemon and has the Levitate Pokemon. It evolves from Carnivine however it has yet to be revealed how it does.

Predivine lies in deep jungles to wait for bugs, birds, or small rodents to come near it. Once it senses movement nearby it, it will shoot out its four vines which latch on the prey and it will then drag it inside of its mouth. It will some times move its vines to attract/distract its prey.

Predivine is based on a venus fly trap. Its name comes from Predator and vine.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form it could belong to and what type it could be! Also, let me know how you like Predivine.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Predivine

Is the shadow an evolution of the dog thing you posted a while back?(Shibaro) It might be a tiger though...:p
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Predivine

I really like Predivine! Really cool! For the shadow, it looks like a evolution of something, I just don't know.... :D
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Predivine

Predivine looks awesome! As for the shadow, it looks like a Fire/Normal dog Pokemon.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Predivine

Predivine looks really good, and I like the little mouths/hands!
As for the shadow, I'm guessing its a cat/dog that is either a fire, dark, or electric type.
As far as your art style is concerned, it's like you took Sugimori's style and put a whole new twist on it! That being said, in my opinion, it's very original as I haven't seen it before in my life. I really like your style and have really enjoyed watching it improve over the few months I've been on PokeBeach, and can't wait for your next piece of art! :D

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Predivine

Predivine looks pretty cool. The shadow looks like a dog/cat. It like it could be an ice,electric,or normal type.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Predivine

@Reshiwott: Good guess but nope! You are closer with the tiger.

@LillipupFTW: Thanks!

@AllInAPackage: Fire/Normal would be a interesting combo.

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: Thanks! I have been trying to get it closer to Sugimori's artwork but I think my lines lack the fluidity and the naturalness. As well, I have problems with perspective and positioning.

@silazu: Hm, you could possibly be right. ;)

@GoobieDoob: I am curious as to why you think its a evolution of Arcanine. The form is much smaller and thinner then Arcanines. Just curious.

All very good guesses! Those who guessed it being a feline is correct! Today's Pokemon is the Sabre Tooth Pokemon, Sabreline.


#078 Sabreline
The Sabre Tooth Pokemon
Type: Rock/Steel
Color: Orange
Ability: Hyper Cutter/Speed Boost
Height: 3'2
Weight: 33 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Sabreline is the Sabre Tooth Pokemon. It is a dual Rock/Steel type Pokemon and has the abilities Hyper Cutter/Speed Boost. It is revived via the Fang Fossil. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Sabreline existed a long time ago where they prowled in groups in plains. They would chase down their prey while others waited in hiding to ambush the prey. It had large and long steel fangs to sink into its preys body. It was very hard to shake off the Pokemon once it bit into a prey.

Sabreline is based off a Sabre-tooth Cat. Its name comes from Sabre and feline.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon shadow. Please guess what form it could belong to and what type it could be. Also, please let me know how you like Sabreline.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Predivine

The shadow looks like a druddigon evolution or a dinosaur/dragon.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Sabreline

Nice job! I really like this one! For the shadow, I agree with Reshiwott.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Sabreline

I knew Sabreline was going to be a dog/cat/animal. :p I think the shadow is a baby dinosaur.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Sabreline

Yes! I have been waiting for this shadow to come out. I think it is the Biohazard Pokemon.

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Sabreline

I might be the evolution of that one, Toxi something.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Sabreline

Awesome job on Sabreline! For the shadow,I'm guessing it's a dragon.