The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

I really like the legendaries. I think the shadow is the evolution for nectatat. i am positive that t it grass/flying. I can't be wrong.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

Legendarys are cool. I like Kishizen.For the shadow, an evolution for the bat starter.(Nectatat?)
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

Love the Pokemon! For the shadow, it's the evolution of the grass starter.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

I really like the legendaries. And i understand the theme, nature vs machine. There should be a part of the region where they exist in perfect harmony? And that city could be... i dont know... the split of the region, one side industry, the other more nature? Just an idea :p
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

@GoobieDoob : Thank you! I personally like them better then my previous ones.

@Reshiwott: Thank you. I am glad you like them!

@LillipupFTW: Thanks!

@Evolution: That is a very good idea! I won't reveal the region map or information quite yet however, you are pretty close on your guess. The theme is nature vs machine.


#002 Batlossom
The Flower Bat Pokemon
Type: Grass/Flying
Color: Green
Ability: Overgrow
Height: 3'7
Weight: 56 lbs.
Evolves from: Nectat at level 16
Evolves into: ?

Batlossom is the Flower Bat Pokemon. It a dual Grass/Flying type and has the Overgrow ability. It evolves from Nectat at level 16. It is unknown what Pokemon is evolves into.

Batlossom flies around drinking nectar from large flowers. It has a very long tongue that can do inside flowers. It beats its wings very fast and can cause plants to move. They can create small gusts of wind. If it feels threatened, it will dive bomb its would-be-attackers if feeling threatened,

Batlossom is based on a Fruit Bat. Its name comes from Bat and blossom.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon shadow. Please guess what form it could be and what type it could be. Also, please let me know what you think of Batlossom.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

I like the design of the second evolution grass! For the shadow, fire starter.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

So I guess a intense lightning storm somehow fried my Internet connection so I'm without Internet for a undetermined amount of time.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

I like batlossom a lot. It is quite cute. The shadow is the evolution of the fire starter.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

On the ring of the shadow Pokemon, it looks like there is a evolution of Smergle, along with Gigalith.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Kaeshizen/Kogyokai

Well, I'll just come out and say it you guys were all right with guessing that it's the fire starter evolution.

@LillipupFTW: Thanks for noticing the new background display! We will see what those new shadows are in the near future.

Today's new Pokemon is the Cinder Pokemon, Infernandra.


#004 Inferandra
The Cinder Pokemon
Type: Fire/Poison
Color: Red
Ability: Blaze
Height: 4'1
Weight: 72 lbs.
Evolves from: Salafell at level 16
Evolves into: ?

Infernadra is the Cinder Pokemon. It is a dual Fire/Poison type Pokemon and it has the ability Blaze. It evolves from Salafell at level 16 however it is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Infernadra can be found in the deepest parts of fire such as bonfires and volcanoes. It is attracted by intense flames. The spines on its back, head, and arm are hard and dangerous to the touch. If anyone foolishly touches these, a intense fiery pain shoots through the body. It can both burn and poison its opponents.

Infernadra is based on a salamander and a demon. Its name comes from inferno and salamandra (the genius name for fire salamanders).

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form it could be and what types it could be! Also, please let me know what you think of Infernandra!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Infernadra

The new pokmon is SOOOO good! I thought it would be dark, but it looks more like a Poison now. For the shadow, it is the evolution of the water type starter, and I feel it is going to be water/rock or water/ground.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Infernadra

The shadow is the water starter evolution.
I quite like Infernandra. It is cool.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Infernadra

Did you make it fire poison because you liked my fire poison idea? If you did, Thanks! The shadow will be the evolution for the water starter or the gar thing.

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Infernadra

@GoobieDoob : I must of missed something but I don't remember what you said about a fire/poison type. Sorry.

I have a collection of fakemon I have drawn for a while now when I passed away the time. I created this fire-starter line maybe 4 years ago.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Infernadra

hm. little question, do legendaries always have to be dragon type or (eventually) grass, fire or water type? I've never seen a bug type legendary before. If I will make a fakemon pokedex, I will make a bug type legendary. sorry to waste your time XD
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade:Infernadra

@LillipupFTW: Thanks! I am glad you like this one! I was worried it would be a bit too much like Krookodile in terms of coloration.

@Reshiwott: Thank you!

@NewADance: I added a Bug/Ice Legendary like Goobie said. Also, there is a Bug-Steel legendary in the Unova Region. Genosect is its name but it has yet to be officially revealed.

@Goobie: I am happy you remembered that one! Plus, you were write in guessing its correct type.

Ok, a lot of you got today's new fakemon right! Today's new Pokemon is the Iguana Pokemon, Aquadon.


#009 Aquadon
The Iguana Pokemon
Type: Water/Rock
Color: Blue
Ability: Torrent
Height: 3'0
Weight: 122 lbs.
Evolves from: Iguiquarius at level 16
Evolves into: ?

Aquadon is the Iguana Pokemon. It is a dual Water/Rock type Pokemon and has the Torrent ability. It evolves from Iguiquarius at level 16 however it is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Aquadon can be found swimming in shallow coastal waters. Despite its rocky and stocky appearance, it can swim gracefully in the water. It enjoys sunbathing on rocky shores to heat the rock-type formations on its back. It can shoot out water from its mouth.

Aquadon is based off on a marine iguana. Its name comes from aqua and -don which is often used in dinosaur names like Iguanadon.

I will be unable to update tomorrow since I will be busy with work so expect this update on Thursday. I will be putting up two new releases since I will miss a day. Here are the two new shadows. Please guess what forms they could be and what types they could be. Also, let me know what you think of Aquadon.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade Aquadon

AWESOME!!!! It looks so cool! The first shadow looks like a cat, and the second looks like one you have already revealed, the flamingo.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade Aquadon

The first one will be the evolution for the Sabre Toothed thing, and the second one will be an Evolution for the Flamingo thing.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade Aquadon

@NewADance, Genesect is a bug type legendary.

@Lost voice, the shadow on the Left looks like an evolution to that dog/cat pokemon ;and the one on the right looks like a flamingo. I'm thinking it could be a water/flying type because of the thing on the flamingos head looks like a raindrop/ice cream or something.