The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Leaked Info/New Fakemon!!

So, I am sad to say but any new updates will be either halted or severely limited. I had a accident today and sprained my wrist :/ I will try to add new updates when I can but I do not want to agitate this anymore then I have to.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Leaked Info/New Fakemon!!

Redo Garakuia? Man, I don't see anything wrong with that. That's my favorite too :p

@Lost Voice
Sprained wrist? Gee, that sucks. Hope your all right :)
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Leaked Info/New Fakemon!!

Yeah, me too. Luckily, I have a day off tomorrow. I was turning a corner on my bike and someone else was too at the same time. We both collided. The person was o thankfully but I felt in such a way that i sprained my wrist and bruised up my leg. Not to mention I also caused a recently healed injury to come back. Lets hope for a speedy recovery.

I have been thinking of re-doing the legendaries to resemble mythical serpetine dragons since the last of the trio resembles that. Thoughts?
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Leaked Info/New Fakemon!!

Hope you get better! and good luck! :)
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

Well, I went to the hospital and U fractured my right wrist (which happens to be my drawing hand. I am typing entirely with my left hand which is always a joy and a half.) Needless to say, I'm in a cast. They suggested I avoid putting pressure on it. I will be in a cast for 2 weeks. If it is not better by then, I have to have surgery. I could be out of commission art wise for a month. Soooooo....

I am debating to let this thread die and be locked until I am healthy enough to begin drawing in which case it can be opened.


Maintaining it as a discussion thread and allow people to give suggestions, feedback, or even contribute to the thread by adding content. Then, when I feel well enough to do art, I can start updating.

RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

I'm not sure about that, I mean .. the mods could either lock it but of course there is much to discuss. My opinion is that keep it open for a like month and if it's not going too well they can lock it.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

Ok, I agree. I figure I can put up updates concerning non-art material.

Today's update will feature several locations and descriptions concerning them!


1) Hakusa Town
Motto: Sparkling sands to make dreams come true.
Description: Hakusa is the starting town in Ongan. It is here that the main player and his/her friend can be found. In addition to several houses, there is a mysterious shrine on the beach.

Hakusa translates to "white sand".

2) Seiki no Mori (Seiki Forest)
Description: A forest east of Hakusa Town. It is a complex labyrinth of trees and grass. It is said that the certain parts of the forest contain energy that is said to encourage weary travelers. Legends have it that the forest itself is alive.

Seiki no Mori translates to "Forest of Life Spirit".

3) Futao City
Motto: Toughness builds Character.
Description: A large city east of Seiki no Mori. It is the first city to have a gym which is confirmed to be a Fighting type Gym. It has several buildings, farms, a gym, and a old shrine that is now a sumo ring.

Futao translates to "Twin Bulls".

4) Dr. Hinoki's Lab
Description: Dr. Hinoki is the regions pokemon professor. She is younger then her colleage Dr. Araragi and is also her rival. Despite this, they respect each other and their respective work. She studies Pokemon types such as Water, Ghost, and Ice and the science involved. She will give the player and his/her friend a starting pokemon.

Hinoki translates to "Japanese cypress"

5) Ninami Toudai (South Lighthouse)
Description: Located on the south west peninsula of the first island. It is said this lighthouse was built even before people populated the pokemon world; possibly constructed by pokemon themselves. It is said to bring hope into the hearts of sea-weary travelers.

6) Nagi Town
Motto: Where the River Sings
Description: A calm and relaxing town that is separated by the river, Nagigawa. The water is slow moving cold yet soothing to the touch. Because of this, many tourists will ford the river to the other side. This is why there is no bridge to the opposite side. Kappada can only be found here.

Nagi translates to "calm".

7) Wanto City
Motto: Where Sea-Birds Rest Their Wings
Description: Wanto City is the largest city in Ongan. However, the city is mostly centered around entertainment and the arts. Because of this, there are theaters, arcades, amusement parks, a five star beach, and even karaoke. It is said that the "Poke Theatre" is here where pokemon can participate in shows such as musical show, Kabuki, or even create a song.

8) Thunder Pinnacle Plains (Raitouwa no Heiya) (Lightning Tower Plains)
Description: This area is constantly covered in intense thunder-storms. The towers of metallic rocks direct the lightning into them. It can be very dangerous to navigate this area. Baikureki can be found only in this area.

9) Mizuhana no Kougan (Water Flower Mine)
Description: A active mine that harvests a rare stone called Mizuhana Ishi (Water Flower Stone). Many workers can be found here. Its shafts and tunnels are vast and can only be accessible once the water level goes down.

10) Ryuukyou City
Motto: Justice is the Number 1 Virtue
Gym Leader: Hoshiko, Electric
Ryuukyou is both a small city and a military base on a island. It is connected to Mizuhana Mine by a bridge called Ichiryuu Bashi (First Dragon Birdge) and the connected to the second main island by Niryuu Bashi (Second Dragon Bridge). The Gym Leader is the Electric master Hoshiko. Ryuukyou City is home to the PokeSquad, a paramilitary organization established to bring to justice evil organizations.

11) Mushroom Rock Desert (Takeiwa no Sabaku)
Description: A vast, dry desert with giant mushroom like rock formations dotting the landscape. A vast, dark forest and the sea borders its sands. Hebiude can only be found in this area.

12) Ikagushi City
Motto: The Home of Advanced Medical Research
A medium sized city with a large university and hospital. It is the leading medicial research center in the Johto, Kanto, Hoenn, and Shinnoh group. Many of the leading doctors and researchers can be found here. It is confirmed that the Gym Leader is a Poison type master.

Ikagushi translates to "Medicinal History".
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

O-o What an epic map!! Wow, you really have this well planned. You should really consider developing this into a game. Maybe for the
3DS 'cause the DS would lack the proper graphics for this. Awesome work! *Throws Chocolate Chip Cookie for epicness*
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

Thanks! I am currently in the processing of making a wiki so I can pool all my information together! Also, is there anyway to put up a spoiler tag here? In some forums, you can write something and then put
spoiler comment
. Reason being so I don't have a huge block of information taking up half the thread page as well as avoiding uploading a document it as an attachment.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

I am going to the hospital tomorrow to get some x-rays. I have one more week in "cast". If it hasn't healed in one more week, they will most likely have to perform surgery. I have mostly been organizing all my information instead of art. I would like to possible start working on art tomorrow since I will have a sick day.

Thanks for asking though! Maybe later tonight I will post some more information.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

Yes, finally we get some more info. Hope it gets cured soon though.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fakemon/Week-long Hiatus

Well, it's a day early but still late haha. Here is the finalized version of the third mascot, Eradagon.


#150 Eradagon
The Era Pokemon
Type: Dragon/Psychic
Ability: Present Shift
Height: 23'8
Weight: 309 lbs.

Eradagon is the Era Pokemon. It is confirmed to the be the third legendary revealed within the Ongan Region. It is known to fly in between periods of time; appearing in one place in different time periods at the same time. Its ability, Present Shift, is still unknown but its name possibly indicates a Time-themed ability that affects the present in and out of battle; much like Future and Past Shift abilities. It is also hinted to be apart of a fan-named Time Traveler Trio and possible mascot for a third game.

Eradogon is the combination of Era and Dragon.
Also, here is some leaked information regarding new fakemon! The person risked his life to bring us this information!

#027 <Basic> Fighting/Dark: resembles a small blue and black ninja. It wears a red scarf.
#040 <Basic> Rock/Fire: resembles a small sauropod with volcanic tiles on its back.
#042 <Basic> Rock/Dark: resembles a small raptor with orange skin and dark red stripes.
#065 <Basic> Psychic/Ground: Think this, this, and finally this allll mixed together. It is one frightening pokemon lol.
#067 <Basic> Electric/Dark: resembles a tire wheel with a evil eye in the center and a tail pipe in the back.
#072 <Stage 1> Water/Ice: resembles a blue and white Narwhale. Possible evolution of Hawarukka.
#081 <Basic> Normal: resembles a small, floating piece of cake with one candle sticking out of it.
#096 <Basic> Steel/Poison: resembles a iron ball with smoke stacks poking out of it.
#121 <Stage 1> Normal/Flying: resembles a large owl with glasses and a neck-tie that resembles two hands of a clock. Possible eveoltuion of Doukurou.
#125 <Stage 1> Dragon/Steel: resembles a dinosaur-type dragon with a helmet and iron plating.

Information regarding two new city names:

Iwaburu City: first island, north section by the river.
Waraku City: second island, center

Information regarding some new Gym Leader information:

Futao City Gym Leader: Male, Fighting, two pokemon.
Iwaburu City Gym Leader: Male, Fire, three pokemon
Waraku City Gym Leader: Female, Psychic, four pokemon.

Expect a information update by tomorrow or Monday and a art update by Friday.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fake Legendary+Leaked Info

AMAZING! Eradagon is amazing! The concept, the face, the wings! Everything is PERFECT!!
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fake Legendary+Leaked Info+Poll

Wow, it is really exciting learning about this game, little by little. The fakemon are looking elegant and unique, and the region map is looking extremely nice. I love hearing about the region. Can't wait to hear and see more!
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fake Legendary+Leaked Info+Poll

@HeroOfShinnoh: Thanks! I am not really happy with the pieces of its chest. I kind of rushed that part. And yeah, that would be good. However, if you would not mind, I would also like to be involved with it. You are welcomed to be creative but I would like to have some hand in its creation. I was happy to hear that :)

As well, I enjoyed your Japanese cards. If you need help translating and such, let me know.

@ShinnohTrainer: Thanks! I am not sure if this will actually be a playable game. As of right now, it is a concept. A pool of information regarding this region. In fact, I am attempting to create this in likeness of a Ongan Region Brochure pamphlet haha. Basically general information regarding the region itself. I am happy to hear you are enjoying it!!

BTW, I have debating if this was a actual Pokemon fan-made game, what would the two name versions be? I have thought of: Sepia and Neon. Reflecting the past and future aspects of the game. Sepia looking old, worn-out, and aged. Neon looking youthful, vibrant, and futuristic.

Any ideas what they could be called that reflects past and future?
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fake Legendary+Leaked Info+Poll

Sure, lets discuss it with Private Messeges. No need to spam out your thread with the discussions :D Please send me a PM on how you wish to help me in the card making.

P.S. - I already tried to develop a blank to the Ongan Region.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fake Legendary+Leaked Info+Poll

Cool! I'm looking forward to it.

In Ongan News, expect to see two updates this week (hopefully). The second update will feature evolutions of previously seen fakemon.
RE: Ongan Region Investigation: New Fake Legendary+Leaked Info+Poll

I'll reply to your PM as soon as I get the blank finished. Probably this Wednesday.