Wi-Fi Trades The Master GTS (A Co-op Trade Thread) Opened! Owners: Pokemon99 & ElectricPokemonMaster

No thanks then.

ALSO, anyone interested in trading with me should add my email, as I will be checking it more than I check here. Just send me a quick email saying that you want to trade with me.

[email protected]
I will take the Crown Entei and the Terrakion for the 2 DW pokes you want, please. Just tell me if I need to change my decision.
I'm not giving you a perfect IV Shiny for 2 DW Pokemon!!!

What about the Jap. Entei for the 2 of them!
adan15 said:
I will take whichever one is stronger if they are the same level then it doesnt matter
Didn't see anything I liked. ESPECIALLY for a legit perfect IV shiny UT JAPANESE Terrakion with a good nature!
do you still want the DW Pokemon?

I can send any DW pokemon I get your way if you want, because I doubt I will ever use them Unless I get one I really want.

Also, I have Female Zorua's going spare if you want one
Yes I do. We can do that trade in the afternoon.

Also, I don't need a female Zoura right now. I'll let you know tomorrow.