Wi-Fi Trades The Master GTS (A Co-op Trade Thread) Opened! Owners: Pokemon99 & ElectricPokemonMaster

Hi, sorry for the delay. i'd like the jolly one, but if you see 2 pokemon you like i'd take both. i'm not really sure what i'm going to do with it yet so having both would be good.
Aj1234119 said:
Hi, sorry for the delay. i'd like the jolly one, but if you see 2 pokemon you like i'd take both. i'm not really sure what i'm going to do with it yet so having both would be good.

I need a link to your thread.
P99 we have a trade arranged for my 4 DW pokemon for your EV trained frosslass
i was wondering when we can do it please PM me
skipped :-(
Patience is a virtue. Read below.

Aj1234119 said:
i posted it on the last page, here it is again though link
Checking now...

hello we have a trade arranged for my 4 DW pokemon for your EV trained frosslass
i was wondering when we can do it please PM me
I'm really busy, so probably on Sunday.

ZoruaSnivyluver said:
Oh, P99, do you still want my DW Pokemon? Bidoof, Shinx, Ponyta, and Tailow? They're all UT.
Can I have natures please?

Hello?!?! Still skipped...
If I don't post, then you aren't "skipped..." Please be patient, or you will be blacklisted. For now, I'm too busy to trade.
ZoruaSnivyluver said:
Oh, I'll have the natures later today, cuz I have to get off really soon.

Pokes Natures~

All males