The Math Thread!

That makes sense to me now.
Wait what? Ok, I'm a bit confused... though I completed Algebra 1, I guess I forgot most of it.
....Oh. I feel stupid.

Well, anyway, thanks for teaching me a bit of Calculus. Even though you kinda tricked me there, I still learned something.

/me remembers that S = D / T, and if you add a bit of Algebra to solve an equation, you can solve it :D
To be honest, that wasn't Calculus. =D

Want to try a similar problem without the trick question?
OHHHH. S = D/T I was thinking something else...

You said this:

Total Distance = 2 Miles
Total Time = 1/30 + 1/90 Hour = 2/45 Hour

Wouldn't it be correct that its 60 because 1/30 + 1.90 is 2/120. or am I confusing t with something else, making:

1 1
30 90
So, then it would be 1/3... err.
Wait, what.....nooooo I thought I was kinda smart

Yeah, go ahead, I'll try.

Edit: @glaceon: 1 / 30 + 1 / 90 is 4 / 90, since 1 / 30 = 3 / 90. :p
I sure do Zyflair. Or I could ask a question...

And ok I got it Yoshi... I'm never going to get to sleep now because I'll be thinking of this all night.
Same problem with the two laps, only that the first lap was done with an average speed of 20 MPH. We want a total average speed of 30 MPH. What's the average speed of the second lap?

glaceon said:
Wouldn't it be correct that its 60 because 1/30 + 1.90 is 2/120. or am I confusing t with something else, making:
Review your fraction addition rules.

My question:

If I find $1, I'll go to the movies.

I found $1.

What type of argument, and is it valid?

Clue: If I find $1 is "p".
p = Finding $1
q = Going to the movies

"If I find $1, I'll go to the movies." means p -> q
"I found $1." means p
Modus Ponens (which is a valid rule of inference) says that [(p->q) ^ p] -> q, so q must be true. So I'll go to the movies.
Why'd you have to answer it :(.

If I get $5, I will buy a car.

I didn't find $5.

What type of argument, is it valid?
Well I know your smart and in Calc so you know it. Let's see if anyone knows it.
Haha, this is a great thread. Um, anyone fluent in derivatives here? I may need help. I'm a senior, taking AP Calc AB.
Derivatives are fun. Hit me.

Snivylover555 said:
Yeah, I'm lost. Could someone explain this to me?
Okay, let's start from the basics. First, let's define a proposition: A proposition is a fact that is either true or false. For example:
- "It is raining right now."
- "It is 10 PM right now."

We assign these true/false proposition to letters, like p and q. Each letter would mean a certain statement, depending on what you set it to. So if we set p to be the proposition that "It is raining right now," then p is true if it is raining right now, or false otherwise. Am I making sense so far?

Zyflair said:
Derivatives are fun. Hit me.

Okay, let's start from the basics. First, let's define a proposition: A proposition is a fact that is either true or false. For example:
- "It is raining right now."
- "It is 10 PM right now."

We assign these true/false proposition to letters, like p and q. Each letter would mean a certain statement, depending on what you set it to. So if we set p to be the proposition that "It is raining right now," then p is true if it is raining right now, or false otherwise. Am I making sense so far?

Yep, perfect sense so far.
Now, we have special operators for these propositions, I'll introduce the basic three:

AND Operator (Sometimes written as &)
p ^ q, where "^" is the AND Operator. p ^ q is true if and only if both p and q are true. If either p or q are false, then p ^ q is false.

OR Operator (Sometimes written as |)
p V q, where "V" is the AND Operator. p V q is true if either p or q are true. If BOTH p and q are false, then p V q is false.

NOT Operator (Sometimes written as ~)
¬p, where "¬" is the NOT Operator. ¬p is true when p is false, and ¬p is false when p is true. It's basically the opposite of everything.
I've prepared you for this: The Implication:
The implication operator means that one thing leads to another. Hence it's an arrow sign: →

The statement: p→q means that if p is true, then q must be true. Going back to glaceon's problem, he wrote:
glaceon said:
If I find $1, I'll go to the movies.
I found $1.

What type of argument, and is it valid?
So we assign the propositions as so:
p = Finding $1
q = Going to the movies
He said that if he finds $1, then he'll go to the movies, so p→q, because if p (he finds $1) is true, the q (he will go to the movies) must be true. He then said that p is indeed true. So q is true and he will go to the movies. This is called Modus Ponens (no you don't have to remember that, lol).

Now let's move on to glaceon's most recent question:
glaceon said:
If I get $5, I will buy a car.
I didn't find $5.

What type of argument, is it valid?
We assign the propositions as so:
p = Finding $5
q = Buying a car
Again, he said that if he gets $5, then he'll buy a car, so p→q. But this time, he didn't get the money, so p is false, not true. Does that mean q is false too? People who say that are wrong and commit a fallacy called "Denying the Hypothesis". If p is false, q is not necessarily false too. Someone might help him pay the car, he could find a discount, or something that would let him buy a car even if he didn't find the $5 he wanted.

So that's it, lol.