The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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Hey guys who posted above Arcanyx, this thread is not for discussing Six Corners, we have a Six Corners Discussion thread, you can continue your conversation there :)

Anyways, I really don't see why you would play Level Ball over Pokémon Communication, or even Dual Ball for that matter; I know it does something completely different, but it can search out a larger portion of your deck than Level Ball. I guess Level Ball is just a preference thing. Also, N could be a useful tech if you are decking out more than you should be, which is a possibility that I could see with this deck, 4 Juniper, and 4 Sage's can put a number on your card count. This is a really interesting deck idea, and it should preform well in the metagame. Raikou EX will help this deck out drastically when it is released.

Raikou EX – Lightning – HP170
Basic Pokemon

[L][C] Thunder Fang: 30 damage. Flip a coin, if heads the opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Paralyzed.
[L][L][C] Voltage Arrow: Discard all Lightning Energy attached to this Pokemon, then do 100 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance when damaging the Bench.)

Pokemon-EX Rule: When Pokemon-EX is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Vulpix Yolk said:
Hey guys who posted above Arcanyx, this thread is not for discussing Six Corners, we have a Six Corners Discussion thread, you can continue your conversation there :)

Anyways, I really don't see why you would play Level Ball over Pokémon Communication, or even Dual Ball for that matter; I know it does something completely different, but it can search out a larger portion of your deck than Level Ball. I guess Level Ball is just a preference thing. Also, N could be a useful tech if you are decking out more than you should be, which is a possibility that I could see with this deck, 4 Juniper, and 4 Sage's can put a number on your card count. This is a really interesting deck idea, and it should preform well in the metagame. Raikou EX will help this deck out drastically when it is released.

Level ball is for speed since it has no draw backs. Collector covers all of the basics.yes, raikou ex will help a ton when it comes out.
I think that raikou EX will help with any Zekrom EX or eelektrik deck in that it snipes and discards energies, though it will probably not come out any time soon.
iisnumber12 said:
Why are the psychic energies and Jirachi worth it if you just run Zekrom. Mewtwo's second never needs to be used. Yes, Thundurus has a good starting attack, but it doesn't replace the need for Zekrom. I was serious when I said no one plays counter stadiums because the only other decent stadium is Tropical Beach.
The decks that wont be able to do Psyburn if needed will lose to many other things. In addition the attack has great synergy with Eelektrik. In this deck, can you OHKO a Mewtwo EX with no energies in one turn? Psydrive is the key here.
So I believe you don t expect people to play Pokemon Center, Ruins of Alph,the Mewtwo Kyurem Stadium or Burned Tower for example?
people aren't playing them now. They won't play them when they get worse.

apart from tropical beach, what stadiums are being played in the HGSS-NV format?

Back on topic, is EelZone really the only unfavorable match up? and I would argue that Tornadus/Zapdos is a staple for being fighting resists
PUAthelas said:
The decks that wont be able to do Psyburn if needed will lose to many other things. In addition the attack has great synergy with Eelektrik. In this deck, can you OHKO a Mewtwo EX with no energies in one turn? Psydrive is the key here.
So I believe you don t expect people to play Pokemon Center, Ruins of Alph,the Mewtwo Kyurem Stadium or Burned Tower for example?

Why waste space in the deck using Psydrive when you can just X Ball to OHKO Mewtwo EX anyway. You will always be able to do this faster than using Psydrive. Also, I don't think people will play those stadiums because they're plain bad.
Is shaymin worth a tech spot here? I'm finding myself wishing I had it in here during games, but there is no room for seeker/SSU in my list right now so it kind of diminishes the value of it if you can only use it once. And Terrakion/2 prism for the mirror/zone matchups, is it worth it?
Durant matchup? Also, Mewtwo is a better early game attacker, because it can KO weak basics on turn 1 with a DCE. I don't understand the need for eviolite, because your High HP attacker will most likely get 2HKOed either way.
Rougechomp said:
Durant matchup? Also, Mewtwo is a better early game attacker, because it can KO weak basics on turn 1 with a DCE. I don't understand the need for eviolite, because your High HP attacker will most likely get 2HKOed either way.

Eviolite is useful for Mewtwo EX, when it has only DCE attached
Without Eviolite, your opponent´s Mewtwo can OHKO Mewtwo with only PlusPower and DCE attached
27th_wonder said:
people aren't playing them now. They won't play them when they get worse.

apart from tropical beach, what stadiums are being played in the HGSS-NV format?

Back on topic, is EelZone really the only unfavorable match up? and I would argue that Tornadus/Zapdos is a staple for being fighting resists

This is a HGSS-ND deck so you should anticipate to what people are going to play in their HGSS-ND decks. So, people would play Ruins of Alph in Mewtwo decks as a tech against Cobalion/Durant,they will also play Burned Tower in Mewtwo/Gardevoir decks, and they will play Pokemon Center in the Truth and probably in Reshiphlosion.Do you still think you are going to be safe and no one is going to play stadiums/counterstadiums? I don t.
PUAthelas said:
This is a HGSS-ND deck so you should anticipate to what people are going to play in their HGSS-ND decks. So, people would play Ruins of Alph in Mewtwo decks as a tech against Cobalion/Durant,they will also play Burned Tower in Mewtwo/Gardevoir decks, and they will play Pokemon Center in the Truth and probably in Reshiphlosion.Do you still think you are going to be safe and no one is going to play stadiums/counterstadiums? I don t.

I do. None of those stadiums will be played because none of them are good.
After testing a lot with this deck, I hate it. It's almost entirely dependent on drawing well and running hot. Skill hardly decides any matches you play with it.

That being said, when it does run hot, it's easily the most consistent and powerful deck in the format, and one of the fastest. I'll continue working on my list, but it's simply not a deck I can see myself playing competitively. I hate sitting across the table from a total scrub and getting mauled because of my opening hand and in-game draws. :/
Celebi23 said:
After testing a lot with this deck, I hate it. It's almost entirely dependent on drawing well and running hot. Skill hardly decides any matches you play with it.

That being said, when it does run hot, it's easily the most consistent and powerful deck in the format, and one of the fastest. I'll continue working on my list, but it's simply not a deck I can see myself playing competitively. I hate sitting across the table from a total scrub and getting mauled because of my opening hand and in-game draws. :/

I have had very little trouble at all running this deck consistently. Every deck can be plagued with bad opening hands, but I don't think this one is considerably more prone to doing so than any other meta deck. My build relies on massive drawpower, though, so my deck thins out incredibly fast some games and can sometimes turn into a game against the clock, but between Zek EX and Mewtwo, there isn't much that can escape an ohko if you want one.
Basic consistency isn't the problem as much as getting the T1 Mewtwo attacking, and Catcher/Switch/DCE when you need it.

Being able to draw said cards seems to be the deciding factor in 80% of the games I play.
Well I guess it's playstyle that's our difference then. I don't use Mewtwo as an early game attacker, too much of a liability unless you run 3, which I don't. Save it as a counter/sweeper for mid - late game
What do you use as your early-game attacker then? Nothing else is as fast, efficient, or powerful.
Celebi23 said:
What do you use as your early-game attacker then? Nothing else is as fast, efficient, or powerful.

I just use whatever I get first. Justin T. always uses Mewtwo T1 or T2 and he wins lots of his games. Too bad he's banned.
Yeah, I always use Mewtwo ASAP as well. Out of curiosity, what's Justin T's username?
Celebi23 said:
Yeah, I always use Mewtwo ASAP as well. Out of curiosity, what's Justin T's username?

It doesn't matter, he has no posts. It is justintam0731. He was banned because him and bryantam0227 are brothers and they share an IP address.
Celebi23 said:
What do you use as your early-game attacker then? Nothing else is as fast, efficient, or powerful.

Zekrom BW/EX, or Thundurus if it was my starter. T2 Eelektriks make powering anything up incredibly easy, and you don't have to fear the opposing Mewtwo+DCE drop.

Not saying I won't ever use Mewtwo as an early game attacker, but it really depends on the matchup. 40-60 isn't great unless you are able to string a number of catchers early game.
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