The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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@Captain Oats
Thank you. You have been very helpful :D
I'd say 3. With so many cards to draw them (and reuse them) it shouldn't be a big problem to get them. This is however just my opinion, and I believe, that it mostly depends on personal preferances :)
Cubox said:
I'd say 3. With so many cards to draw them (and reuse them) it shouldn't be a big problem to get them. This is however just my opinion, and I believe, that it mostly depends on personal preferances :)

Agreed, it isn't worth the space for 4 because you eventually stop using them. List on OP will be updated soon.
Post States, I have thought of an idea for MEZ. Since this deck plays Sage's Training and Juniper, do you think Research Record could be playable in here? It could maximize your possibilities to discard energies to Dynamotor with it, and make sure you get what you want with Juniper. What do you guys think? Will it work or is it just another one of my crazy ideas?
Nigel said:
Post States, I have thought of an idea for MEZ. Since this deck plays Sage's Training and Juniper, do you think Research Record could be playable in here? It could maximize your possibilities to discard energies to Dynamotor with it, and make sure you get what you want with Juniper. What do you guys think? Will it work or is it just another one of my crazy ideas?

It would help, but it is situational and the deck is really tight as it is and it needs every free spot it can get.
Please put Plus Power under optional techs, it is so AMAZING in the Mewtwo war and against Terrakion. Just sayin'
Gistica said:
Please put Plus Power under optional techs, it is so AMAZING in the Mewtwo war and against Terrakion. Just sayin'

I agree. Also, where's Pokegear 3.0? 2 is a staple so you get a 95% chance of a T1 Collector. Terrakion is also missing from the optional techs.
Nigel said:
I agree. Also, where's Pokegear 3.0? 2 is a staple so you get a 95% chance of a T1 Collector. Terrakion is also missing from the optional techs.

It's not really updated. I'll update it with my current list now.
question, why do you not run thundurus? it's awesome against the mirror and helps the CMT matchup quite a bit (in addition it searches out energy) everything else look nice and solid though.....
The Pikachu Mafia said:
question, why do you not run thundurus? it's awesome against the mirror and helps the CMT matchup quite a bit (in addition it searches out energy) everything else look nice and solid though....

This was my States 5-0 list. I'll update it with my current list one of these days. Probably after Regionals.
oh okay.... on a minor note are all your tynamo NV 38? just wondering if you run a split line of tynamo or anything like that....
The Pikachu Mafia said:
oh okay.... on a minor note are all your tynamo NV 38? just wondering if you run a split line of tynamo or anything like that....

Because I already run 4 switch. I also edited that in my new list.
So does anyone think Kyurem NV with Celebi and Skyarrow might cause problems for ZekEels? Your goal is for Celebi to literally accelerate 1 energy onto Kyurem for Glaciate to bench spread damage on their Tynamo before they evolve them into Eelektrik's. Attach a {W} on T1 and T2, and accelerate 1 {G} on one of those turns with Forest Breath and you've got Glaciate with Kyurem.

Exp. Share something on the bench, then when Kyurem gets KO'ed, get 1 {W} from Exp. Share, promote Celebi and accelerate with 1 {G} using Forest Breath, then manually attach 1 {W} and you've got another Glaciate with Kyurem. Great idea however wouldn't that warrant ZekEel players into running Cobalion to get around Kyurem?

I think the counter would be too slow to get around the bench spread...

The decklist of Kyurem/Celebi would look something like this:

Pokemon (8)

4 Kyurem NV
4 Celebi Prime

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (?)

3-4 Energy Search
3-4 Skyarrow Bridge
3-4 Switch
3 Exp. Share

= T2 Glaciate for the lolz
Card Slinger J said:
So does anyone think Kyurem NV with Celebi and Skyarrow might cause problems for ZekEels? Your goal is for Celebi to literally accelerate 1 energy onto Kyurem for Glaciate to bench spread damage on their Tynamo before they evolve them into Eelektrik's. Attach a {W} on T1 and T2, and accelerate 1 {G} on one of those turns with Forest Breath and you've got Glaciate with Kyurem.

Exp. Share something on the bench, then when Kyurem gets KO'ed, get 1 {W} from Exp. Share, promote Celebi and accelerate with 1 {G} using Forest Breath, then manually attach 1 {W} and you've got another Glaciate with Kyurem. Great idea however wouldn't that warrant ZekEel players into running Cobalion to get around Kyurem?

I think the counter would be too slow to get around the bench spread...

The decklist of Kyurem/Celebi would look something like this:

Pokemon (8)

4 Kyurem NV
4 Celebi Prime

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (?)

3-4 Energy Search
3-4 Skyarrow Bridge
3-4 Switch
3 Exp. Share

= T2 Glaciate for the lolz

It would just be beasted by Aggro Mewtwo.
It would lose to MTC. They could just power up a Mewtwo and sweep, you would only take a prize every 2 turns off a Celebi or something. Same with ZekEels.
This video might say otherwise of the deck working amazingly well on The Top Cut against CMT:

It was in Round 3 of Illinois States. The guy running the Kyurem deck lost in the Top 16 of Masters Division. If Chris hadn't of gotten that 5th PlusPower KO with Kyurem EX on Mewtwo EX he most likely would've lost the game to Yoshi. Surprisingly enough Yoshi didn't even slap an Eviolite on Mewtwo EX either...
One game is definitely not enough to sway my thoughts on the topic. If someone tested at least 10 games against a reputable player, and it ended up as favorable towards the Kyurem player, then I would agree with you.

Also, top 16 isn't a very big achievement. If it got top 4 or higher somewhere, then I might agree with you.
True it's not that good, but going out and acting like saying someone who made Top 16 or Top 30 is a scrub is very elitist of you to act that way and I also find it insulting...
I'm not saying that at all. You have to be good to make top 16. I'm just saying I wont believe that the deck he was playing is top tier unless he got at least top 4 or higher, or has placed well at multiple tournaments.
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