The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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Card Slinger J said:
True it's not that good, but going out and acting like saying someone who made Top 16 or Top 30 is a scrub is very elitist of you to act that way and I also find it insulting...

He said it wasn't a huge achievement. Not bad. Also, it depends on who is there, what everybody's playing, and luck.
Zekrom-EX still good? I can't help but feel like even though it does do good damage and can outlive Mewtwo for a bit, 150 doesn't OHKO too much that Zekrom can't take care of with a PlusPower.
zekrom EX is still awesome and I've had people telling me to run 2 of them (I just traded my second one >:eek:) anyways zekrom EX can OHKO any 130hp basic with eviolite equipped to them something that even mewtwo has trouble doing 150 can also finish off a reshi EX that just used brave fire and is your only hope against mewtwo in Zekeels if you run low on mewtwo. It also helps with the Truth matchup, it OHKO's magnezone prime, and put's late game pressure on your opponent to play EX cards to absorb the damage (at which case you just catcher the EX's up before their ready and ko them at the end of the game =P)
I khow this should not be added in this thread, but a darkrai Ex, a Terrakion, and 3 Prisim's can really help with retreating under Trainerlock. the reason I don't advise putting in fighting energy in this sort of build is because You can use pris on terrakion as Fighting, then to retreat it next turn, you turn it iinto dark type energy, and go straight back to attacking normaly.
I don't think the above idea is terrible, but I also don't think that it's worth it. It is just too much too a 5 cards.
Giantoshawott said:
I am using it in my Zekeels build, and it is doing good.

did you proxy the cards? or are you testing on play TCG? Also if it's not too much how is your win-lose ratio with this deck? I definetly like the idea as it saves terrakion from have to start/say in the active spot :/
Proxying. It is like standard Zekeels, just with a 5% more chance it will lose. Because It's clunky, abit.
Giantoshawott said:
Proxying. It is like standard Zekeels, just with a 5% more chance it will lose. Because It's clunky, abit.

Why would you use something that is more likely to lose.
To make It more consistent. It makes it possible to do 150 each turn, without having to worry about needing a switch in hand.
I'd use it cause it has terrakion in it thus giving it a better chance against mirror and dark decks while weakening it's other matchups =P
alexmf2 said:
You still need a Switch. You can't retreat twice in the same turn.

ahh, but we aren't. We dyna onto a benched zekrom EX, retreat, and strong volt.
Giantoshawott said:
To make It more consistent. It makes it possible to do 150 each turn, without having to worry about needing a switch in hand.

You're basically saying that investing five cards of your deck in order to do 150 damage every turn is more consistent (which itself is already a flawed statement), and should be used even though it decreases your odds of winning.

While 150 damage every turn is nice, it isn't worth doing that.

Giantoshawott said:
ahh, but we aren't. We dyna onto a benched zekrom EX, retreat, and strong volt.

You're now assuming that you will always be able to hit a Double Colorless Energy after you Strong Volt. Which doesn't even work considering that you have to attach Prism Energy onto your Active Zekrom-EX to give it a free retreat with Darkrai the turn after you Bolt Strike.
So basically Tom Hall's strategy? I think he had it better, with Switch you don't need to dilute your energy, and it would be hard to find 3 Darkness.
hey I have a question, how do you beat a mirror matchup with zekeels (when your not using a second zekrom EX or a terrakion)
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