The Mewtwo EX/Eelektrik/Zekrom Discussion Thread

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Team UN (White)


The main strategy of this deck is to overwhelm your opponent. Early game you want to use the Zekroms. Try to KO their support cards and deny them set up. Mewtwo-EX is better for late game when you have multiple Eelektriks in play and can get 4-5 energy on it in one turn. Make sure to play your supporters at the right time and to anticipate your opponent’s next move. This deck is great because it always can get the revenge KO!

Sample List:

Pokémon (14)
2 Mewtwo EX
3 Zekrom
1 Zekrom EX
3 Eelektrik
4 Tynamo
1 Cleffa

Trainers (32)
4 Professor Juniper
3 Sage's Training
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Level Ball
4 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Pokegear 3.0
4 Switch
1 Super Rod

Energy (14)
10 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy

Optional Techs
Regigigas EX
Skyarrow Bridge
Super Scoop Up

Card Explanations:

Mewtwo-EX- This is one of the main attackers in the deck. It abuses Eelektrik’s ability and can hit for a lot of damage. This card also can take advantage of an opposing Mewtwo-EX's weakness. For only 3 energies, you can one shot your opponent’s Mewtwo and take 2 easy prizes. This card is also great because it takes Double Colorless Energy like Zekrom EX and can be set up in one turn.

Zekrom- This card is great to one shot some of the Pokemon with less HP in the format. This card is mainly for OHKOing Reshirams after an Afterburner. This is another card that can be set up in one turn to turn the game around.

Zekrom-EX- This card is the main attacker of the deck. It strikes for 150 a turn (with the use of switch and Eelektrik or Double Colorless Energy) and can take out some of the biggest threats in the game. This card is also great to take out opposing heavy hitters to shut down your opponent, not to mention he will be around for 2-3 turns with his massive 180 HP.

Eelektrik- This is the fuel of the deck. This card lets you set up Zekroms and Mewtwo-EX the turn you bench them. This card is the mount of all of your comebacks and can be gotten out consistently with Level Ball.

Tynamo- This card is mainly to evolve into Eelektrik. I chose the Tynamo with 40hp to avoid being OHKOed by Chandelure and Kyurem. The retreat also helps get energy into the discard or can be covered by Skyarrow Bridge.

Cleffa- This card is mainly in here for its free retreat. It can also be used to get a searchable hand refresh if you somehow manage to get a dead draw.

Professor Juniper- This is amazing draw power for this deck. Since you only play Basics and Stage 1s, you don’t have to worry about discarding key Pokemon. This card is also amazing at getting Lightning Energy into the discard pile to accelerate with Eelektrik.

Sage’s Training- Like Professor Juniper, this card is an amazing draw source. You can discard the Lightnings for Eelektrik and get cards like Pokemon Catcher and Level Ball when you need them.

Pokemon Collector- This card is simply to get the basics out of your deck so you can set up as quickly as possible. Later in the game it can also be Junk Armed.

Professor Oak’s New Theory- This card is like Juniper except it doesn’t help get energy into the discard. It can help you keep from decking yourself though.

Level Ball- This is an amazing search card for the deck. It lets you get your only evolution with no drawbacks. Four of these is a must to guarantee an extremely quick set up.

Junk Arm- This card lets you re-use any of your trainers. It can also be used to get rid of useless Collectors and get energy into the discard. Four is practically a staple for Eelektrik decks.

Pokemon Catcher- This card is a great card that lets you take cheap KOs. You can use this card for almost anything. It could be disruption, or taking out an opponent’s Pokemon that is still being set up.

Pokegear 3.0- This card is great for getting a turn one collector to set up. It can also be used to get a supporter late game and is also Junk Arm-able.

Switch- This is a great card in this deck. It makes up for Eelektrik’s heavy retreat and can let you re-charge Zekrom-EX after an attack. It also lets you bring your damaged EXs back to the bench.

Super Rod- This card is helpful to this deck in several ways. First, it can get you back energies or pokemon that are crucial to your late game. It also allows you to last an extra turn or two against Durant.

Lightning Energy- This is the energy that is accelerated in this deck. It fills the cost for Zekroms’ attacks and is really important to the deck’s strategy.

Double Colorless Energy- This card helps fill the need for Mewtwo-EX's and Zekrom EX’s attacks. It can also let you use Zekrom-EX’s attack twice in a row which is brutal.


Regigigas EX- This is great if there are a lot of decks that play Mewtwo-EX in your area. It uses DCE like the rest of your deck and lets you avoid some weaknesses.

Zapdos- This is an interesting tech. It can be used to take out your opponent’s support cards. It also uses Double Colorless Energy and has a decent amount of HP. The Fighting Resistance is useful when two of your main attackers have a Fighting Weakness.

Thundurus- This card is good to get out energy early game. It can also be used to KO Pokémon like Magnemite and Cyndaquil early game.

Eviolite- Since all of your attackers are Basics, this card will give them a little more survivability. This can keep your Zekroms and Mewtwo-EXs around for another turn giving you another prize card.

N This is a card many Zekeels players think is a must have. I personally don't run it because it is too risky for my taste. It can make an easy opening for a comeback late game and it can disrupt your opponent allowing you to get ahead quickly.

Terrakion- Terrakion is a great card in the mirror match. Its best use is OHKOing Zekrom EX, but it can be used to OHKO other stuff if need be.

Skyarrow Bridge- Since almost all the cards in this deck are Basic, this card will lower their retreat and make it easier to switch attackers.

Stunfisk- This is a very strange card to tech into this deck. It does allow a quick turn around in the game such as paralyzing your opponent's Mewtwo EX though. However, its main purpose is to OHKO a Zekrom after a bolt strike.

Tyrogue- This card is great in the Mirror as well. It can be used to OHKO your opponent's 30 HP Tynamos and put you up on prizes. Once this little dude gets you up a bit, it is really easy to take the game from there on out.

PlusPower- This can be a decent card to OHKO a lot of different cards. It helps a bunch in the Mirror to OHKO an eviolited Zekrom after a Bolt Strike.

Super Scoop Up- This card is an interesting tech in this deck. I can't really explain the situations it can be used in, but it helps a lot sometimes. The only problem is it's a little flippy.

Tornadus- Like Thundurus, this card can be a turn 2 hitter to put you ahead early game. It can also help against Donphan's rising popularity.

SmeargleThis is another card that allows you to get supporters and set up quicker. It will also usually have free retreat because most decks play Skyarrow Bridge.


Vs. Mirror
In this matchup, you want to use the regular Zekrom as much as possible. Also, be careful with your Mewtwos and go for their Eelektriks.
50/50 Even

Vs. Six Corners
To win this matchup you have to get out multiple Zekrom-EX and consistently OHKO all of their Pokémon. Be aware of their Terrakions, though.
70/30 Favorable

Vs. Reshiram/Typhlosion
The way you play this matchup is by taking out their Typhlosions with Zekrom-EX. Also, be careful of when you put down Mewtwo-EX since they sometimes tech in one or two of their own.
55/45 Slightly Favorable

Vs. Magnezone/Eelektrik
Just set up as quickly as possible. Try to use regular Zekrom to take out their Eelektriks and KO their Magnemites and Magnetons to deny them draw. Stay ahead on prizes and you should win this one.
40/60 Unfavorable

Vs. Chandelure/Vileplume
Set up Zekrom-EXs and tons of Eelektriks. You also want to target their Litwicks instead of Oddishes. You also should be fine if you can take out both Doduos.
75/25 Very Favorable

Vs. Celebi/Tornadus/Mewtwo
If you refrain from benching Mewtwo-EX, the game is practically yours. Slowly hack away at Mewtwo-EX and take any OHKO you can get. If you see prism or fighting energy, stay prepared for Terrakions.
60/40 Favorable


In conclusion, this deck is fast, consistent, and heavy hitting. Just remember to play your cards at the right times and you should be making top cut every time!

I do not think pichu is really needed, and I would much rather have 4 collectors than a pichu in a deck like this, and since it is important to start discarding energy from T1, I'd suggest a thundurus to discard energies faster. Usually you would have some eelektriks out by T2, so I think that thundurus would make a better starter than Zekrom (just my opinion).
Jirachi said:
I do not think pichu is really needed, and I would much rather have 4 collectors than a pichu in a deck like this, and since it is important to start discarding energy from T1, I'd suggest a thundurus to discard energies faster. Usually you would have some eelektriks out by T2, so I think that thundurus would make a better starter than Zekrom (just my opinion).

Pichu is mainly in there for its free retreat. You can just use switch to Pichu so you can Dynamotor on your previous active, then retreat for it again. It is rarely used to set up though. I personally don't like Thundurus, but I put it in the Optional Techs. Zekrom is my main starter that can hit for 120 turn 2 (usually)
pokemonjoe said:
If that's all pichu is for, why not use cleffa? Same thing, but it's more useful.

Pichu is also a great starter that can get basics if needed to. Since you run a lot of draw supporters, you will never really need Cleffa. Pichu also tricks your opponent into not using collector over sage's or something.
I don t know why people keep playing Zekrom with Eelektrik when Thundurus is way better.
I don t like Zekrom Ex in here, cause under trainer lock you cant switch out and the retreat is too heavy considering people will play counter stadiums.
I don´t think this deck wanna use PONT because N works better in this deck, many decks doesn´t wanna draw 1 or 2 cards (This deck can do that because it gets energies from Discard Pile)
PUAthelas said:
I don t know why people keep playing Zekrom with Eelektrik when Thundurus is way better.
I don t like Zekrom Ex in here, cause under trainer lock you cant switch out and the retreat is too heavy considering people will play counter stadiums.

How is Thundurus way better? Zekrom does 120 and has 130 HP and Thundurus does 80 and has 110 HP. Zekrom EX is great in this deck because you can do 150 damage and no one plays counter stadiums.

ZekromFan said:
I don´t think this deck wanna use PONT because N works better in this deck, many decks doesn´t wanna draw 1 or 2 cards (This deck can do that because it gets energies from Discard Pile)

I personally like PONT better because you are guaranteed 6 cards. Disrupting your opponent can be nice, but with this deck I'd rather make sure I get the cards that I need. You also will usually take a prize turn 2 or 3, so you'll be getting the short end on N.
Mewtwo isn't a main attacker.... The deck is Eel/Zekrom with Mewtwo to use against opposing Mewtwos.
HenryP said:
Mewtwo isn't a main attacker.... The deck is Eel/Zekrom with Mewtwo to use against opposing Mewtwos.

That's not 100% true. Mewtwo is a great attacker against many decks. Zekrom is the main attacker, but you can't rely on it to win you every game. For example, if you're against 6 corners, you need to use Mewtwo EX as your attacker
iisnumber12 said:
How is Thundurus way better? Zekrom does 120 and has 130 HP and Thundurus does 80 and has 110 HP. Zekrom EX is great in this deck because you can do 150 damage and no one plays counter stadiums.

I personally like PONT better because you are guaranteed 6 cards. Disrupting your opponent can be nice, but with this deck I'd rather make sure I get the cards that I need. You also will usually take a prize turn 2 or 3, so you'll be getting the short end on N.

Well Zekrom does 120 but due to recoil damage its remaining hp is always lower than Thundurus hp the turn after. In addition Thundurus is a better starter due to its charge attack and has better synergy with this deck since regular Zekrom doesn t discard any energy.If your main concern is how to deal 120 or 130 with pluspower with this deck the play in my opinion is too run a couple psychic energy and a jirachi in order to do Psyburn with Mewtwo( Discard psychic energy with thundurus, zekrom ex ,sages, junk arm, etc,drop jirachi, drop shaymin, catcher and ko opposing mewtwo with 0 energy via psyburn to take last to prizes ftw)
By the way, I guess you are not serious when you say no one plays counter stadiums (assuming we are already playing HGSS-ND)
PUAthelas said:
Well Zekrom does 120 but due to recoil damage its remaining hp is always lower than Thundurus hp the turn after. In addition Thundurus is a better starter due to its charge attack and has better synergy with this deck since regular Zekrom doesn t discard any energy.If your main concern is how to deal 120 or 130 with pluspower with this deck the play in my opinion is too run a couple psychic energy and a jirachi in order to do Psyburn with Mewtwo( Discard psychic energy with thundurus, zekrom ex ,sages, junk arm, etc,drop jirachi, drop shaymin, catcher and ko opposing mewtwo with 0 energy via psyburn to take last to prizes ftw)
By the way, I guess you are not serious when you say no one plays counter stadiums (assuming we are already playing HGSS-ND)

Why are the psychic energies and Jirachi worth it if you just run Zekrom. Mewtwo's second never needs to be used. Yes, Thundurus has a good starting attack, but it doesn't replace the need for Zekrom. I was serious when I said no one plays counter stadiums because the only other decent stadium is Tropical Beach.
iisnumber12 said:
That's not 100% true. Mewtwo is a great attacker against many decks. Zekrom is the main attacker, but you can't rely on it to win you every game. For example, if you're against 6 corners, you need to use Mewtwo EX as your attacker

6 corners is horrible next format though....
In my opinion, I think Six Corners is actually just as good as it was before since all the exs are around now to take multiple prizes off of them. Six Corners in my opinion also in one way became better with Skyarrow bridge (kind of) and prism energy.
I have tested it in this format and without good energy acceleration like the rest of the format it's sup-par.
HenryP said:
6 corners is horrible next format though....

Six Corners isn't horrible Next format. As Jirachi said, it only gains from Next Destinies. It also can one shot EXs through weakness.
waht changes to it have you made since you have to change most of it?
also i think it only gains from nd to IMO
I think a tech Smeargle should be used in any deck playing Skyarrow. Very versatile in setting up. More so in this deck since you'll want a T2 attack for the early pressure. Lead with Thundurus/Zekrom EX would be my choice though.
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