Discussion The New "Safeguard" Abilities are Broken...

Although those non-gx metagross are rotating (ancient origins), even leaving a metang unevolved with 3 energy will 1 shot a baby ninetales with metal weakness (80x2)

You just have to notice the matchup and try to leave one unevolved
Or just bait then onto throwing it active. Here's the thing, it has to be active for the wall, meanng they aren't attacking with the GX Ninetails. Mini-tails takes 5 hits to kill 1 Metagross, a banded one takes 3. Meaning if they keep it active, you can easily set up for free. Maybe play a Guzma here or there, but either way, that Ninetails is not doing anything to Metagross GX+Max Potion. Sure you could use Metang, but honestly, I would just put Metagross up front and wall it right back. The only way Ninetails works as a wall is if it's the only thing on the board. Have a Metang sitting on bench and just Guzma around Ninetails BUS, if they leave that Pokemon as their sole one on board, win the game with Metang. It's a bad strategy to play BUS Ninetails into Metagross, because it's useless.
That's a good point, didn't think about that. It probably works in favour of Metagross if you're waiting to setup anyway.
That's a good point, didn't think about that. It probably works in favour of Metagross if you're waiting to setup anyway.
In order for the Safeguard cards to be good, they have to be offensive, or have something to be offensive with. Your one saving grace is Decidueye. Because you have Owl backing your damage, maybe you can lead with BUS Ninetails and be an effective wall. There's arguments to be made whether that would be best or the Hoopa (shining leganeds) version would be better (Basic with more health vs Vulpix lead), but with both of the Safeguards, they have to have Owl, they can't do it on their own.