This is on a
Silver ROM. I will be grinding EVERYTHING in my party until it is about 5 levels above the GL.
My Rules!!!
- Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be PERMANENTLY BOXED.
- I must catch the FIRST Pokemon in each area, UNLESS I already have caught it as my 1 pokemon per route
- All pokemon MUST be nicknamed
- Considering a black out/white out to be "game over," even if there are Pokémon left in the PC.
- Limiting Pokémon Center visits to a certain number per town.
- I MAY use more PokeCenters, but I must pay a $400 Fine each time (Discard 2 PokeBalls)
- Rather than releasing the Pokémon, it can be migrated or permanently boxed should it happen to faint.
- Legendaries may be caught (For use after the Nuzlocke), BUT must be PERMANENTLY Boxed!
- Pokemon presented to me in the storyline MAY be used, and WILL NOT Count as my pokemon for that route (Eg. Lake of Rage G-dos)
PokeCenter Tally
CherryGrove City - 1
Violet City - 2 + 1
Union Cave - 2
Azalea Town - 2 + 1
Goldenrod - 2
Pokemon Per Route
Route 29 - N/A (No Pokeballs Yet)
Route 30 - N/A (No Pokeballs)
Route 31 - Bacchus (Bellsprout)
Route 32 - Kampe (Ekans)
Route 33 - Aeolus (Spearrow)
Route 34 - Janus (Hypno)
Route 35 -
Violet City (Sprout Tower) - Faunus (Ratatta)
Violet City (Prof.'s Aide) - Athena (Togepi)
Ruins of Alph - None seen yet
Union Cave - Terra (Geodude)
SlowPoke Well - Somnus (Zubat)
Ilex Forest - Aquilon (Kakuna)
Zephyr badge
Hive Badge
Plain Badge
In Storage
Somnus (Zubat) lv.5
Aeolus (Spearrow) lv.6
Aquilon (Kakuna) lv.6
My Losses
Terra (Geodude) lv.19 (Lost to a Critical hit by Whitney's Miltank

Current Team
Jupiter (Quilava) lv.22
Bacchus (Bellsprout) lv.16
Janus (Hypno) Lv.13
Kampe (Ekans) lv.11
Faunus (Ratatta) lv.10
Athena (Togepi) lv.10