The Official Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Thread

I found my PMD2! If anybody wants to know, heres how you evolve:
Beat the game
Recruit Palkia
Recruit Manaphy (do missions for a few days)
Ensiger said:
Just stick with it, you'll get a blue gummi eventually from Craggy Coast.
And remember, there's no set date you have to get the blue gummi, so, get an electric pokemon, and just keep going through it =)

And Shadow, I said that thing about recruiting Palkia out of experience. I beat the entire game, and couldn't evolve. I recruited Palkia, and bam, I could evolve...coincidence?

Yeah, Ive beaten the game too. Its just been awhile. I forgot the order of things.
Can anyone help me? I'm currently stuck trying to get the last Guardian of the 7 treasures, Giratina, in Sky. I've already beaten him by myself as Pikachu (Thunderbolt, Slam, Agility, and Dig) but he wouldn't recruit right away like the other 6 did (thank Arceus). Are there any suggestions besides a friend bow because I will NEVER take off my Red Bow no matter how many times I'm defeated. (Literally, I went through the whole main story wearing it.) Help?
Joey.He NEVER Recruits on the first Visit.You have to do it 2 times.
What's the rank after Master *** Rank? Because it's taking me forever to get there, and I still have some 62000 Explorer Rank points left to go until the next rank! It's driving me insane! O_O

P.S. Any tips on getting to Rayquaza and Kyogre? 'Cause even though I'm a Lv.83 Lucario and my partners are a Lv.67 Glaceon and Lv.64 Phione, I keep dying. Key Word: ME.

Oh, yeah, palkia dialga clash, I recruited Giratina on the first try. Lucky, I guess.
Recruiting ANY legendary pokemon is a 50/50 chance.

For me, I hold the Golden Mask Item. It raises teh odds of recruiting.

Pokemax55: The last rank is Guildmaster Rank. It takes awhile, but is worth it.
Also, tips for getting to Rayquaza and Kyogre; Use Warp Scarf. Every few steps it will warp you to a new location on that floor.
So just keep warping around until you reach the stairs on each floor.
I just got it after my third visit. All I needed to do was bring my partner (a Vulpix named Sarah) and a pokemon from a challenge (Mewtwo) with me so I could get it. I've never heard of Guildmaster rank before. Does it come with anything special?
Joeypals!! said:
I just got it after my third visit. All I needed to do was bring my partner (a Vulpix named Sarah) and a pokemon from a challenge (Mewtwo) with me so I could get it. I've never heard of Guildmaster rank before. Does it come with anything special?

Never heard of it!?
...Oh well. Nothing too special really. It does however, give you access to Inferno Cave. (entei's location via challenge letter)
Okay, now I need some advice.

Im trying to get a Bronzor. I can ONLY get it from Spacial Rift floors 7-12.
However, Ive gone in there about 7 times, and only found one 3 times.
I have Golden Mask to increase my odds or recruiting to 50%. A coin flip.

Yet all 3 times I missed it....

Anyone know how to make it appear more often?
pokemax55 said:
What's the rank after Master *** Rank? Because it's taking me forever to get there, and I still have some 62000 Explorer Rank points left to go until the next rank! It's driving me insane! O_O

P.S. Any tips on getting to Rayquaza and Kyogre? 'Cause even though I'm a Lv.83 Lucario and my partners are a Lv.67 Glaceon and Lv.64 Phione, I keep dying. Key Word: ME.

Oh, yeah, palkia dialga clash, I recruited Giratina on the first try. Lucky, I guess.

It's guildmaster rank. and keep trying, i'm sure you'll get it soon enough :D

GASPETH! my level 83 luxio can't beat treacherous waters. What is the world coming to when an electric type pokemon can't survive a water type dungeon?
How do you recruit manaphy? I got the egg and hatched it and fed it a blue gummi and now it is sitting at cyndaquil's and it wants another gummi.... know where I can find one.

Also will it want another gummi after this....if so how many more will it eat.
shadoworganoid said:
Okay, now I need some advice.

Im trying to get a Bronzor. I can ONLY get it from Spacial Rift floors 7-12.
However, Ive gone in there about 7 times, and only found one 3 times.
I have Golden Mask to increase my odds or recruiting to 50%. A coin flip.

Yet all 3 times I missed it....

Anyone know how to make it appear more often?

Well, you can just get it's devolved form (forgot it's name), train it, then evolve it into Bronzor. Seems like much less of a hassle than trying to recruit it. And I find that weird, usually when I got Spacial Rift, I get sick of Bronzor, cause it seems to me like it's sometimes the only pokemon that will spawn for quite a while.

the two star gambler said:
How do you recruit manaphy? I got the egg and hatched it and fed it a blue gummi and now it is sitting at cyndaquil's and it wants another gummi.... know where I can find one.

Also will it want another gummi after this...if so how many more will it eat.

I think he'll ask for like, one more gummi, Idr.

But he'll join later on, because you end up releasing him into Walrein's care. I think that's when you do the Palkia stuff, Idr that either, then a few days later, Manaphy returns, full of actual language, and asks to join you.
Ok do you know were I can get blue gummies. I've spent the last 2 days trying find them. But no luck, please tell me were to find blue gummies.
Craggy Coast is where you get them. Although, you might get unlucky like me, and might have to go through it a few times >.<

Gah, shadoworganoid, don't I feel stupid, lol. I thought you were talking about Bronzong, Bronzor's evolved form. Anyway, I guess you can just stock up on a ton of supplies, and just camp there. As soon as you are about to get kicked out, move up a floor. That's usually what I do (learned to do that at Aegis Cave, because that cave is as annoying as a five year old who hasn't napped in three days).
Yeah, I FINALLY recruited one.
Its currently at Lv 22. Evovles at Lv 33. Sigh....

Soon, my team will be: Luxray (leader) Gardevoir, Breloom, Bronzong.

Team Arashi. Fear us!
Hehe, my team, which I'm working towards again since my game got erased, is Blaziken (leader), Raichu, Lucario, and Dusknoir. Blaziken deals a ton of damage, and with mirror move can take on entire monster houses by itself, Raichu is good for killing multiple enemies with Discharge, Lucario and Dusknoir for kill enemies from behind us (or in Dusknoir's case, with shadow sneak, even in front of us.) Took me awhile to come up with my roster, lol.
After you get that, please trade teams with me. Currently, I have:
(Me) Joey [Pikachu]
(Partner) Sarah [Soon to be Ninetales]

I'd like to see how we match up! Anyway, can someone leave a list of the legandaries you get with the Mystery Part and the Secret Slab in Sky?
shadoworganoid said:
I know right? Luxray can clear an entire monster house with discharge.

Yah, the monster house thing only became really useful after story mode, where Rhyperiors and Manectrics weren't appearing as much >.<

And Joey, were you talking to me, or Shadow? Or both?
I was talking to Shadow, but how about both of you? I finally got my team fully evolved (except for me) so I'm ready to go!