BW/BW2 The Pokemon Global Link Discussion Thread

So today I decided to rush through the Pokemon capturing part and try my hand at searching through my Dream Pal's friend's friend's friend's etc houses and managaed to pick up pretty much every berry that could be found XD I also got me a male Nidoran with Super Fang~
Does that include Ev berries? Do you know how to get them? I really need 1 Hondew Berry for my Zekrom (It slew Reshiram...) GRRRR!!!!
@Caledrith: As far as is known, the EV reducing berries aren't available in Dream World right now, and it isn't known whether they'll ever be made available.
@Winter: You jumping over bridges for berries too, eh?
This may be a repeated question but does anyone know whether the option to send more than one Pokemon to Entralink will be available some time in the future?
Or is it strictly by 'stocking' that the screenshots show many Pokemon in Entralink's forest?

Also, got a Frisk Sentret yesterday. It's really annoying that I have to wait until 9 again though. :l
@DNA: yep! I managed to get about 10-12 berries yesterday that I didn't have. Just gotta wait for all the sitrus and oran berries i have growing in my garden to go away so i can plant the new stuff, lol
DNA said:
@Caledrith: As far as is known, the EV reducing berries aren't available in Dream World right now, and it isn't known whether they'll ever be made available.
@Winter: You jumping over bridges for berries too, eh?

I got 2 of the EV reducing berries today from just randomly visiting people.

Also, could anyone else keep going through the forest yesterday after maintenance and never have the cap of 3 runs through? Yesterday, I ran it 5-6 times and had 4 pages of pokemon to choose when my hour was up. Today, I could only do it the normal 3 times. But because of that, I hit 2100 points today so I got my 4th row of berries for the garden and tomorrow I should hit 2500 points to unlock the Windswept Sky area.
WinterChevalier said:
You can go through the forest more than once? o_O How do you do that? *feels stupid*

When you get to the big tree at the end don't give it a berry instead, in the top left hand corner is Return to home, press that, go back home and run it again. Do this 3 times, after that, no more pokemon or items will show up, so then just give the tree your berry and pick one of the pokemon that you want from your 3 runs that you did.
I think it's somewhere between 3 and 5 times. I figure out when to stop when I don't see a single thing on my run through the forest, and in that case, I HAVE to go take something back to rack up more points later.
This happened to me today. I wish I had kept track of how many times I ran through, before no items or Pokemon showed up. :-/

Took an Igglybuff today, but I'm mad at myself because I have a Jigglypuff already. The DW Ability isn't something I'll really use either. Gah!

Had 3 Grass Pokemon I would've rather taken: Hoppip, Oddish, Bellsprout. Heck, Poochyena or Sunkern probably would've been better choices. Curse your irresistible looks, Igglybuff! Clouting my judgment!
I wound up going through 5 times ^__^ Picked myself up a Surskit with Hydro Pump, too bad it's a male >_< It seems I've only accumulated 1350 DW Points so far, which bums me out, but now that I know I can play through the mini-games up to 5 times, that'll definitely help me get to the Sky area faster
^^ Pretty much the same as you two, except I think I've been six times. Just over 1,500 DP cause I didn't know mini games gave you the most points basically. So now I'm gonna play like every game so I can get to 2,500. Lol

Playing with Wailord is probably my favorite. I hate scooping freaking ice cream.
i've got 2380 rofl

My favorite's probably the "find a Pokemon", and my least favorite is playing with Wailord. I never play the ice cream game because 1) it costs a berry to play and 2) I'm terrible at it.

Now to think of a witty/funny name for a Vanilluxe to send to DW in lieu of Whimsicott.
Yayy! Good day today.

I got a female Lickitung! [:

I managed to go through the forest more than three times. I guess it's normal.
DNA said:
I never play the ice cream game because 1) it costs a berry to play and 2) I'm terrible at it.

There is a foolproof way to win it, if you're interested (you still have to use a berry, of course). You simply gather the flavor with the highest rating for "Easy to Scoop" (or whatever it's called). But you keep on holding your mouse button down, until it won't get any bigger (takes about ten seconds). With this lump, place it in the sphere that shows you where to drop the stuff, and you should automatically reach 20 inches.
With this lump, place it in the sphere that shows you where to drop the stuff, and you should automatically reach 20 inches.
I think the hard part for me is actually making a tower that will stay in place. Forming the base is easy. The highest I can break is 39 inches, and since I'm not that good at the game and it costs a berry to use, I figure I'll just get my points playing the other three minigames/making Dream Pal requests/watering gardens.