BW/BW2 The Pokemon Global Link Discussion Thread

@Quentin: I know some of the older accounts do not have screennames (as that was a feature that was added later - I had to add my own manually). I don't know if this is the problem, but does her account actually have a screenname?
Hey guys maybe someone's already answered this but I have a question relating to gender.

Am I just having bad luck in the Dream World or are is it really hard to find Females in the DW? 'Cause I've encountered several Pokes with a 50/50 chance of either gender, and all have been male. Do we even know? It's just that I really want to transfer those abilities.
I've had the same thing, but the more you play, the more realistic it gets. I'm getting 50/50 ratios a lot now.

DW status update: I ended up going for the full hour. It bugged me about 2 times that my time was up, so I just planted some berries and then left (Diglett gave me an extra flower bed).
When I logged in today, I had 330 Dream Points. Now I have 1100. Lots and lots of minigames.
@DNA Yes, she does have a screen name. I just can't figure this out. ;; It's worrying me because her Pokemon's been asleep the whole time, and she's unable to wake it up.
@Quentin: So Profile -> Wake Up doesn't work?
I also think it's possible to wake up your Pokemon in-game by using C-Gear -> Online -> Game Sync but I'm not sure. ...wait, no it isn't. Dangit.
@thefleee: More Dream Points = more goodies unlocked. For example, extra flower beds and other areas to visit in the Island of Dreams.
DNA said:
Hey guys maybe someone's already answered this but I have a question relating to gender.

Am I just having bad luck in the Dream World or are is it really hard to find Females in the DW? 'Cause I've encountered several Pokes with a 50/50 chance of either gender, and all have been male. Do we even know? It's just that I really want to transfer those abilities.
I've had the same thing, but the more you play, the more realistic it gets. I'm getting 50/50 ratios a lot now.

DW status update: I ended up going for the full hour. It bugged me about 2 times that my time was up, so I just planted some berries and then left (Diglett gave me an extra flower bed).
When I logged in today, I had 330 Dream Points. Now I have 1100. Lots and lots of minigames.
DNA said:
Hey guys maybe someone's already answered this but I have a question relating to gender.

Am I just having bad luck in the Dream World or are is it really hard to find Females in the DW? 'Cause I've encountered several Pokes with a 50/50 chance of either gender, and all have been male. Do we even know? It's just that I really want to transfer those abilities.
I've had the same thing, but the more you play, the more realistic it gets. I'm getting 50/50 ratios a lot now.

DW status update: I ended up going for the full hour. It bugged me about 2 times that my time was up, so I just planted some berries and then left (Diglett gave me an extra flower bed).
When I logged in today, I had 330 Dream Points. Now I have 1100. Lots and lots of minigames.

Alright thanks for the info man, I'll just have to keep plugging away at this.
@DNA The thing is, she can't even log onto the Pokemon Global Link Website to view her profile. It's impossible for her to do because it says 'Processing Membership Information. Please try again later.' every single time. I'm not sure what to do anymore.
One Female Pokemon out of five. FINALLY lol. Lickitung ftw.

dmaster out.
@DNA thanks for clearing that up.

I have only gotten a hoppip and a lickitung. No dream world for me till tomorrow at around 1
Spindry said:
In that case, you probably just have to finish the tutorial all the way through to the end.

I'm pretty sure I've been through it like 4 times now. Every time I log on, they tell me how to use my flower bed, the stuff in my house, the Island of Dreams, my share shelf, how to use OTHER people's share's ridiculous. Lol At first I though it might've been cause the first time I used a computer at my work, and the second time I used my laptop, but I've used my laptop the past 3 times in a row and I've had to click through the tutorials.

I take it you or anyone else isn't having this issue? I was looking for an option to turn 'em off or something, but no luck thus far. :-/
So what's this I hear about shinies not appearing as shinies in dw?

Is their shiny status registered when you meet them in DW, when you chose to befriend them at the tree, or when you when you catch in entralink? (Only reason I mention entralink is because i have heard of people s/ring for a good pokemon in entralink.)

BigUm said:
Spindry said:
In that case, you probably just have to finish the tutorial all the way through to the end.

I'm pretty sure I've been through it like 4 times now. Every time I log on, they tell me how to use my flower bed, the stuff in my house, the Island of Dreams, my share shelf, how to use OTHER people's share's ridiculous. Lol At first I though it might've been cause the first time I used a computer at my work, and the second time I used my laptop, but I've used my laptop the past 3 times in a row and I've had to click through the tutorials.

I take it you or anyone else isn't having this issue? I was looking for an option to turn 'em off or something, but no luck thus far. :-/

I have that issue too, though i chalked it up to a glitch in the system as I had a similar situation with a console game. I've no idea how to fix it though and its getting quite tedious having to click through it over and over.
Im glad that they finally fixed my Game Sync Out of Energy Message from lasting more than 1 day. :p
I just hope my berries arent dead... :(
DNA said:
I think after you do 3 trips to the Tree of Dreams without taking back a Pokemon, stuff stops showing up. So you periodically have to keep taking Pokemon to the Entralink to keep progressing.

And for anyone looking for me in DW, my PGL username is ShamanLorDNA, for anyone who cares. (I don't know how you can make it so that you can visit a specific person's house in DW. I think it just gives you a random person, but after the Dream Pal hookup the bridge will stay.)

You'd think having a "search" feature would be somewhat of a linchpin for something like this, but that doesn't appear to be the case. However, it IS new, and I'm sure they're adjusting and adding things, so I'm not too upset about it as of yet.

I've just been looking at dream pal maps of friends of friends of friends til I get to the people in Japan who have the mansions already. And they usually have good items on their Share Shelves too :D
Does anyone know if we can encounter the Unova starter's in the DW, or will they probably be released via promo in the future?
Elbarto11 said:
Does anyone know if we can encounter the Unova starter's in the DW, or will they probably be released via promo in the future?

Possibly as a promo. They will NEVER realese starters or legends in the DW areas.
Luckily,my berry trees were still alive... :D
And I got some furniture,too...And a Defiant Farfetch´d :p
My next target is a Harvest Exeggcute.
Robot3300 said:
Elbarto11 said:
Does anyone know if we can encounter the Unova starter's in the DW, or will they probably be released via promo in the future?

Possibly as a promo. They will NEVER realese starters or legends in the DW areas.

Guess I'll have to wait then...

It makes sense but it's kind of a shame.
Gleafeon said:
Luckily,my berry trees were still alive... :D
And I got some furniture,too...And a Defiant Farfetch´d :p
My next target is a Harvest Exeggcute.

I got a Harvest Exeggcute yesterday and a Defiant Farfetch'd today! :D