BW/BW2 The Pokemon Global Link Discussion Thread

WinterChevalier said:
So far I've snagged Tangela, Taillow, Nidroran F, and Sunkern~ On another note I seem to run into Bidoof everyday >___<

^Hehe, I know what you mean! I really don't like Bidoof and every time I see the water moving I think, 'Ooh, yay! A cool water type?!' and out pops Bidoof. -.-

So far, though, the Dream World is awesome. Today I accidentally messed up my hour to stay there by leaving to a friend's house after shutting down temporarily and expecting the hour to work that way but it wasn't the case. ;;
Now I have to wait about 15 more hours? That feature is really annoying but I have to say it's helpful because it reduces serious lag. If everyone in the world were on there at once, well, it's obvious to get an idea of how much fun that would be.

I've met Poochyena, Sunkern, Shinx, Ponyta, and Mareep in the past few days (that I remember) and I brought the Shinx, Ponyta, and Mareep home with me~
Just tucked in my Musharna. its taking a little bit.....did it take a while for the computer to "process registrated data" for everyone else?
Too bad that no one has an answer yet. I know that things are still being bugged out. I still can't use my watering can to water my garden.
So far, I have tucked in my gavantula and got a hustle Nidoran male. I'm excited to evolve and raise it into a Nidoking for it's Sheer Force ability.
I tucked in my Scolipede today, but I didn't have anymore berries to use at the wishing tree. a real problem, because I don't know where else to get berries from at the moment.
Looks like i'm starting to get the "Let Game Sync recharge" bug even though it says I can access the DW at the PGL homepage, great, now all my berry trees are gonna die! D:
I heard about a technician breloom has anyone spoted a shroomish yet? I have when playing the mini-games but no luck just wandering around!
Omg. Is there any way that I don't have to watch the tutorial every time I enter the Dream World? Lol

Also, DW ID is same as on here: BigUm
It has an option to "Skip the Movie".

I got everything working with my computer and can finally log in. You can only pick one Pokemon from the Tree and the Pokemon you befriended last time don't show up. So, yeah, that sucks. Also, all the Genders were the same for all the Pokemon I befriended. >_> I decided on a Male Regenerator Tangela. They seem to really not want you to breed these...

dmaster out.
dmaster said:
It has an option to "Skip the Movie".

I got everything working with my computer and can finally log in. You can only pick one Pokemon from the Tree and the Pokemon you befriended last time don't show up. So, yeah, that sucks. Also, all the Genders were the same for all the Pokemon I befriended. >_> I decided on a Male Regenerator Tangela. They seem to really not want you to breed these...

dmaster out.

I got a female Poochyena in it easily. Trust me, you'll find female Pokemon in the DW eventually.
dmaster said:
It has an option to "Skip the Movie".

I got everything working with my computer and can finally log in. You can only pick one Pokemon from the Tree and the Pokemon you befriended last time don't show up. So, yeah, that sucks. Also, all the Genders were the same for all the Pokemon I befriended. >_> I decided on a Male Regenerator Tangela. They seem to really not want you to breed these...

dmaster out.

No I do that every time, but after that, I still gotta go through all her tutorials. Lol gah.
BigUm said:
No I do that every time, but after that, I still gotta go through all her tutorials. Lol gah.

In that case, you probably just have to finish the tutorial all the way through to the end.

WinterChevalier said:
Woot! Just got a Farfetch'd with Leaf Blade! :D
Dang. I caught one earlier, but it only knew Fury Cutter. I definitely found less pokemon today than I did yesterday, but at least today I figured out how to find berries in the game.
I found less today than yesterday too. Yesterday and the day before I was using my Ash's Pikachu but today I used my Loppuny. So I think I'll go back to using Pika tomorrow >_<
Yesterday, I tucked in my GAMESTP Entei. Btw, shinies are not shiny in the DW. I found a Nindoran F, Ratatta M, and Lickitung F. I brought back the Lickitung.
I think after you do 3 trips to the Tree of Dreams without taking back a Pokemon, stuff stops showing up. So you periodically have to keep taking Pokemon to the Entralink to keep progressing.

And for anyone looking for me in DW, my PGL username is ShamanLord, for anyone who cares. (I don't know how you can make it so that you can visit a specific person's house in DW. I think it just gives you a random person, but after the Dream Pal hookup the bridge will stay.)
What are the benefits if house sharing in the dream world? I kinda skimmed through it so I dont really know
Hey guys maybe someone's already answered this but I have a question relating to gender.

Am I just having bad luck in the Dream World or are is it really hard to find Females in the DW? 'Cause I've encountered several Pokes with a 50/50 chance of either gender, and all have been male. Do we even know? It's just that I really want to transfer those abilities.
]: My friend has been having the same problem with the DreamWorld. She continuously gets the error message 'Processing Membership Information.' I've tried both clearing the browser cache and resetting the membership information by hitting 'Save' in the Edit Profile option on her account but it still hasn't worked.

Does anybody know any other solutions? She's been waiting for days.