DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

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RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

TheChariot and I are trying to trade. We both have entered eachother's friend codes correctly, and we are both in the room(Wi-Fi Club), but we cannot find eachother. What's wrong?

Note: This may be because our Time Zones are different, or it might be that I had to reset my Wi-Fi to a different DS.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Sorry if this question might have been asked already but how do you evolve dragonair into dragonite?
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

@Yoshi: You may have to connect and reconnect a few times for it to work. Nintendo WFC is very quirky to say the least, so one or both of you may have to reconnect in close amount of time to each other for you two to see one another.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Yoshidude10 said:
Note: This may be because our Time Zones are different, or it might be that I had to reset my Wi-Fi to a different DS.

Make sure that when you change DSs, you re-register any friend codes you need if you haven't done so already. Unfortunately online play data is saved to the DS hardware rather than the game card, so when you switch DSs your friend roster for the particular game you're playing is completely erased :(.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

If I'm trying to breed for an Adamant Beldum, would putting an everstone on an Adamant Ditto still raise the percentage of getting an Adamant Beldum although both Pokemon are genderless?
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Yes. In the case of genderless Pokemon breeding, you give the Everstone to Ditto. Then the baby will have 50% chance of being Adamant.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Excellent, thank you very much for the answer. :)
I'm assuming that if I give Beldum a Power item, the egg will pick up it's IVs AND the Ditto nature, correct?
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

If the Beldum's holding a Power Item, then yes, whatever stat's IV corresponds to that item will be passed down also.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Thanks again, DNA!
Unfortunately, the IVs of both my Beldum and all 4 of my Dittos are horrendous... breeding time!
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I'm breeding for shinys with the masuda method, it's my first time! So, When I'm breeding, do both pokemon have to be from a different language? My hitmontop is, but ditto isn't.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I've never tried it myself, but I'm about 90% sure the answer is no. It can be your own Ditto and a foreign Hitmontop.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

This question relates to both HGSS and Black and White, but mainly to HGSS. When you get the Shiny Leaf/Shiny Crown on your Pokemon in HGSS, it will appear on the info screen for your Pokemon. Does the Shiny Leaf/Shiny Crown appear on the Black and White status screen? I don't own either game, and I'm curious to figure this out, as I've been striving to get Shiny Leaves on all of my favorite Pokemon.
Thanks in advance.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I would have a horrible explanation for this, so instead, just read this. I have Shiny crowns on my entire in game team, so it isn't too hard to get.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

i have a question regarding mystery gifts-
(this is for english game)My question is which mystery gifts can be shared?

I'm missing these
The darkrai member card(not sure if there is an ENG version or not)
Toys R Us Darkrai
Shiny Entei, Raikou, Suicune
Toys R Us/GameStop Manaphy
Shiny Pichu
Toys R Us Shaymin
Toys R Us Dragonite
The D/P Deoxys
Secret Key(Rotom)
Soul Dew
The Pikachu Forest

Also if there is a way for me to recieve those via- Wi-Fi and friends please LMK :)
Also if someone had a list of mystery gifts for diamond, platinum and soulsilver i'd appreciate it :)
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

If memory serves, only the Japanese Secret Key can be shared locally, and that's limited to a total of five times. Unfortunately, there isn't a real way to get the other events you want, unless you could possibly find the original cartridge the event was given out on (I'd suspect that that would be very hard to do with a Wi-Fi event).
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

^You are correct. The only event that can be shared locally is the Japanese Secret Key, and nothing else. As for how you can receive them? The best way will probably be to trade with someone that already got the event. (In the case of Member's Card and Oak's Letter, though, that won't be possible.)
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

I would have a horrible explanation for this, so instead, just read this. I have Shiny crowns on my entire in game team, so it isn't too hard to get.
Did you even read my question? I asked IF the Shiny Crows/Leaves showed up in Black and White... not how to get them.
RE: The HG/SS Question and Answers thread

Oh, crud. I just saw shiny leaves and such and I ran off to get that link... I normally don't do those kinds of things. Sorry, I guess in response to your actual question, I have no clue. I already Googled it, and all that came up was from HG/SS.
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