DPPt/HGSS The Scammers and Shady Battlers Thread

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True, after all, I didn't make the accusation. However, I PMed EIJI and apologized and told him I cleared him from this thread.

Everyone: Once again, EIJI is not a shady battler. He has an amazing team with some serious stradegy, that's all.
I'm currently battling pokeking it is a 6 poekmon double battle and I beat one of his pokemon but he will not send out the next pokemon and will not say anything what should I do?

Edit: never mind they are on now.
Ho-oh_Master said:
delta_storm said:
You know, I was looking around and saw someone who probably had hacks: TOFERON, who was boasting about Arceus**, Shiny Jirachi**, and probably around 60 shinies(possibly all original if most of them aren't his OT*)

EDIT(**): They did not say that they were hacked.

EDIT#2: I have even more evidence in a PM sent to me:
i can give shiny gyardos with cherish ball for XD lugia


? ,now that is Hacked

Over 60 shinies. My friend has about 30 right now. I traded with TORERON he didn't trade me a hacked pokemon. He is a shiny collector so that means the pokemons will have a different ot trainer's name. I don't know about the gyardos but he didn't give me a hacked shiny groudon.
Cyber End Dragon X leaves and now this thread proves that it wasn't him causing ALL the fighting.

P.S. I don't think he was a disconnector.
It's obvious that your him. You can't stop talking about him in your first two posts.


Not to mention the username.
Agreed with Kevin. The way you talk over the computer sounds just like him, not to mention the username and the fact that almost all your posts have mentioned him.
Yes, very obvious. Oh well. Maybe, just maybe, he's changed. Or maybe he's gotten worse. Let's just hope he did change for the better.
ha ha ha...it was like i was banned...and suddenly a "AntiKross" shows up and says: I´m Not AntiKrozz....ha ha ha...that´s too childish
I like that idea. I actually see that in a few people's My Player Threads. Smart.

AK: That would be like me being "Kevin Garrell"
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