DPPt/HGSS The Scammers and Shady Battlers Thread

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check the route and the level where the Pokemon was caught, then check if that can be done, check if they where hatched into a shiny (egg).
I contradict you saying pokemonrandy is a dsiconnector. He's the 5th Gym Leader in The Official Sinnoh League, and has never, repeat, never disconnected thus far.

Note: Many people have beaten him.
Cyber End Dragon X: You need to be trueful about everything. People don't go making false accusations about you, so don't do it to other people. And it's been done several times.

PMJ: I've been discussing it with The Official Sinnoh League and we have noticed that this thread is far to open to incidents such as this.

The sad part about this is is that it's unavoidable.
But I AM being serious!!!! I talked with PMJ yesterday and I am being very truthful! KG you need to get more facts before arguing with people.
PMJ I PROMISE I am not lying!
Cyber End Dragon X said:
But I AM being serious!!!! I talked with PMJ yesterday and I am being very truthful!  KG you need to get more facts before arguing with people.
PMJ I PROMISE I am not lying!

I'm not really on anyone's side, nor do I really want to. But I agree with Kevin. I highly doubt that someone with a position as a 5th gym leader would be stupid enough to dissconnect.

With all due respect, I'm starting to believe that you're just trying to get attention from everyone. Blastoise King seems to be a fair trader, as I have traded with him TWICE and I haven't had a problem either time. And again with the gym leader thing, I doubt he'd dissconnect while holding such a position as a gym leader. And if many people have beaten him, then why would he be afraid of losing? Didn't think so.

I'll repeat what I said earlier to you when you posted in Blastoise King's thread:

Drop it and move on. Just count your loses and get on with your life, rather than making a big issue out of it.

That's about the nicest way I can put it. It doesn't matter whether what you said was true or not. Just move on and be done with it.
Actually, CEDX, I'm not argueing. I don't argue with anyone; your turning it into an arguement. It's the truth. I monitor all battles that people have in my league.

I completely agree with Wes. I don't want to have this conversation. I'm just making sure justice is served rightly, and that being that pokemonrandy is innocent.

So, as far as I'm concerned, this conversation is over.
Sure you say that it is over.

You have been lying and have said bad things about someone that he proberly has never done.
You would leik it very much when other people forgot it and you get away for free.

And since no1 could ever get any prove of that you lie, you will get away with it!

But as long as l live, for teh sake of all teh humans in teh world(Or at least at Pokebeach) l will make sure that JUSTICE IS SERVED!!!!
The amout of sheer SPAM in this thread is incredible! 5 pages have been wasted arguing over someone's reputation!

Anyway, I think that people who back out of agreed on trades should have thier own listing. I mean, yeah, no harm's really been done but it's a waste of peoples time to negotiate a trade that will just be canceled. Please consider this PMJ.

EDIT: Spam taken care of, thanks Abhorsen.
I just went and cleaned up this thread because it was filled with spam.

Cyber End Dragon X, you are the main problem here and I probably deleted about 10+ of your posts as they were 1 sentence posts about nothing relevant. That is simply unacceptable. You will receive a warning and if anyone else in this thread thinks it's alright to start spamming like Cyber End Dragon X has been doing then you will follow in his footsteps by receiving a warning to. I hope you all can be civil and stop acting like babies from now on.
Alright, after ridding this thread of some personal comments, let's keep things from getting that way again. Only post in this thread if you have genuine information about the topic.
people we should be kind even if some one is lieing cedx you did may be not desever to be banned but that's waht people get for leing.spamming and not playing fair now let's try to be knid and let both people tell thier story before reporting some one they may not desevre to be reported thank you and keep this thread under cntroll and caps lock on is like yelling example: HI LET'S GET STARTED that sounds like i'm yelling but i'm not and you people are so kind even you
Cyber End Dragon X
signed pokemonrandy
A little bit of advice for others (should be common sense):
If someone says they have a legit shiny legendary you should at least be suspisous of its legit-ness (the chances are extremely low of that happening.)
Anyone who says they have a legit arceus is lying, there isn't one yet.
A lot of people are scamming others with hacked darkrais/shaymins that they say came from the glitch. Just check thier summary before the trade and you should be able to tell.
I have a Shiny Mewtwo that is perfectly legit. It is really easy to get legit legendaries, it just takes a lot of time and effort. Just save in front of the legendary, battle it, if it's not shiny, then turn it off and try it again! I had to do it ONLY about 50 times with the Mewtwo for it to be shiny, but I know that it can take 10,000 tries if you're unlucky enough....
Excuse me, I mean to report Elflord because he's claiming he has an Arceus, and he did not say that it's hacked.
His FC:5240 8386 9870

EDIT: I only did this to prevent someone from being scammed.
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