BW/BW2 The Simple 5th Gen VG Questions and Answers Thread

RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Chariblaze said:
...Nacrene City, house west of the Pokemon Center, I believe. It's one of those in that direction.

Thanks for the quick response Chariblaze. Can't wait to breed and EV train an entire army of Cottonee! {G}
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

what determines when the daycare man gives you an egg. is it how many steps you have taken or how long you wait?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Every 256 steps there is a chance of an egg being produced. I believe the formula goes like this:

25% = "They don't like each other much"
50% = "They seem to get along"
75% = "They seem to get along very well"

I don't think the numbers are totally accurate, but you get the picture.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

>_>...that sucks. first you bring the news that heat body doesnt stack and now that i only have a 50% are just the bearer of bad new DNA :p /sarcasm....just incase you didnt know. THANKS
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread long does it take to be able to trade a pokemon in a new gen 5 save file?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I'm not entirely sure of what you mean. You get access to the PokeTransfer machine right after the E4, roughly. You may have to go from Opelucid, but I think you can get there from Nimbasa.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Ok the Pokemon Global Link is now up and running and I've input my Game Sync ID, but when I try to use game sync, it says:
Game Sync has run out of energy. It will take one day to recharge.
Anyone know why its doing this?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Main menu -> Game Sync Settings -> Yes

You can also do it through your C-Gear, though it's kind of self-explanatory (start with Online and go from there).
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Trainer of Shadows said:
Ok the Pokemon Global Link is now up and running and I've input my Game Sync ID, but when I try to use game sync, it says:
Game Sync has run out of energy. It will take one day to recharge.
Anyone know why its doing this?

ya...mine says that too. i think you can only go on the DW once a day...and sadly i accidentally took my poke out so now i get that message :( so i must wait till tomorrow i guess
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

In regards to that DW Eeveelutions game.

I have beaten it 2 times now and when I selected Espeon, it did not save. Now I am about to complete this game for the 3rd time.

Since I do not want to have to go back and do this again, what must I do so it takes after I go after the "This decision is final" menu?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I really want to do Wi-Fi battles, but it just won't let me. I use my normal in-game team, that you can see in my signature, but it says "There was something wrong with your pokemon and you could not participate" or something along those lines. My Wi-Fi signal is perfectly fine and nothing is wrong. What's going on?
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Whenever I try to get onto the DW Fennel's picture with caption says "Processing registration data
Please wait before trying again
This Process may take Five minutes or more" But I have been waiting since last night!!
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I have the same problem, and I've been waiting for almost 24 hours. I'm glad to hear that it isn't an isolated problem, but I don't have a solution.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

The problem might be:
--You didn't send a Pokemon with Game Sync yet, or didn't add the Game Sync ID to your GL profile (but I've bet you tried this already)
--Site traffic situation
--Something inexplicable, probably a bug that will be worked out of the system in the next couple days

I did see this message once, and I just waited to access DW later, and it did work. I'm not exactly sure what to say.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I mean I start a pokemon black I have to wait til badge #1 to be able to trade to another gen 5 game? or when? I forget offhand.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

I think you get access to it when you get to Accumula, at least that's where it happened in the last games.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

In order to trade with other players, you need to get the first badge (Trio Badge), and complete Fennel's basically, obtain the C-Gear.

I think this is also the criterion for accessing Dream World.
RE: The B/W Questions and Answers Thread

Awesome thanks..and, about the Dream world..

I signed up an account on the then japanese only site with my first jpn black..and i tried to log-in to the now US one this morning, and it says my login info is there a way to log-in to and have it marked as logged in..because it said my "username" was already in use when I tried to login with my email, but i know which password i used..and typed the password in. Anyone know why its being stubborn?