The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I'm not.

Anyone going to the Fairfax Cities? Gliscor, you're going, right? Is SWD going?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Going to Chardon tmmrw. 1st city in masters :p
TBH i feel confident cuz i've heard our metagame is just SPs.
Also thanks Zangoose for the help, good luck to you and the rest of the storms :)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Good luck to you too. :p
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Played my 1st cities today and got 3rd (masters) with Arceus.
(5-1: 5-0 Swiss, Lost in semis 1-2)

One of the better guys around here was playing Mew/Rhyperior LvX.
Pretty mean deck. Almost got it with Psychic Omni LvX using Lightning Turn, but I was a turn behind the last game.

Oh well, maybe next week...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Has anyone seen the front page translations? There's a power like Gatrs called Fervor dance, only it doesn't have to be to just one type. It's the final evolution of Pokabu (Tepig). I think this could change the game, as decks like Charizard trade their Typlosion lines for this, and use Fishermen.

I'm just hoping it isn't like Absol Prime, where the card wasn't seen clearly and translated wrong at first.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Enbuoh? Hmm... it's too early to tell. I'm guess I could see it being played with Fire decks, using Ninetales/Fisherman to recover and its power to attach Energy. But it really just seems like another Gatr to me, which didn't see any play.

@creamyjeremy: Good job. Mewperior is a mean deck, but the real way around it is to get an early prize lead and keep taking prizes. Mewperior can only start attacking the turn after Mew uses See Off, so fast recovery and fast prizes help.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

the mewperior deck I fought was by our area's best player.
It was always mew = hard crush by turn 3.
Unfortunately, its set off a lot of attention in the copy-deckers, so I'll probably see it 3 or 4 times this week. I've made some speed mods to help counter it. Hopefully, I don't suffer too bad for the stuff I replaced.

As a side note, I got a hold of a Alph Lithograph 4. Pretty nice for decks that can't use azelf well.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

did awful, i was GOING to play machamp but my friend didn't show so i threw together a Luxchomp in like 5 minutes and went 2-3, should've dropped after 2-1 start but w/e. I played 1 game more than 10 minutes...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

It happens right? That's too bad.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

not going to any this weekend, weekend after i'm going to 2, but it looks like i can't go to GA. My parents said that might take me to 2 states instead of GA Marathon, so now i'm just hoping IND and OH aren't same weekend.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Going to Tewksbury cities tomorrow, wish me luck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Gl, I wish I could go, but my mom's taking my sister to Vermont and my dad's working. What are you playing? Machamp?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Just like last season, I can only go to two Cities this year. Pretty much every Sunday from like 10 till 1, I have to do something private in my life, so it interferes with my tourney-playing. My mom lets me make an exception every once in a while though, which I was I can usually make it to the MD Cities, BR's, and Prereleases.

GL Zangoose.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

GL Zangoose :)

Me i'm just waiting for next weekend...
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I'm waiting for next weekend too.

GL Zangoose
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I may be able to go to 2 more this year, but it's looking like one. I'm in a HUGE deck crisis, because while I love gyarados it's a little inconsistent occasionally and sometimes I just feel like it's cursed. It's probably the best deck I could play though. I have:
Luchomp With any tech like ERL, Donphan etc
DialgaChomp (Already won one cities with it, so probably not going to play it again.)
Garchomp SV
Donphan (Maybe)
Promogon (really kinda want to play this deck, its just so fun.)
Really anything, but there is one machamp deck that I don't look forward to, so maybe just Donphan since it can beat anything. Or maybe even dialga again with all the machamp techs, like drifblim UD or something like that. what do you guys think?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

went to cities today on little sleep, did poorly at 3-2.
had made some deck changes and players mistakes pretty much killed it.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

How does Donphan beat everything? Gyarados? lol I've played Donphan for a while last format. Gyarados still had a 55/45 matchup vs Donphan w/ 3 Tina Let loose and 4 SSU. You had to play it well and hope for the best. This format, I just don't think that that's possible.

Anyway go check out my article.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I already read the article somewhere else, Zangoose. Still a good job either way.

I was looking around at some card scans, and an idea struck me. I was looking at Froslass GL from RR, and I was wondering it's playability in certain decks. Especially against Vilegar. Since Froslass can bring up the Benched Vileplume for one of any Energy and put Vileplume asleep, it would force the Vilegar player to have to use Warp Energy to bring back Vileplume if they want to retreat with Unown Q (only if they miss the flip).
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