The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Machamp is what i'm playing, it's a similar build to Chris's build, meaning i play seekers in it. I can't wait, but can't go to any the 1st weekend.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I think I'm going on the 4th Weekend, to Fairfax on the 18th. I'm running Gyarados with either Lux X Or Blaze.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I MIGHT go to GA marathon, slim chance but still...
W/out that i can only go to 5 or 6 this year...
Prolly 4 or 5 w/ Champ and then 1 or 2 w/ LuxChomp.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Lucky. The most I can go to is 3, but probably 2.
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Playing Machamp for the 1st cities. Decks the best possible play IMO.
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Definitely the play if you ask me, i can't go this weekend but next weekend i can go to one.
IMO it's BDIF b/c it beats SPs pretty handily and w/ the Prime can legitimately beat Stage Two's, also seeker w/ this deck is just broken. I think it's problems are VileGar(which i think will see less play b/c of DGX making a comeback) and Gyarados(which LuxChomp handles pretty easily).
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I'm 4-0 vs Gyarados with my MaChamp(In matches). SP match-ups pretty easy. VileGar's ok, I'm playing Regice and a Rock. Mesprit wins games.
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Eh, after finding out Machamp is sort of the meta in the first Cites I'm going to, I'm not bringing Gigas with me xD My meta is known to change a lot though. Other than Gigas, I'm deciding between BLG, and I'm planning to do a Flygon re-test (but I doubt it'll work).
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Whatever Gyarados your machamp is winning against is bad. I'd like to RS that match, because my Gyarados beats my friend's machamp most of the time. IDK but IMO gyarados comes out on top most of the time, at least for me.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts


If your worried about Machamp, BLG wouldn't do that well.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Machamp v. G-Dos can be even, but depends on lists(the Mesprit is VERY annoying) but with like 2-4 Warp points in Machamp and then the seekers+e-belts you can give yourself a chance.
Also BLG v. Machamp is not fun, i'd reccommend Drifblim UD and 3-4 Spray to stand a chance, TBH w/ Machamp Prime out i've kinda given up on beating Champ w/ SPs.
Also to beat Machamp VileGar tends to do a stellar job.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I'm probably playing Steelix for Cities. It's rogue enough to not be considered meta, and good enough and proven enough to compete. Plus it sets up fast and I've done really well against it in local tournaments going 10-1. In those I faced Luxchomp twice, DialgaChomp twice, Cursegar once, 4 random decks (I said it was local), Blaze/Chomp once (only loss), and a Vilegar. I'm going to post my list soon, can someone help me out?
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IDK if i'd try Steelix, at least in my area, Blaziken FB seems to be gaining popularity.
Although i've seen people have success w/ Lanturn Prime against Blaze FB.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts


The match-up is pretty even IMO. Its whoever gets set up first basically. Like In my Testing heres how it went starting if i go second then gonig first:

Going second:

They start out w/ a smeargle copy my collector, and grab 2 karp and an Ice. Use regimove into my other machop.

My go
Unown R plays to get a Machamp SF set up. Along with Trainers to get it up. Drop mesprit(I'm playing 4 Collector, 4 Comm to get it up). take out take the first prize.

They go
Build up a Garados doing 90 and swing. Lets say they do attach a Rescue.

My Champ is at 90 or 110 depends on Belt or not.

My go
Set up a Champ prime attach DCE(all this search and draw power) fighting tag and crushing punch. also atttempt to set up another Champ Prime.

they do 90/110 and w/e other plays

I go and fighting tag(w/ another Champ) and attach and drop Tina then either seeker or not(depends if I need that extra damage or not) and Champ Buster ko.

If they can set up another G-Dos after that, then thats amazing, if they actually do then rinse and repeat. The match-up is EVEN. If i go first

Attach to machop(which machop is the question but that depends on their start) and Unown R. Also depends on their start. If they play Sableye then it becomes that much easier. Also t1 Mesprit HURTs.

they get a gyarados up and swinging. they take the first prize. also i f i dropped Mesprit they get severely slowed.

I just get a machamp set up with Crushing Punch going or a Hurricaning Champ(If you cant get a Crushing puch up). Read above for the seeker plays and such.

Also minimidget, Dylan Lefavour is bad? lol.
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I'd say if you're worried about Vilegar with your Machamp, play Umbreon, if you're worried about Gyarados, i really don't know what to play. Maybe Mesperit, but how does it hurt Gyarados that much? I'd just play more consistency cards to even up your Gyarados matchup.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I'm going to say it again-
warp point is GOD vs. Gyarados, their bench is usually full of crap and then you get a free prize w/ Take out. Also is Unown R or Uxie better in champ? I'm not playing Unown R but 3-1 Uxie LV.X or 4 Uxie(can't decide), i like the Uxie in it b/c i play seeker so i can scoop up uxie if i want to.
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^I'm playing a 3-1 Uxie and 4 R's. PM me your list if you can't find the space. Are you playing Donphan? I really dislike donphan in Machamp tbh. Not worth the space IMO.
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Donphan would be fine if you play a 2-1-2 Flygon.
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^But that would be a completely different deck.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Donphan >>>> Donphan w/ another attacker, of any kind. Straight Donphan is faster and more consistent.
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