The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

IMO Donphans still iffy. No matter how much I loved that card its just no viable anymore. I really wish that we had Sideboards. If I could side in a 1-1 Donphan vs Gyarados, I could raturn KO's very fast. But then I'd take away consistency if it was mained. =\
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Try Donphan and Machamp with 1-0-1 Flygon. Worked amazingly for me.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

^Why Flygon if Machamp does almost the EXACT same thing? You can just attach to your active and fighting tag and voila you've just retreated without wasting an energy attachment.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

To retreat Machamp, then seeker, and broken time space. The only problem is all of Machamps attacks cost many energy.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

That's the the thing. You don't need to heal Machamp. It's already fine with taking damage with Rage or Champ Buster.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

But champ buster does damage for bench pokemon with damage, which Donphan is awesome at doing.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

100 damage is good, 120 damage with Belt is even better, and if you start off with a Pokemon other than Machamp Prime (like SF Champ), then you're already doing 130 damage. Machamp doesn't need to do 150 or 170 damage.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

100 damage is great, but is it worth it for 4 energy, and the fact that it is a stage 2 with weakness to gengar? Barely.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

But it's 3 with DCE. It's Power helps accelerate and Gengar does 30x. Expert Belt gets Champ to 170 HP doing 120 damage. A Poltergiest does 30x the number of t/s/s in your hand. So, they need you to have 3 trainers in your hand. You have some control over this, plus the fact that it can KO Gengar fast.

On other topics, I went 3-2 at a cities with Steelix Prime.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Good point about the DCE. Nice job at cities. I can only go to 2.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I won my first of two cities with DialgaChomp. And IMO the machamp/donphan thing is nice on paper, but its a little slow.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I came in 3rd in Masters today with Machamp. I beat 2 out of the three gyarados's I played against. The topcut game he never missed a Rescue energy drop, and never got a tails against me. His sleeves and cards were marked, and his cards were bent like a poker players. I went 4-1 in swiss, losing to SP's(lol) because 2 of my Machops were prized and 3 energy. =\
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Eh, I have three weeks, so I'm pretty much taking my time in testing. Still don't know what to play, since I'm looking at rogue decks for Cities.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Wow. Sorry about the cheating and bad luck. Does your Machamp have the Prime? with My old Machamp deck I found sticking the SF one worked better.

What sort of Rogue?
Your going to Fairfax, right?
I have stuff to do so I can't go to DreamWiz for a while.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I'm playing a 4-3-2/2 Machamp Sf-TU-Sf/Prime as my line. It gives you a better chance vs non SP decks.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

@gliscor well, SP rouges could include anything with Beedrill G or Turtwig GL in it. A Garchomp/Turtwig deck could work for similar reasons as DiaglaChomp without the Spc. Metal problem. Use a similar strategy of tank, heal, and snipe. Both can abuse the SP engine and DCE. Some decks to consider are T-Tar with maybe Ampharos if SP's are big in your area, (no Claydol means sad Ampharos). Maybe even Steelix with Flygon or some other heavy tech. (more than a 1-1-1, 1-1, or 1-0-1) You could even try Garchomp SV, Nidoking from the new set, and maybe Regigias who's making a comeback.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Awesome 1st weekend in my area was DOMINATED by LuxChomp...
and some Magnezone variant also did welll....
Machamp is looking good :)
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

^How did you do?
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

I didn't go the 1st weekend, i'm going to 1 this weekend, than 1 each of the next couple, maybe GA, then 2 the last weekends.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! No more "I want this card in Call of Legends" posts

Anyone going to the NJ marathon?
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