The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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Are you running any Regice/Registeel/Lunatone at all? Because, trust me, 3-4 Felicity's is the way most Gyarados decks go. And it's a good thing, since it helps give a really fast draw and stuff. Running Claydol in a deck that can base the draw around Felicity's isn't a good idea, since it is easy Luxray bait.
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I run only 3 Felicity's Drawing, but I'll add 1 more to the deck. Thanks.
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G-dos can run any list with differnt techs they all work but I think that a 1-1 claydol is needed but you have Felicitys and other draw power for that anyway G-dos gets killed by Lux and shuppet let me refrase that Shuppet becasue of mime.

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I don't know if the Vileplume/Gengar idea is completely dead in this group right now but I just thought I'd share that Unown K can heal the opponents active so with two Gengars out you can successfully lock an opposing spiritomb.

Also does anyone know the meta-game for New Hampshire because I'm going to that on the 13th and have no idea how to counter popular decks there.
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Don't counter. Just know how to play against everything and bring a good list. Techs just destroy consistency.
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Okay, this is driving me to the point of insanity.

Shortly after posting a thread for deck desetion, Ive kinda already answered it.....sigh.

But as I think about it more, im still troubled by it.

For states Im expecting some of these decks;

Feraligatr Prime Donk
Shuppet Donk
Palkia Lock
GG (maybe)

What am I missing? lol

Im pretty sure I NEED to play SP. Ive gotten really comfortable with my DialgaChomp deck, but I have my concerns with it.

DialgaChomp is auto win against Shuppet and Gengar, but fails to fire of any kind.
It is also outspeed by Gyarados and Jumpluff.

Im finding Gyarados and Jumpluff just too fast to counter effectivly. I could add a 1-1 Luxray or 1-1 Blaziken, but then I might as well BlazeRay or somthing.

I have the resources to make any of these: BlazeRay, BlazeRay with Garchomp C, DialgaChomp, LuxChomp.

Based on the expected decks above, what do you guys think will be best overal????

OR, if you have tips for using DialgaChomp against Jumpluff then tell me.

Also, is FlyTrap dead? It did REALLY well last WOrlds. and DCE helps too.
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As you know, I have the same dilema. I'm thinking I'll go with Blazeray or Luxchomp though. I think Blazeray is too much of a problem for Dialgachomp because Blaziken fb can 1 shot a Dialga. And then there goes your special metal energy. Plus it's hard to get the special metals without a search for them.
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faceplant said:
As you know, I have the same dilema. I'm thinking I'll go with Blazeray or Luxchomp though. I think Blazeray is too much of a problem for Dialgachomp because Blaziken fb can 1 shot a Dialga. And then there goes your special metal energy. Plus it's hard to get the special metals without a search for them.

Yeah, I know.

Its an easy choice if there wasnt EVERYTHING in my area....
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I don't really know much about how well FlyTrap is doing, sorry. From the looks of it, with the increase of SP and decks that run SSU (Gyarados and Jumpluff, for example) FlyTrap might be having a bit of a hard time. And you are going to use some results from a meta two formats ago?

I still also fail to see how Jumpluff would beat Dialgachomp. If you T1 Deafen Jumpluff, then they are instantly put to a halt. You lock any bodies that comes at you, and Power Spray techs like Sunflora. With some Crobat G, you can just about one-shot Jumpluff altogether. Against Gyarados, it depends on what techs they run. If they don't run Palmer's/Combee, you have a good shot with Dialgachomp. Most likely, though, a Gyarados deck would run Palmer's/Combee.

From the looks of that list, it seems that Dialgachomp would do the best. But that's me :/

For my help (yes, even I need help) I don't really know what deck to play anymore. I go to league usually to find out the meta, since my league leader goes to around my area often and finds out what is popular. And he has an Ebay account, and knows a lot that he has been selling. He stated that the meta for my area is:

-Luxray GL variants (Luxchomp, Blazeray, Dialgachomp w/ Luxray)
-Things with Mr. Mime in them

You can easily tell that Gyarados was the first real buzz, and people are playing to counter it. I was originally playing Gyara, but after this... I'll need some help with what to build. I can still stick with Gyarados, don't get me wrong. I just don't know how well it will do.

My first option is Glistomb. I did get second at Cities with a bad list, and my area is pretty tough. With the rise of Shuppet, Jumpluff, Donphan, Gyarados, and things that don't need a lot of energy, running Glistomb would be a good idea. Plus with Mime, I can do well against SP's, the list you see here, and maybe other things. Flygon is still a problem, however.
Next up I have SP variants. I can build just about every SP deck there is. I prefer Blazeray the most, but I still don't know how it would do against Gyarados. With Luxray, I do beat Gyara, but fall to Donphan. Both have some trouble against Mime if don't speed some energy on them. Dialgachomp is an option as well, but unfortunately I don't have much experience. For Luxchomp, I can easily trade/borrow some Garchomp C and the Lv.X, but I'm not going to take real chances.
Don't suggest Donphan. Odds are, I can't build it, and it just sucks. Out loud.

For the rest, just name something and tell why. I can probably make it, or I might deny it.
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The problem im seeing with DialgaChomp is that it sets up slower then any other SP deck and cant recover as well either.
If it gets KO'd, im done. All those special metal energy that make him great are gone and cant be recovered.
Take gyarados for example; Trainer lock only stops them from playing Ebelt. They are still able to play felicity drawing and other cards to discard those magikarp.

And even without the Ebelt, they are still hitting me for 90 damage. Deafen for only 10 is just not cutting it. Same thing for jumpluff.
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With an Expert belt, 4 SPM energy, and a Snow Point temple, Dialga G has 200 HP...0_o...

However, isn't the strategy to beat up with Dialga, then play a warp energy after having a Garchomp and an energy attached to it, bronzong G the energy, level up, heal off all damage, and snipe? Then poketurn and rinse and repeat?
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Yes seth that IS the strategy, however, Dialga isnt able to recover from the discard pile very well.

Take Jumpluff for example. For 1 energy they are hitting for an easy 60+ damage. So unless you can 1HKO it, they will 1HKO you. (or REALLY close to it)
Then, they can easily Rare candy or BTS another one. Not to mention they will probably have another one ready anyways.
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Still not sure what to run for States and it is this upcoming weekend. Does anyone know what the metagame might be? Thanks.
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Shadowwiidragon said:
Still not sure what to run for States and it is this upcoming weekend. Does anyone know what the metagame might be? Thanks.

I stated it in my previous post...

Our meta is:
-Luxray GL variants
-Decks that run Mr. Mime
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shadoworganoid said:
Yes seth that IS the strategy, however, Dialga isnt able to recover from the discard pile very well.

Take Jumpluff for example. For 1 energy they are hitting for an easy 60+ damage. So unless you can 1HKO it, they will 1HKO you. (or REALLY close to it)
Then, they can easily Rare candy or BTS another one. Not to mention they will probably have another one ready anyways.

If they are running Landmin, you lock it and any other techs they have, and if they don't have a belt, its a simple bat drop+remove lost. Or, you could run a 1-1 Blaze.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but I think he was using Jumpluff as an example of a fast recovery deck to show how much quicker it is to get Jumpluff out of the discard rather than Dialga.
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CyndaquilMaster said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but I think he was using Jumpluff as an example of a fast recovery deck to show how much quicker it is to get Jumpluff out of the discard rather than Dialga.

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So how much Donphan are we seeing and also Dialga G, if any?
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You have to send your registration to Gliscor by PMing (Private Message) it to him. ^^^

Gliscor: I didn't read that post or I forgot. Also, I still really need to know when your going to pick me up for States. Thanks.
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

@SWD: I know about it. My dad had to figure out how long it took from our house to yours, and how long it would take to go to your house to Dale City. Will PM you with that.

I've finalized my State's decision. No, it is not Gyarados. My deck is a secret...

@Meaty: To tell the truth, I don't really know. In the aspect of my meta, Donphan is very popular, so I can't say anything for a different meta. You will see Donphan, but I don't know how much.
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