The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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^I personally would run Unown G, unless Gengar is totally absent in your area.
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6-Dimension said:
^I personally would run Unown G, unless Gengar is totally absent in your area.
There's a litle, but what would I need that has powers against regular gengar SF?
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i got away with no unown g in nevada. I actually thought of a ditto counter for the gyarados mirror, PM me it's pretty funny
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PM sent, also, I only play it because of this:

At OH states:

5 Gyra:
4 make T8
2 make T4
2 make T2

Thats why :/
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Didn't you say you run Claydol? IDK, it seems like easy prizes for the Gengar player. But if you don't see any need, don't bother. I would, that's all.
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I'm still play testing, if I find room, maybe...
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I don't play Unown G in my Gyarados either :p
The idea is to get Sableye start I don't need a pointless basic that might save a claydol that i'll use like once/twice during the game :(
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And if your playing an SP and they Blaziken it into the active spot(I mean the Claydol of course), you still have other forms of draw power, like felicities. Its a stall move, and its only a matter of time before you get Claydol out of there. You can play SSU also. So its no big deal really.
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IMo, you don't even need Claydol in the first place. My Gyarados hand is usually big enough that I need no extra draw.
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I agree with that. If I ever end up building Gyrados, I am running an Uxie or 2, and thenn 4 felicities. After that, I don't think its very needed. You would be shuffling your hand away more than you would be drawing with Claydol.
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I run a 1-1 Claydol in my Gyra just in case I can't seem to find the elusive E-Belt... Otherwise it's pretty useless, Felicity's Drawing keeps your hand size too big to make Claydol useful. I also run 1 ditto for the occasional mirror. I run Chatot MD, but I'm still torn about it, it's saved me in a few games, but I feel there are other cards that could be a bit more use too. Also, if you have a lot of LuxChomp, try to fit in 1 Bubble Coat. It is the most entertaining thing to watch them have to throw away an energy or two, and a Pokemon, just to take off your bubble coat. It's not completely necessary, but it can prevent them from OHKOing your Gyrados.

Sorry I'm so bad at organizing my thoughts...
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I run Claydol, Uxie, and Unown G in my Gyarados list. Plus only 3 Felicities and a Regice. Reason being is that I've always found myself wanting a constant draw power in my deck, instead of forcing a discard. Uxie is basically for bad starts (but I've found myself not using Uxie too often) and Unown G is just because he's Unown G.

Claydol, IMO, is a tech that can go either way. It's a tech that I've found to be helping a lot, getting my Poke Turns and cards much more easier than Felicities. Why? Because I can use it every turn, where with Felicity's I'm very limited.
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I also like Claydol because of that little killer, the deck out. I know that it is rare to deck out, but if any deck is in the lead for most deck outs. It would be Gyra
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I'm thinking of using a Department Store Girl in my Gyarados deck because I can't seem to get Expert Belts and I don't want to use Claydol. It can be searched out with Impersonate so it could fit nicely in a Gyarados deck. Do you guys think it's a good idea or should I drop the idea completely.
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I don't like it, claydol has way more pro and uses than DSG.
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It's an interesting thought though. Unfortunately, it would take an extra turn to set-up. You could try it though, because I think it might work.
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I have tested it, it actually helps almost every game. Especially when they play TGW or lookers, etc
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Claydol does help a lot in Gyarados for the certain cards you can't get to. I'm thinking of taking out Plus Power because it is the only way for me to fit in Claydol.
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You run reversal right? If so take it out. Lux is enough...
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Shadowwiidragon said:
Claydol does help a lot in Gyarados for the certain cards you can't get to. I'm thinking of taking out Plus Power because it is the only way for me to fit in Claydol.

You start your opening hand with 7 cards. If Sableye is there, you play Sableye. Thats 6 cards. You draw. 7. Usually, you Impersonate a collectors first turn for like 3 Magikarp. 10 cards. Your turn again. 11 cards. Your gonna Felicities, right? Dump 2. 9 cards. Draw 4. 13 cards. Usually you have one more way of dumping that third Magikarp. Lets say its Regice. You bench Regice. You bench the Magikarp you are gonna evolve into Gyrados. Thats 11 cards. Discard 2, one of them being Magikarp. 9 cards. Lets say you have a Luxury ball and a BTS to grab that Gyrados. So you play them both. 7 cards.

Now. In all of this conventional, average set up, you have set up your Gyrados. Its all set to do 90 damage. So your all set up. Of course, you did it, all without the use of a single Claydol. On your next turn, unless you have a supporter and some other form of search power(i.e communication), you wont be able to set up Claydol by then. Your probably gonna wanna play another felicities, in hopes of snagging a belt. Or, if you don't play felicities, your gonna play a bebes or roseannes or collector, and for sure grab Luxray, for sure grab that Chansey, and probably grab a Crobat, just to get your damage output moving. You want to get set up for massive damage, and where does Claydol fit in there? No where. You even be able to get anything with Claydol for a while, because your hand is so large. Gyra doesn't need Claydol.
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