The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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CyndaquilMaster said:
Wow, after States Regionals happens so quickly. This is my second regionals and I'm thinking of playing Gyarados. Would it be a good idea to play Pluspower? I had a Gyarados deck, dismantled it and when I put it back together I had lost my list and had 4 spots open. I've played it a few times and nothing seems to be missing. Does anyone know any other techs that could be good in Gyarados? Also I'm sad because I still have another year in seniors. Maine has the oddity of having more Juniors than Seniors. So our States had 4 Rounds for Juniors, 6 for Masters, and 3 for Seniors. We had no top cut and only one of the Juniors who played at States is going to be a Senior so we'll still have no one. :(

For Gyarados, I ran no PlusPower at all. It's one-time use only, and Expert Belt provides an always-HP boost and attack boost. In case Gyarados is in risk of being KO'ed and your opponent getting two prizes, you should have SSU to help yourself.
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I do have 4 SSU, 4 Poketurn, and 3 Expert Belt.
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CyndaquilMaster said:
I do have 4 SSU, 4 Poketurn, and 3 Expert Belt.

That's the same as what I ran. It works well, and PlusPower isn't needed at all.
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Mine has
4 Poketurn
2 Belt
Although I would play Plus Power if there is a lot of plox in your area, that way you can add damage w/out Crobat G.
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Gyrados V Plox. You don't need plus power. TRUST me. You don't need it. You can survive at least 2 hits from them, and you one shot unbelted Gardys, and two shot anything else. You don't need them, I have lost to Gyrados many a time to realize this.
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And if they do KO Gyarados, you have Pokemon Rescue/Combee/Palmer's to back it all up. They can only really do two-shots, unless they are desperate for a KO and OHKO you with Gallade. And then you have amazing recovery.

What you should really worry about against Plox is TGW, which would disrupt you T1.
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Hey hey everybody! I'm a new kid, but maybe you've seen me around the forums! After my awesome Luxqueen failed at States, I'm looking forward to Regionals. I'll be running Jumpluff, because I figure if I'm runnin a metagame deck, it should be something as awesome as Jumpluff. Here's my list. Does anybody know of the Colorado/Southwest Metagame?

Level-Up: 1
1 : Shaymin Lv.X, PL-126
Stage 2: 4
4 : Jumpluff, GS-6
Stage 1: 5
1 : Metapod, GS-46
2 : Sunflora, GS-31
2 : Skiploom, GS-51
Basic: 14
1 : Caterpie, GS-57
1 : Azelf, LA-19
1 : Shaymin, PL-38
2 : Uxie, LA-43
3 : Pachirisu, GE-5
2 : Sunkern, GS-85
4 : Hoppip, GS-67

Trainers: 14
3 : Night Maintenance, OP8-9
3 : Super Scoop Up, MD-87
1 : VS Seeker, SV-140
3 : Warp Point, MD-88
4 : Rare Candy, OP8-10
Supporters: 9
4 : Roseanne's Research, OP8-11
2 : Bebe's Search, RR-89
3 : Copycat, GS-90
Pokemon Tools: 3
3 : Expert Belt, AR-87
Stadiums: 2
2 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104

Special Energy: 2
2 : Call Energy, MD-92
Basic Energy: 6
6 : Grass Energy, GS-115

I'm looking forward to becoming a regular member here! Thanks!
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I'd get rid of the call, you either run 4 or none.
Also IDK about copycat it doesn't do much cept against Gyarados and some SPs, worth a try though.
Lastly try to put in a 4th SSU too perhaps.
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Yeah, I know Copycat seems kinda silly, but both Gyarados AND SP are huge in New Mexico. If I take out the Call, I'll put in a 4th SSU, and what else? Thanks for your input!
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Hey Gliscor, the banners are available for all members to use right? Just making sure.
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Of course! You can use any banner listed ;D

For you Jumpluff list, this might seem a little small but I prefer the SW Hoppip/Skiploom over the HGSS one only because they have some good Bodies and attacks.
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Yeah, haha, the reason I run the HGSS one is because it's fun (against non-sniping decks of course) to E-Belt Hoppip and keep bouncing for 30 then running away. I'll see how it runs, though. Thanks! BTW, I'mma use the Raikou SW Banner.
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The shaymin, metapod, and sunflora really aren't needed, same with pachirisu. You need claydol. 3-3 lines are cool in this deck. Luxray and crobat are pretty much needed. You don't need that much recovery. Super Scoop Up is... meh. VS seeker is also meh. Copy cat is not needed in a speed deck. More bebe's and communications would be better. Expert Belt only hurts this card because it gets killed so easy. I'd go with 2 max. More BTS would help too. Call energy is... pretty bad in this deck. just my opinion
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Shaymin, IMO is needed (and I kinda want to keep it because I bought it for $20 the other day). Claydol is out of my reach, and I find that Sunflora is enough. Luxray is also out of my reach. The reason I have a lot of recovery is Flygon is popular in my area. Sorry, it seems like I'm shooting down all your ideas, it's just that there's pretty specific reasoning for all the cards in here. Thanks, though!
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If you insist on using Shaymin and Flygon is popular in your area, then you should put in a bench shield because the time and effort of getting a Shaymin out will fail their next turn if they have a Flygon out.
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For the gyra discusion, if u use gyra and gyra is a popular deck near u then use ditto. If your opponent runs it and u dont, you just lost -.-
RE: The Storms ~ This format is ours! *Join the new discussion!* *New banners!*

CyndaquilMaster said:
If you insist on using Shaymin and Flygon is popular in your area, then you should put in a bench shield because the time and effort of getting a Shaymin out will fail their next turn if they have a Flygon out.

I was thinking about this. What should I take out? Should I run one or two? Thanks for all the advice, everybody!
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Only 1 Ditto. It shouldn't be THAT hard to fit in...idk what are your other techs in Gyra?
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I use Lux, Claydol, no Unown G(I don't need it -.-), and no uxie
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