The Storms ~ This format was ours!

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Yeah, Gliscor is sort of right... sorry Jimmy....
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You did a great job at States, Gliscor!
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Thanks guys. I'll be posting my report soon, since explaining round 5 is just tediously long...

Anyways, good luck to anyone who is going to States. Would've made that announcement earlier, but a power outage just said no.
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Well, I had a pretty good time at Oregon states yesterday.

Over 300+ people there.

I went 5-2 with LuxChomp.

Round 7 was SO fun. I was up against gyarados and started with my Dialga G. I turn 1 defean him. His active pokemon was a floatzel GL. So he levels up ect.

By turn 3 I have my Luxray cycle going and im Bright Looking him every turn and 1HKOing each gyarados. Match ended with him only taking 1 prize.
I crushed him.

Not that Im bragging. lol

I may post a report later.

So I finished 15th out of 150+ players. (top cut)
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shadoworganoid said:
Well, I had a pretty good time at Oregon states yesterday.

Over 300+ people there.

I went 5-2 with LuxChomp.

Round 7 was SO fun. I was up against gyarados and started with my Dialga G. I turn 1 defean him. His active pokemon was a floatzel GL. So he levels up ect.

By turn 3 I have my Luxray cycle going and im Bright Looking him every turn and 1HKOing each gyarados. Match ended with him only taking 1 prize.
I crushed him.

Not that Im bragging. lol

I may post a report later.

So I finished 15th out of 150+ players. (top cut)

lol why was someone playing Gyarados with Floatzel? I mean, I understand how it gives you an instant Magikarp/Gyarados back into your hand, but it is a free prize to Flygon Lv.X and Luxray GL Lv.X. Not to mention after two Flash Bites, Garchomp C Lv.X. I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm saying that there are too many things that would hurt Floatzel. Oh well.

@Seth: Good luck. Just relax, take a deep breath, and you'll be fine ;D
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After losing to Gyrados (and it being BOTH my losses) I decided to change my deck from BLG to LG. It runs a little more efficiently than BLG did. I put my Chatot MD back in so I didn't have to deal with crappy hands for as long. The only downside to switching from BLG was that I had to find a different Mewtwo tech... Has anybody ever looked at Mismagius SF? It rocks, sure it may cost you three tools to KO the Mewtwo, but that's usually a game winning KO. Players of Mewtwo most of the time don't bench anything so that you can't BL it.

If anybody has any other good Mewtwo tech's, please point them out to me. They have to use Psychic, Water, Electric, or Colorless energy, and a OHKO is preferable. I was using Ninetails MT before.
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I have news I made 25 with a 3-3 record with Gardalade

THe matchs I lost
One dead draw because of a mirror match
The other dead draw and T3 G-dos
The last one I lost because I decked and lost to Jade89

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You only had 35 players at states? Kinda lame TBH. How many really good players?
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PokeKid Brandon said:
You only had 35 players at states? Kinda lame TBH. How many really good players?

At least in my division. In Masters, there were over 100. For the good players in Seniors... about 25-30 Seniors are good players.
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There is always alot of Masters. Atleast at NH states there is.
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AceBlade258 said:
After losing to Gyrados (and it being BOTH my losses) I decided to change my deck from BLG to LG. It runs a little more efficiently than BLG did. I put my Chatot MD back in so I didn't have to deal with crappy hands for as long. The only downside to switching from BLG was that I had to find a different Mewtwo tech... Has anybody ever looked at Mismagius SF? It rocks, sure it may cost you three tools to KO the Mewtwo, but that's usually a game winning KO. Players of Mewtwo most of the time don't bench anything so that you can't BL it.

If anybody has any other good Mewtwo tech's, please point them out to me. They have to use Psychic, Water, Electric, or Colorless energy, and a OHKO is preferable. I was using Ninetails MT before.

Lol Mismagmius only works if they have tools, but its a good thought. Ninetails is the best tech it seems...
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Seth1789110 said:
Lol Mismagmius only works if they have tools, but its a good thought. Ninetails is the best tech it seems...

Just sack your own tools, Energy Gain and Unown G both count. You only have to have 3 total to KO a Mewtwo because it's 20 times each tool you discard.
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I'm not sure wheather to go with Blazeray with something (or just with techs) or a LuxChomp for states this Saturday. I might run a Luxape if I go to league and get the X. Is it worth it? I went last week and got fifth with Blazeray and a 1-1 Garchomp I never used. I also never got Ninetales or PromoCroak out. I think I will drop PromoCroak. Also, my only loss was to CurseTomb. How can I beat them with this deck. I was thinking of putting in Weavile G and a darkness energy for PromoCroak, cuz I don't run call anyway, but I don't know. In-game, with a normal Blazeray list, how do I beat CurseTomb?
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I don't think you should run Luxape due to the fact that BlazeRay's faster. Also do you own Call? Because you should be running at least 2 in every deck, especially SP's. You might try using Garchomp C for 80 snipe on the Gengar that runs away, retreat attach energy to Garchomp again and KO the Cursegar but that would take to many turns. I'd say just KO the Tombs and when there's a break when they don't have one active on your turn use a Poketurn and Healing Breath the Damage you took from Shadow Skip. Since most of Blazeray's pokemon have free retreat then you should be able to keep up consistent damage while avoiding a KO. I don't have much experience with either deck but you could give it a shot.
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Don't run Luxape. It's not as fast as Blazeray is, and doesn't have the T1 disruption. Your Blazeray list should have 2+ Call to speed out some basic Pokemon, and for Garchomp just keep it. It does great against Flygon, and can snipe down your opponent easily (Cursegar). But overall, I think you should go with Luxchomp. It is based more on Luxray+Garchomp, leaving Blaziken behind. With constant disruption from Bright Look, Power Spray, Healing Breath, and Dragon Rush, you can get an advantage over your opponent. Plus, it does some nice damage with nice speed to wrap it all up.
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If you want to run LuxApe, you have to make it a ILG (Infernape, Luxray, Garchomp) Lux is your speed attacker. Chomp is for free bench KO's, and Ape is good for both SP matchups (Split Bomb wreaks havoc early game, cuts 2hko's to 1hko's) and against 'Tomb (The Power).

I was running ILG for a little while, then I switched to BLG because of speed (If you know what you are doing Spritomb is simply an impedance), then finally, I'm now running LG. LG is my personal favorite so far.

Some tech's you may need depending on your Meta:

Ninetails MT (Vulpix PT, not shiny, and three fire energy for Blaze, four for Ape) for Mewtwo if you are running: LuxApe, BlazeRay, BLG, or ILG.

Mismagius SF (Misdreavus PT) for Mewtwo if you are running: LG, Palkia Lock, or G-SPread.

Ambipom G: If your meta has a lot of Garchomp, don't show them until right before you use it - They Dragon Rush you, discard two energy or a DCE, and have a 'Gain attached: bring up Ambipom attach the two energy (it's an SP deck, there are 10 different ways to do this) and Snap Attack for the ohko. (Not even mentioning the disruption caused by moving the energy off their active to a benched Azelf. Even better is if they have a G'd Pokemon on the bench, move it to that and the energy is discarded)

Promocroak G: Same thing as Ambipom, just if your meta has a lot of Luxray

Empoleon FB: If you are seeing a lot of Donphan: it's an unfavorable matchup for any deck running Lux. (This also has the same disruption power as Ambipom)

If you have any questions or need/want any help, feel free to PM me, or even better, post in here, you get more opinions this way (This goes to anybody)
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This is a TCG down-time for me... Can't go to states(at least regionals I can go to though) and since HGSS video games are out now a lot of people at league(including me) were just playing that more than TCG...:p I did play one game with my new SD and it's doing good judging that one game, sets up surprisingly fast. But again, this is judging from only one game.
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hey all, this is my first post here, and I suppose I'll make it a states report.


hokay, so first round I play a luxchomp. I'm running a tangrowth/landmin deck with a 2-2-2 nidoqueen RR tech, and I get an AWFUL start, shaymin, 1 rosys, no unown q, no energy. Then to top it all off I go first, energy blow for 10. He gets set up (so do I though) and I draw 1 prize before he just sweeps my entire deck. at the end when he has 2 prizes left and it wasn't going anywhere, I send out an e-belted shaymin and hit for 30 just for lulz.

darn, 0-1 so far, my goal or first isn't really going so good.

second round I played some kid with what was possibly the worst non-joking deck I've ever seen, heres what I could gather from its deck list:
(?) grass arceus
1 water arceus
1 lightning arceus
1 fire arceus
1 omniscient arceus x
1-1-1 venusaur SV
1 arcanine g
1 kyogre of some sort.
1 of each energy
1 speed stadium

It started out with both of us abusing speed stadium till he drew 3 energy and did whatever fire arceus's attack is, then I got a DCE, attatched to my active tangela, and used ingrain.
He proceeded to re-energy one of his arceus and attempt to get out an ivysaur.

I drew, attached 1 grass, e-belted, benched uxie for some, evolved, and leaf guarded for 50.

more arceus damage to my now tangrowth.

I somehow get another grass, attach it, and continuously hit for 140 a turn for 6 turns.

1-1 now, still not great, because I don't think that kids win percentage was too high.

Round 3

(I don't remember)

round 4

I go up against a feared (among me and my friends) well built kingdra.

He gets a kingdra out t.1 but luckily I went first my ingrain had worked, so he couldn't do any damage.

I think I got a landmin x and a fully energied tangrowth t.3 and kinda glided through my six prizes, but I kept getting lucky with coin flips on healing growth, allowing me to heal 60 a turn (nidoqueen).

It was a pretty intense game though, I was worried.

round 5

another luxchomp, another loss. I don't remember the details of this game, but at first I had him 3 to six prizes, and I was pretty confident. Sadly, he knocked out my tangrowth and I didn't have my back up attacker (also nidoqueen) set up yet, cuz I got too confident.

so I lost.

dang, 3-2.

My friend (vulpix yolk on the beach) won first though.
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Sorry haven't been on in a couple days.

Another States is coming up this weekend. What should I run?
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