The Student Lounge Thread

Today was eventful.

Like 15 suspensions and 1 expulsion, maybe the second at my school ever, All in
the grade above me.

Supposedly the science teacher gave out a lot of HW so they posted that they wanted to kill the teacher on Google Buzz, and she got expelled and all of the people who liked that post got suspended. The police had to come and everything, my second hour class had like 15 people today because the put everyone in the office or something, looks like it's gonna be that way for a while.
Just got my BRAND NEW $90 shoes stolen. And they don't make them anymore. And that color was exclusive to the store I bought them from. I am so pissed off right now.
Why were the shoes not on your feet or in a location where if someone tried to steal them you could dispense JUSTICE?
Well... we were in gym, and we have to take off our shoes to go into the "wrestling room" where we do random stuff... we leave them in the hallway outside, and wen I came back they were gone. -sigh-
This week of school sucked. It was the worst one ever. Keep in mind I go to a Catholic school.

Sunday: My teacher passed away.
Monday: We had a prayer service. Everybody was sad, crying, and depressed.
Tuesday: Everybody was still touchy and edgy from Monday.
Wednesday: There was the wake, and it was that teacher's 60th birthday.
Thursday: We had school off for the funeral.
Friday: The only decent day of the whole week.
A half an inch of snow and no school!!! Today's my lucky day! 4-day weekend!
Actually, glaceon, it's not because of the snow, but the ice. There was snow and an icing last night, so yeah. I don't think schools can afford a two-hour delay on exam day either.
4 day weekend! We got 2 inches of snow which iced over. Now we have about 4 feet of snow.
Every bit of hard ground outside is covered in a layer of ice.

I'm hoping for a delay tomorrow (in addition to being off today), solely because that will screw over all of my finals.
Well, today was the first day of the semester. My schedule didn't change at all, so thats good. One of my pals got switched to my Pre-AP Physics class, and another pal moved back and is in my Woodshop class. I hope this semester goes by fast, I really do. I can't wait for summer.
I have so many things to do in school. I have 3 projects to do this week. And 4 tests to study for. Welcome to boredom 101.
73 here weavile ;D

Our grades in Latin are now color coded.

It's great to not have states standards in classes.