If you're still looking for the Rotom, I can breed you one.P0rygon-z said:Hey guys. Still lookin for that rotom.PM me if you will trade. <3
(Haven't posted enough to be able to PM yet)
If you're still looking for the Rotom, I can breed you one.P0rygon-z said:Hey guys. Still lookin for that rotom.PM me if you will trade. <3
Boddy903 said:I'm looking for these pokemon SPECIFICALLY FROM THE YELLOW FOREST POKEWALKER ROUTE!!
Pikachu (knows Surf)
Pikachu (knows Fly)
Pikachu (knows Volt Tackle)
I would prefer them untouched. If you have these pokemon, let me know!
Da Master said:Does anyone have the event pikachu colored pichu?