BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

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Boddy903 said:

Pikachu (knows Surf)
Pikachu (knows Fly)
Pikachu (knows Volt Tackle)

I would prefer them untouched. If you have these pokemon, let me know!

I have a volt tackle untouched pikachu if you are interested.
I would like the Movie Arceus, Movie Regigigas, Shiny Gallade (that knows Leaf Blade, Close Combat, Psycho Cut, and Night Slash), Ash's Pikachu, and Shiny Suicune download.

I have 446+ Pokemon if anyone is interested. Anyone LMK if saw any.
Does Anyone have a LEGIT WORLDS Crobat?:)
Anyone a cloner? It is vital for an important trade I want to do that includes me getting a shiny Cressy! PM me if you are!
^I can't, but if you can wait til bout 6pm (Sydney time/GMT+10) PikaFlash should be home from leauge he could clone it for you.
Da Master said:
Does anyone have the event pikachu colored pichu?

I have anoud 5 so if you want a free one you can have it XD as I have to make room on my Diamond XD. I hope I can do it tomorrow. Though. PM me. Thanks.:)
anyobody can make this RNG?

Pokemon: Gastly
Shiny: YES
Pokeball: Dusk Ball
Nature: Timid
Gender: Male
IVs: Nearest possible to perfect for HP Fire 70
Ability: Levitate
Hey guys. Im selling my Heart Gold Game to my friend. Here are some pokemon that i am GIVING away. (he will reset the game, so they wont be any use anymore)

(All Legit. NOT hacked. All have Pokerus)

Lv. 100 Darkrai
Lv. 62 Froslass
Lv. 62 Starmie
Lv. 56 Porygon-Z
(shiny) Lv. 70 Weavile
Lv. 53 Lickilicky
Lv. 55 Gardevoir
(shiny) Lv. 27 Mightyena
Porygon (any nature)
Snorunt (any nature)
(i might have something common, just ask)
First Come, first serve.

Offer Available until Sunday, August 29, midnight.[[
Hey guys. Here are some Pokemon I'm looking for:

Shiny Gallade Lv. Between 70 and 100.
Wi-Fi Arceus
Wi-Fi Regigigas
Ash's Pikachu
Wi-Fi Shiny Suicune

PM Me if you have any of these Pokémon.
I am looking for a shiny abra. I am offering a shiny shinx. Pm me if you have one and if you are interested.
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