XY The Two Legendary Pokémon

RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

wolfman967 said:
Darkraian10 said:
Agreed! Yveltal is awesome... But i'm reaally hoping the typing will be revealed sometime soon, its driving me crazy with all this wondering!!

Im in my fanboy mode waiting for types to be revealed. Cant wait!

Haha lol, same!
Add more to your post please.~KA
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Darkraian10 said:
wolfman967 said:
Im in my fanboy mode waiting for types to be revealed. Cant wait!

Haha lol, same!

Though one thing I cant figure out is Xerneas's typing. Out of all the types I cannot think of one/two types that would make sense. It looks so...random. Whatever GameFreak comes up with it better be creative. I'm really expecting a unique-type combo from it.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Yveltal is pretty close to Lugia in size:

Yveltal - 5.8m (19.03 ft) / 203.0 kg (447.5 lbs)
Lugia - 5.2m (17.01 ft) / 216.0 kg (476.2 lbs)

Xerneas doesn't really have any close comparisons. The closest one I could find was Lapras.

Xerneas - 3.0m (9.8 ft) / 215.0 kg (474.0 lbs)
Lapras - 2.5m (8.02 ft) / 220.0 kg (485.0 lbs)

All the Pokemon with a similar height as Xerneas are much heavier (Arceus and Zekrom for example), while all the Pokemon with a similar weight are much shorter (Dragonite and Camerupt for example).
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

again, they usually measure from head to tail, rather than it from head to toe
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

All aboard the wild and wacky theory train!

In every generation since the first, each game has included legendary Pokemon with typings unseen in any of the generations before it:

Gen 2: Lugia (Psychic/Flying) (The fact that it shares this typing is irrelevant because those Pokemon didn't exist in Gen 1)
Gen 3: Latios and Latias (Dragon/Psychic), Jirachi (Steel/Psychic) (see above)
Gen 4: Dialga (Steel/Dragon)
Gen 5: Reshiram (Dragon/Fire), Zekrom (Dragon/Electric), Kyurem (Dragon/Ice)

Could Xerneas and Yveltal follow a similar pattern? Well, let's see.

Yveltal is easy to speculate. Assuming he is part Flying, his main type would have to be Fighting since Fighting is the only type to not be paired with Flying. Flying as a single type is also possible but it doesn't fit according to this plan.

Xerneas is obviously based on an elk or likewise animal (not to mention they showed him in a forest), which leads me to believe he's part Grass. Let's assume that and look at all the types Grass hasn't been paired with yet:


At first glance, none of those look even remotely possible, but consider this: there are blue Electric-types (Thundurus, Lanturn, Luxray, Eelektross), and Eelektross sure as heck doesn't look like it would be Electric at first glance, so maybe Grass/Electric isn't that big a stretch after all...

Of course, this is just a crackpot theory I came up at six in the morning, so who knows how much merit it has? Kinda fun to guess, though.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

PMJ said:
All aboard the wild and wacky theory train!

In every generation since the first, each game has included legendary Pokemon with typings unseen in any of the generations before it:

Gen 2: Lugia (Psychic/Flying) (The fact that it shares this typing is irrelevant because those Pokemon didn't exist in Gen 1)
Gen 3: Latios and Latias (Dragon/Psychic), Jirachi (Steel/Psychic) (see above)
Gen 4: Dialga (Steel/Dragon)
Gen 5: Reshiram (Dragon/Fire), Zekrom (Dragon/Electric), Kyurem (Dragon/Ice)

There just happens to be interesting combos included... its not like thats the main thing they aim for or anything.

And Lati@s/Jirachi arent even mascots unlike the rest and XY.
So how would you even know Xerneas would have something unique and not any of the other ~10 legends...

Especially for the mascots, they will surely consider everything else first, like the concept...not how they have to add a new combination for the sake of it.

As said before though, you could look at something else in the mascots.
Apart from the last 2 sets, who were all secondary Dragon and all primary Dragon repsectively, the rest were all PURE TYPES, with only Flying as secondary when airborne.
So in that train of thought, weve seen the following types:
Psychic, Fire, Water, Ground, Dragon.

Adding Grass and Dark(/Flying) would still be perfectly novel in that sense.

I figured out the 4 colored antlers for sure now.
Xerneas is based on THE FOUR STAGS that live in Yggdrasil
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

OK... Xerneas looks fking silly. He can't be a legendary, deers just can't be! It's like making biever Pokémon a legendary! And the fact that he looks like a fusion of Dialga and Virizion just proves the unoriginality. Yveltas on the other hand, looks pretty badass.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Mitja said:
I figured out the 4 colored antlers for sure now.
Xerneas is based on THE FOUR STAGS that live in Yggdrasil

Yeah, I thought it was weird that Xerneas was based on the stag part of the yggdrasil story, yet there are 4 stags, not just one. Seeing that it has 4 pairs of antlers, now it makes more sense to me.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Metalizard said:
Rayquaza-XD said:
I assumed Xerneas had a grass subtype because in the trailer, Yveltal was seen in the sky, thus a flying subtype(also since it's a giant bird), and Xerneas was seen in a forest, thus a grass subtype. Also, grass does represent life in a way, doesn't it (just what i assumed)?

I also said Water because Water sort of represents life too... and since there's no vegetation on its body... Water is the next best thing... Also, I read somewhere that the deer of the norse mythology had something to do with water springs or something like that...

I'm actually starting to doubt the Steel typing now when before I was so for it. Xerneas is the second shortest mascot (after Zekrom, who weighs 130 kg more than it). I understand that Xerneas is very very slim, but if it had a Steel typing wouldn't it weigh closer to Zekrom? It's .1m taller but 130 kg lighter. Ugh I should stop focusing on the heights and weights since they clearly don't mean anything (looking at you, Wailord).

Yeah, I don't know if we can take those details into consideration very much... for example, I know Giratina-A has a massive physical body but I always thought it was strange that it is a ghost-type and at the same time the second heaviest pokémon... and it can fly...

Sort of? Water does represent life, without it, we're screwed.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Aquapulse said:
Metalizard said:
I also said Water because Water sort of represents life too... and since there's no vegetation on its body... Water is the next best thing... Also, I read somewhere that the deer of the norse mythology had something to do with water springs or something like that...

Yeah, I don't know if we can take those details into consideration very much... for example, I know Giratina-A has a massive physical body but I always thought it was strange that it is a ghost-type and at the same time the second heaviest pokémon... and it can fly...

Sort of? Water does represent life, without it, we're screwed.

So do plants, light, the air, heat, minerals in the ground....yeah I can see it now, quintuple types!
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Mitja said:
Aquapulse said:
Sort of? Water does represent life, without it, we're screwed.

So do plants, light, the air, heat, minerals in the ground....yeah I can see it now, quintuple types!

Not exactly. Well, in my book, water and air is the most important elements in our lives. Without air, no fire (aka heat). Without water, no plants. Minerals? Er...

Light--well. I don't know about that. Can we survived without light? I don't even want to know the answer to that question. It's creepy. (Just to be clear, I'm not talking about electricity, I meant the real light aka the sun)
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Chemosynthetic bacteria can live off of the chemical energy produced by underwater magma vents. However, all life on the surface or anywhere near it underwater needs light or plants that need light in order to live.

Edit to stay on topic: From Wikipedia's entry on the 4 stags,

"Many scholars, following Sophus Bugge, believe that stanzas 33 and 34 of Grímnismál are of a later origin than those surrounding them. Finnur Jónsson surmised that there was originally only one stag which had later been turned into four, probably one on each side. This is consistent with stanza 35 of Grímnismál, which mentions only one hart:


It has been suggested that this original stag is identical with Eikþyrnir, mentioned earlier in Grímnismál."


Pretty sure this supports my theory that it's the master of the musketeer trio.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

As much as I like the novelty of guessing types based on weight, Pokemon is atrocious at estimating how weights should transfer into real life. Steelix has the density of polystyrine and Wailord is much lighter than the water it's supposed to be able to swim in.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Think about the typing if they were, in fact, dark/flying and grass/somethingelse. It would help the main legendary balance because there are no main legendary dark types nor grass. The strongest grass type legendary is shaymin sky forme and its not that strong, same with darkrai (I know very well of arceus, that's not what I mean) We need more dark types and grass and perhaps fighting is a possibility on Xerneas because we lack that as well.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Aquapulse said:
Sort of? Water does represent life, without it, we're screwed.

eh... I said 'sort of' because everybody thought of Grass first and you know, just to be safe about what I was saying...

Pretty sure this supports my theory that it's the master of the musketeer trio.

I honestly doubt that but if it turned out to be true, then we could say Xerneas will be part Fighting...
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

dark arceus said:
The strongest grass type legendary is shaymin sky forme and its not that strong, same with darkrai
Are you serious? LOL
Shaymin-S is arguably the STRONGEST Grass-type Pokemon that we have. Have you seen Darkrai's Sp.Attack & Speed? He's actually probably the strongest Dark-type also unless you count Dark-type Arceus. Both of these Pokemon are incredibly strong my friend. There's a reason they are both Uber.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

safariblade said:
dark arceus said:
The strongest grass type legendary is shaymin sky forme and its not that strong, same with darkrai
Are you serious? LOL
Shaymin-S is arguably the STRONGEST Grass-type Pokemon that we have. Have you seen Darkrai's Sp.Attack & Speed? He's actually probably the strongest Dark-type also unless you count Dark-type Arceus. Both of these Pokemon are incredibly strong my friend. There's a reason they are both Uber.

Well, I didn't mean it like THAT, I love darkrai I have one. Im just saying it would be awesome to have a dark and/or grass type as strong as, say, dialga palkia reshiram or zekrom
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

safariblade said:
dark arceus said:
The strongest grass type legendary is shaymin sky forme and its not that strong, same with darkrai
Are you serious? LOL
Shaymin-S is arguably the STRONGEST Grass-type Pokemon that we have. Have you seen Darkrai's Sp.Attack & Speed? He's actually probably the strongest Dark-type also unless you count Dark-type Arceus. Both of these Pokemon are incredibly strong my friend. There's a reason they are both Uber.

You didn't get it...
Like he said, what he meant was we still don't have a Grass or Dark-type Uber with 680 BST (or 670 at least) like the usual version mascots...
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

No, he didn't say anything about base stats. He just said he wanted them to be "as strong as", which don't have to mean base stats (ex, Slaking)
Shaymin-S & Darkrai are just as good as Dialga, Reshiram, etc.

I think what he MEANT to say is that he wants a Grass or Dark-type Legendary to be a mascot & be as popular as Dialga, Reshriram, etc.