XY The Two Legendary Pokémon

RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

WPM, Xerneas' feet are on the ground, I don't understand what you're talking about.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

beta4attack said:
I think it's from the Norse mythology as some stated. Yggdrasil is pronounced the same as Yveltal, I think.

Yveltal isn't the one based off of Yggdrasil. and the only thing that's the same with pronunciation with the names is the Y that comes out like EE

and i just realized that this generation WILL have a pokemon #666 which will end up causing some controversy like alakazam being a satanic symbol, and golbat being a nazi white supremacist (shape of the head and design, and an old card respectively)
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Eos_Hyperion said:
Xerneas, French for deer is Cerf

Xerneas and Cerf
maybe it was made with Cerf and stuff, but just had the C replaced with X?
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

FloodBadge said:
Eos_Hyperion said:
Xerneas, French for deer is Cerf

Xerneas and Cerf
maybe it was made with Cerf and stuff, but just had the C replaced with X?

yes, Im still looking what is the possible meaning of Yveltal..french words.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

FloodBadge said:
beta4attack said:
I think it's from the Norse mythology as some stated. Yggdrasil is pronounced the same as Yveltal, I think.

Yveltal isn't the one based off of Yggdrasil. and the only thing that's the same with pronunciation with the names is the Y that comes out like EE

and i just realized that this generation WILL have a pokemon #666 which will end up causing some controversy like alakazam being a satanic symbol, and golbat being a nazi white supremacist (shape of the head and design, and an old card respectively)
I guess that's true.

And wait, why would the number 666 cause a controversy? And I never knew Alakazam was called so... O_O Why was Alakazam called that? Oh wait, read it again.
EDIT: Sorry that I didn't read the rest properly.
EDIT 2: Nvm, Googled it myself :3
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

beta4attack said:
FloodBadge said:
Yveltal isn't the one based off of Yggdrasil. and the only thing that's the same with pronunciation with the names is the Y that comes out like EE

and i just realized that this generation WILL have a pokemon #666 which will end up causing some controversy like alakazam being a satanic symbol, and golbat being a nazi white supremacist (shape of the head and design, and an old card respectively)
I guess that's true.

And wait, why would the number 666 cause a controversy? And I never knew Alakazam was called so... O_O Why was Alakazam called that? Oh wait, read it again. Sorry that I didn't read the rest properly.

it's ok. and 666 is a number people say is "the Devil's number"
my grandma on my dad's side tried to teach me as a kid to never write the number, even if it's the answer to a math problem because it would "notify Satan of [my] life, and he will send hellish demons to collect my soul by tearing my body apart" and some other stupid stuff. she said the same thing about dragon tails, sesame street, and barney the dinosaur
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Eos_Hyperion said:
I think that they will skip the number 666 to prevent controversies
Look at how the Pokedex is structured:
We're on Pokemon 649 now:
9 for the starters brings us to 658.
3 for the bird line and 2 for the rodent brings us to 663.
Usually, after those lines, there are smaller cutesy Pokemon found earlygame.
Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small earlygame thing. If they used the number and it was a small Pokemon, then I doubt many people will make a fuss over it. However, if they skipped it, people would be confused as to why it went from 665 to 667, and they'd realise that it was delibarately skipped. If they put a Pokemon in that space, I highly doubt it will a Dark/Ghost/Anything that could be offensive.

tl;dr Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small Pokemon, and not one that is likely to cause controversies.
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Paddy185 said:
Eos_Hyperion said:
I think that they will skip the number 666 to prevent controversies
Look at how the Pokedex is structured:
We're on Pokemon 649 now:
9 for the starters brings us to 658.
3 for the bird line and 2 for the rodent brings us to 663.
Usually, after those lines, there are smaller cutesy Pokemon found earlygame.
Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small earlygame thing. If they used the number and it was a small Pokemon, then I doubt many people will make a fuss over it. However, if they skipped it, people would be confused as to why it went from 665 to 667, and they'd realise that it was delibarately skipped. If they put a Pokemon in that space, I highly doubt it will a Dark/Ghost/Anything that could be offensive.

tl;dr Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small Pokemon, and not one that is likely to cause controversies.

unless it's a Sawk or Throh thing
or, what if you get 2 for bird, 2 for rodent? or 3 for bird and rodent? that gets to 662 or 664. 662 is more likely to have it be something small, 664 makes it a bit more likely to be middle/second stage. also, when you said it's likely to be a small pokemon, if it's 663, that would make 664 basic, 665 evolved, 666 final, or it would be basic pokemon, evolution, another basic pokemon
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Paddy185 said:
Eos_Hyperion said:
I think that they will skip the number 666 to prevent controversies
Look at how the Pokedex is structured:
We're on Pokemon 649 now:
9 for the starters brings us to 658.
3 for the bird line and 2 for the rodent brings us to 663.
Usually, after those lines, there are smaller cutesy Pokemon found earlygame.
Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small earlygame thing. If they used the number and it was a small Pokemon, then I doubt many people will make a fuss over it. However, if they skipped it, people would be confused as to why it went from 665 to 667, and they'd realise that it was delibarately skipped. If they put a Pokemon in that space, I highly doubt it will a Dark/Ghost/Anything that could be offensive.

tl;dr Pokemon no.666 will most likely be a small Pokemon, and not one that is likely to cause controversies.

You have a point.
there is a dilemma for the #666 pokemon...If they will skip it, some will make a conspiracy theory about the missing pokemon..which are really far fetched..but if they make a #666 pokemon..conservative people will make it as a symbol of evil or something, even if its a small, insignificant looking pokemon...ive been thinking that problem since the time pokemon reachd the 600 level..
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

lolwhat, why would gamefreak give a damn about some people being superstitious about a....number?

665, 666, 667... ooooo that was scary /not
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Mitja said:
lolwhat, why would gamefreak give a damn about some people being superstitious about a....number?

665, 666, 667... ooooo that was scary /not

Pokemon Fans like us will not give a damn about this things. however, game freak, is a company, and like other company, will make sure that their product (in this case pokemon) will not cause controversies that damage the brand. If you remember the controversies on the past generations about jynx, kadabra, and even banned episodes. they dont want their brand to be associated with things that has a negative meaning..

honestly for me, i dont really give a damn thing about #666 pokemon
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Can't wait to see O'Reilly making a fuss over Pokémon.. and Jon Stewart making fun of him the next day..
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I'm in love with the elk. It's nice to see a new Christmas mascot haha. Seriously, however, this Pokémon is awesome-looking. I can't wait to hear about their typing. Grass/Psychic for Xerneas? I have no idea about Yveltal. Fire/Dragon? Fire/Flying?
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

Wow, we got the names for the legendaries already? Huh.

I dig the names, especially Xerneas. Definitely gonna buy Xerneas box. Blue's my favorite color. :p
RE: The Two Legendary Pokemon

I know not many people will agree with me, but I actually think that the Legendaries have a sci-fi look to them, even their names sound sci-fi-ish
>Other than the blue fur on its neck and face, it seems to be covered with a dark, somewhat metallic-looking material
>The glowing white streaks on its body bring to mind Tron, honestly
>Its other glowing bits look very strange and unnatural to me
>It has strange, mismatched eyes (apparently), an asymmetrical face (the glowing streaks are different) and its X-irises just scream "cyborg" to me
>Not as sci-fi as Xerneas, but still looks futuristic
>The claws on its wings and tail look like something a robot bird thing would have
>It has a strange, glowing chest area
>Its eyes are an unnatural, electrical blue
>The most important part is the marking on its chest, which seem to look like exposed veins or nerve-system
This is my little rant, and Pokemon seems to like to avert common theories, as when Zekrom was reveled, we all though it was a mechadragon, but it really excised before household electricity! So we may think that these Pokemon look natural, but watch them be some sort of genetically altered chimera creature!