Help The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Yes, it would. There are almost no competitive cards in that set, and it may be rotated in August.

To find the best set, this thread here has a series of reviews you may find helpful.

I would get the latest set, Noble Victories, because it has so many playable things.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Glaceon said:
Yes, it would. There are almost no competitive cards in that set, and it may be rotated in August.

To find the best set, this thread here has a series of reviews you may find helpful.

I would get the latest set, Noble Victories, because it has so many playable things.

Thanks Glaceon, i'm glad I asked first.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Price range: $100 or so wrote taxes
What I'm thinking of buying: Booster box
I need help to decide between Next Destinies, Noble Victories, and the entire HGSS series.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

That's kind of tough, because we don't know exactly what nd will have and what the rates will be. As of now, I'd say nv because it has a ton of good cards and won't get rotated anytime soon. ND will have reshy, zekky, and mewtwo EX, as well as the FA counterparts, so that's a plus.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Akamu54 said:
Price range: $100 or so wrote taxes
What I'm thinking of buying: Booster box
I need help to decide between Next Destinies, Noble Victories, and the entire HGSS series.

I'd say definitely wait for Next Destinies. I have a feeling the HGSS will be rotated this year, so you won't have long to use those. Next Destinies will have a bunch of good cards (if it's anything like the Japanese sets) and will be useful for a year or two.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Which site is the best to pre-order from? Troll and Toad just ran out of Next Destinies booster boxes :(
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Greetings. It's been a while.

I decided it's high time to purchase some cards, though I would love to be able to purchase them for the Pokemon TCG Online version. Basically, debating between a Kyurem/Feraligatr/Vileplume deck or a Kyurem/Cobalion/Electrode deck. What are their advantages and disadvantages? Is there anyway to purchase these singles for Online?
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Is Gamingetc a reliable site? I am pre-ordering a booster box from there and just want to know about your experiences with this web site.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Price range: 100-110
Options: ND booster box HST booster box

I'm thinking definitely ND, with dce, prism, sky arrow, mewtwo, zekrom (great edition to eelektrik)
And etc.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Definitely go with the ND, it is going to change the entire TCG metagame.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Actually, I'd hold off making a decision until we know more about the set and the pull rates.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Yeah turns out I'll need another week or two from when I was gonna buy the box, but that should give me time to see at least what the pull rates are.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

If you have the money then you might as well go for the whole box. You get more of the set in the box and you also get it sealed, so you don't have to worry about searched packs.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

I would wait for ND to be released. We still have no idea what the set as a whole is going to give us, so it would be wiser to wait until the actual set is released. I know the EXs are going to be a must-have, but you can get those as singles, and if the rest of the set isn't too promising, I wouldn't spend too much money on it.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

i want to somewhat get back into Pokemon cards, but I don't have the $ to go competitive (nor do I have the drive) I just wanna collect really, like the good ol' days of my youth.

Cards I particularly want are Full Arts.

SHOULD I.... wait until the next set releases so i can get EXs and Full arts or buy the current Noble Victories box?
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

TBH, if you're only looking for Full Arts, I'd buy them singly. Most Full Arts tend to run around $10 a piece. For the price of a box, you can get pretty much all of the Full Arts if you get them at the right price.

Or if you're looking for the EXs and stuff, definitely get a box. Then you can sell the extras while the prices are still high(er than they will be).
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Yo i need help too.
Well, i was recently in a card shop on the edge of town
and saw they were selling booster boxes really cheap. I need help to see if i should invest in them and resell them to make some dough to buy ND
Here are them:
Jungle Sealed: 65$
Fossil Sealed- 70
Rocket Sealed-70
skyridge Sealed-90
Gymchallenge sealed-70
and Basic/base set booster box for 80
Are these good deals? Thanks for any replies. :)