Help The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

ISmokeWeedle said:
Yo i need help too.
Well, i was recently in a card shop on the edge of town
and saw they were selling booster boxes really cheap. I need help to see if i should invest in them and resell them to make some dough to buy ND
Here are them:
Jungle Sealed: 65$
Fossil Sealed- 70
Rocket Sealed-70
skyridge Sealed-90
Gymchallenge sealed-70
and Basic/base set booster box for 80
Are these good deals? Thanks for any replies. :)

Checked profile (saw username, figured another vancouverite). Damn.

I'd buy every single one I saw assuming they were all legit.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

I already bought a booster box of Next Destinies and I got a Mewtwo-Ex thankfully. I want to buy another but I'm not sure what set to get it from. I was going to get 2 boxes of ND, but since I pulled a Mewtwo I don't think I need to. I could still get another one or the Full Art though. What do you guys recommend?
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

PB familiar said:
Do you collect, play or both? What else do you have?

I primarily collect. I'd like to play, but there isn't really a League near me. The only box I've bought is the Next Destinies one. I've bought a few packs from other sets but thats about it.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Im lookin at some pretty sick sleeves for nationals and would like some advice on which is cooler or you could just suggest cooler ones.
Price Range:Dont really want to spend more than 45 shipped
What Im currently lookin at:1)



Im really leaning toward the third one what do you guys and gals think
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Here's what I think

1) I absolutely love these sleeves and hope to get myself a set as well. Although, I can definitely point you to an Ebay listing that's cheaper than that current one.

2) I owned these sleeves, they're nice but loose their appeal very fast after a few uses due to the scratches you're gonna see on them.

3) Not really a fan, there are better sleeves out there.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

what ones would you recomend

I kinda like these cuz they are cheap
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Price Range: Under $100
I'm looking to buy a booster box, but for a specific reason. I am in the business of buying and selling, so I would like to know what booster box has the most profit to be made from the possible pulls in the set.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Daelum said:
Price Range: Under $100
I'm looking to buy a booster box, but for a specific reason. I am in the business of buying and selling, so I would like to know what booster box has the most profit to be made from the possible pulls in the set.

At the moment I would say Dark Explorers- the newest set. It has 3 EXs that retail for 25+ with Darkrai being 60+ on most card sites plus a plethora of new trainers that are popular such as Dark Patch, Ultra Ball, Dark Claw, and Random Reciever. The set also has reprints of staples Supporter cards such as Juniper and N.

Next Destinies is probably next with Prism and Double Colorless Energy and the Level and Heavy Ball trainers. However, the only EX that ND has now thats worth more than 15 bucks(thats being generous) is Mewtwo EX... so Dark Explorers is probably the way to go.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Okay, awesome. Where do you think is the cheapest place to get a Dark Explorers box?
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Daelum said:
Okay, awesome. Where do you think is the cheapest place to get a Dark Explorers box?

Sealed boxes shipped are on eBay for $95
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Price Range: $150-$200
What you are thinking of buying: boxes, etc.
Any options to choose from and why (Optional): I was wondering, since I've been saving alot of money for dragon blade/blast should I get 2 boxes from the set? or should I just get one box and go to the prerealease? I'm not sure which one is better, but I know that everyone (including me) wants to get their hands on dragon type pokemon, so any advice would be great, thanks! xD
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

"Better" in this case is pretty subjective. If all you want is cards, then go for the 2 boxes, since you get more physical product for your money. Prerelease is more for the fun of getting the cards a bit early, and also participating in a sealed tournament setting, so you're paying for the experience as well.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

I am really excited for bw2 and was wandering If I should buy a japanese copy of the game. I would love to but it costs big bucks and the english ones come out soon and the japanese ones only work on the ds lite.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

I hope this is the right place since it's about BUYING.. But I'm curious about this booster box on ebay.

It's a spanish 1st edition base set booster box, and being a spanish speaker, I'm really interested. The thing that brings me to ask this question is that one of the pictures shows the box with holes or openings on the sides.. The box is sealed for the most part, but the sides are different.. I'm hoping to get some information on this. Please help!

EDIT: In my defence, this auction is NOT mine. I'm interested in buying and I'm not advertising!
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Puckstopper20 said:
It's a spanish 1st edition base set booster box, and being a spanish speaker, I'm really interested. The thing that brings me to ask this question is that one of the pictures shows the box with holes or openings on the sides.. The box is sealed for the most part, but the sides are different.. I'm hoping to get some information on this. Please help!

While I am not 100% positive on this, I believe this is just the way Wizards sealed their packages back in the day. I can't remember for sure, but I think my Dutch Base Set booster box was the same way, that being the only Wizards box I've ever opened.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Yeah, that is the normal sealing for that box. If you look at the way that the wrapping ends around the open circle, you can tell that it was meant to stop there.
RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread


Why is THIS one sealed differently on the sides..?

RE: The "What Should I Buy?" Thread

Puckstopper20 said:

Why is THIS one sealed differently on the sides..?


One reason is that photo looks like a stock photo from Wizards.

If you get, we should trade doubles.