The Yu-Gi-Oh Thread

don()shinobi said:
Heavy Infantry and Marksman are crappy discards? :V
And there's also Salvage.

Overall, yes. Both Atlanteans are 1-for-1 trades and nothing more. The focus of Mermails that has developed recently, is the most prevalent playstyle, and is what I do is attempt a huge board and seal the game with one or two moves rather than gradually pick off my opponent's resources. The Atlanteans are discards that promote the transformstion into the grind game, which Mermails don't do well in and have bad topdecks by virtue of being combo-based, whereas Gunde and Dragoons build your own resources further and allow you to create the game-sealing board. As a result, the deck has shifted more into focus on Teus, Pike, Turge and Gunde (and for me the Mini engine) and away from the aggro-style promoted by Megalo and the Atlanteans, which isn't the playstyle that solid Mermail builds excel at, especially now that Gunde - the key component of the grind game - is limited. While Salvage is a thing, you don't want Megalo taking resources off your hand that could be better used to create dominating boards, and the Atlanteans don't necessarily help that goal by instead using your resources to (dreaded cliché approaching) create a "simplified gamestate", which you don't want. I play one Megalo, two Marksman, an Infantry and a Salvage because the engine can be useful for (Megalo) beaters, (Marksman) popping stray backrow and Geargiarmor prior to making a combo, (Infantry) popping things such as Skill Drain, Rai-Oh, Ophion and Mistake that may obstruct combos, and (Salvage) being a good recovery option for Gunde and other resources. I'm playing just enough to where they can be useful but not overwhelmingly deterrent.

tl;dr They are runnable by all means but not integral to the main objective of Mermails, so they are run at minimal counts.
One of the reasons I quit was actually because of the money I needed to build a good meta deck while others who had the money but no skill won (most times) against us because there was no way to beat them if they had a small grasp of game mechanics. At my local store, there were usually 2-3 winners throughout a season, the only ones who could both afford a good deck and play properly. Some others were so terrible it was disgusting. I remember a guy bragging about his collection, laughing at those of us who played common Heavy Storm and MST where he had Ultras. He played Zombies (back when they were good) and I managed to beat him with a random Synchro deck... And there was one guy whose parents had more money than all of us combined, and he always had two or three perfectly built meta decks... I beat him with the same crappy Synchro deck when he played Absolute Zero, and I once lost to a Lightsworn only because, with empty field and hand, 2000 LP and me having two Synchros down, he drew Judgment Dragon.
Anyone with some cash can play meta. Few can master that meta, or even less evolve.
Speaking of Mermails, Uralya...Mathematician works in here too, especially in the mini variant.

Normal summon it, send Hilde to the Graveyard. SS Dine, then use Dine to SS Hilde and overlay for Abysstrite, Tri-Edge Levia, whatever. Or if you don't have any good discards but need a mermonster on the field, dump Hilde to get one out. Send Mander to the grave to boost dudes' levels. Dump Ocea, discard Gunde to SS a mermonster and bring back Ocea with Gunde (probably an ass combo, I don't know, I don't play Mermails too much :V), then tribute the mermonster with Ocea to special summon things...I'unno if Mathematician would actually be a good addition to Mermails or not, but I waz just thnkng of u bby :^)

Also, speaking of Dragons of Legend.

Can't wait to make a cookie cutter deck almost entirely comprised of cards from this set.
don()shinobi said:
Says the guy who played Dino Rabbit when Rescue Rabbit was at 3. :p

I didn't even play YGO when Dino Rabbit was at 3. I wouldn't drop all that money on those bunnies anyways!
don()shinobi said:
Speaking of Mermails, Uralya...Mathematician works in here too, especially in the mini variant.

Normal summon it, send Hilde to the Graveyard. SS Dine, then use Dine to SS Hilde and overlay for Abysstrite, Tri-Edge Levia, whatever. Or if you don't have any good discards but need a mermonster on the field, dump Hilde to get one out. Send Mander to the grave to boost dudes' levels. Dump Ocea, discard Gunde to SS a mermonster and bring back Ocea with Gunde (probably an ass combo, I don't know, I don't play Mermails too much :V), then tribute the mermonster with Ocea to special summon things...I'unno if Mathematician would actually be a good addition to Mermails or not, but I waz just thnkng of u bby :^)

Also, speaking of Dragons of Legend.

Can't wait to make a cookie cutter deck almost entirely comprised of cards from this set.
You're quite right, Math Lord is great but it isn't really good in Mermails. If it could send Tidal, maybe, but no. Promising though. thnk u bby :^)

*insert Soul Charge rage meme here*

Zombies with Beelze and all that will love this. Hmm, maybe Gimmick Puppets will too! :D
Hooray for more easy Quasar combos :V
Summon Lonefire Blossom, tribute it for another Lonefire, then tribute itself to SS Dandylion. Use Soul Charge to SS the 2 Lonefire. Use one effect, tributing Dandy to SS Spore. Synch Spore with a token to make Formula. Banish Dandylion to SS a level 4 Spore. Synch Spore and another token for Librarian. Use the second Lonefire's effect, tributing it to SS a level 2 Plant Tuner. Synch that and Lonefire into some level 5 (perhaps Reincarnation Dragon Samsara in the case your opponent uses Torrential?), then make Quasar. You can't attack this turn, but you summoned Quasar with 2 cards.
In the OCG, that is. No word on when it'll come to the TCG, but whatev :V

Duelist Advent is beginning to leak! Keep updated here!
So, what do you all think of The Duelist Advent now that all 90 cards in the set are known?

I'm personally loving the Shadolls. Since their big boss monster needs a LIGHT monster and a Shadoll to fusion summon, it practically encourages you to mix an archetype with it. I'm already constructing Shadoll Bujins as we speak (Shadoll Fusion dumps the Bujingi to summon Nephilim, and Yamato + Arasuda can discard Shadollroots to recycle Shadoll Fusion), but I think that's only the beginning of it all.

Heavyweight Musha Big Ben K looks extremely fun to play with...finally, a use for Unity and D2 Shield.

I'd also love to mess around with Fantasia Princess Prodigy Mozart--looks like it gives Fairy decks well-needed speed. SS her via Valhalla, use her effect to SS Athena, sent her to the Graveyard with Athena and promptly SS it, then use Mozart's effect to SS another Fairy. That's 1200 damage and at least 5200 ATK on the board.
They are Constellars on steroids, brah.

Satelaknights are the epitome of simplistic card design - no gimmicks or drawbacks; there's just raw advantage. I'd say they are the embodiment of a competitive archetype and will create a lot of rage when they hit American shores. They have a Wolfbark, Algiedi, Stratos, Armageddon Knight, Cowboy, and more already, with even more to come probably. I love them, but that's the competitive side of me - the other half really regrets the simplicity and stupidly easy mechanics this deck has. Ugh... it reminds me of Dragon Rulers way back when.
Meh, it's not the first, and it won't be the last. Satellaknights seem more than promising, and probably will be for a year... and then they'll have half their deck banned and vanish in the shadows of history. We've seen the story many times. There's no way to bring in players unless you give them something to abuse. Then you take that something and replace it so that players will keep playing (and paying). Simple as that.
Competitively speaking, this is a deck for the pure competitive "I wanna win" guy, the guy who would play Exodia, Inzektor or Dragon Ruler despite there being no challenge in the gameplay, just to win. Absurdly powerful? Yes. Fun? Not quite.
I'm fine with the Satellaknights as a whole, but Sham is what really irks me. JUST for summoning it, 1/8 of your opponent's life points are gone. Late game, summoning Altair to summon Sham then overlaying for Cowboy is 1800 effect damage. With 1 card.
don()shinobi said:
I'm fine with the Satellaknights as a whole, but Sham is what really irks me. JUST for summoning it, 1/8 of your opponent's life points are gone. Late game, summoning Altair to summon Sham then overlaying for Cowboy is 1800 effect damage. With 1 card.

Combine this with how rampant Soul Charge is running about, and life points become almost like oil as a commodity. Lucky us Wiretap is replacing seven tools or this would be even more ridiculous.
So, there's a cluster of regionals this weekend, and I'm likely playing Reckless Minimails at the Dallas one once again (went x-3 with it at my last regionals). What DoL cards do you guys think will be the big players so close to their release? Besides the obvious Soul Charge being mained in nearly every deck, I expect Kuribandit to be run at 2-3 in decks like Zombies and Dragon Rulers, Wiretap to be played in place of Seven Tools wherever it can be run (shuts down BTS and Skill Prisoner as a bonus), Signal Train Red to be mained at 1-2 in Geargia (protects Armor/GGX and is searchable by the latter), Pair Cycroid to be thrown in as a Power Bond game ender for any Cyber Dragon deck, Mathematician to spark some synchrocentric plant/psychic rogues, a couple Hand Drain decks, and maybe some overhyped Blackwing players (they do have a lot of support here).

Also, I'm looking at a lot of people siding three BHoH. I presume this is because of GGX, Susanowo, and Bujincarnation/Geargiagear (kills the resulting Xyz), but I just want to make sure.