Tiny Look at Pokemon: Best Wishes Preview for Next Week's Episode!

Decmaster said:
What about Brock!


Tsutaaja is Ash's kind of Pokemon. Tsutaaja reminds me of Treeko. In that case, Ash needs Tsutaaja.
Brock needs a fire type.
That leaves Iris with Mijumaru. Iris reminds me of Dawn who had Piplup, and Piplup and Mijumaru share many characteristics. (Both water type, have big heads, Penguin and Otter...)

That's just my two cents.

but itsnt brock being replaced in the isshu region?
i haven't seen any art with him in it yet?
Nah, the creators of the Anime will bring him back again, the man might be Belle's father or something...Besides, Brock always comes back...right?
yeah but hes been there for to long now
hes so repetitive and boring
they need to change it

i think if the girl was the new brock that would be so cool

like.. since the region is so far away
instead of nurse joys and officer jennys they have male versions instead

and the girl always falls for them instead of brock lol
kangaskhan said:
yeah but hes been there for to long now
hes so repetitive and boring
they need to change it

i think if the girl was the new brock that would be so cool

like.. since the region is so far away
instead of nurse joys and officer jennys they have male versions instead

and the girl always falls for them instead of brock lol

but so is ash, but he's still here. brock is kinda like the comic relief to pokemon though, ash is the more serious guy
Pokabu was pwn. He just was. He's a jumping pig, and you can't beat that. Mijimaru was pretty cool, and I have more respect for him now. Tsataaja was kind of just there. But he wasn't bad.

Anyway, good stuff!
ramsey1993 said:
but so is ash, but he's still here. brock is kinda like the comic relief to pokemon though, ash is the more serious guy
yeah but brock is just the companion
the whole anime is based on ash
so its not really the same..
kangaskhan said:
yeah but brock is just the companion
the whole anime is based on ash
so its not really the same..

True but brock is important to, he has all the knowledge, feeds everyone, takes care of like everyone's pokemon when they get hurt/ sick. He's important also, not as much as Ash but without him i believe a big part of the anime would be missing. the only thing i think is changable is the girl followers, they dont play that big of a part, more just a filler and to help ash feel and find stuff about himself and pokemon he didnt or never know before.
sorry bout the bold
I think Ash should get at least 2 starters in Isshu. Besides, Ash got all theee starters in Kanto and Johto. I hope he gets the grass and water types, but he will probably get the water and fire starters. I agree that it looks like Pokabu is in a gym battle when it was shown.
i think if the water starter does evolve into a water/fighting then ash might get it, hell prob think its weak cuz its so cute then when it evolves and become super strong hell be suprised and have a good bond like he did with chimchar
i think pokabu and tsutaja were fighting in the preview because pokabu was running and tsutaja was doing
grass mixer soo maybe they were fighting
or maybe tsutaja was using grass mixer for a contest move!!!! omfg nooo, but i think iris will get the grass starter and this , i think, makes me believe more of that my theory might be right
lol well i dont think they are going to show us a contest thingy this early :p but i hope the girl
gets mijumaru and not tsutaja...i want to see tsutaja fight and stuff not contest :/

angelo1104 said:
so cool i wish you can get 2 starters in the new game the grass and water:D:D{G}{W}

yeah i wish that 2 :] but it would be kinda easy to pass the game with 2 starters dont you think?
yeah it does look like a fighter but so does piplups evos but its a contest pokemon lol
i just wanna see ash with fire and brock with water like ruby and sapphire but fully evolved this time
ramsey1993 said:
yeah it does look like a fighter but so does piplups evos but its a contest pokemon lol
i just wanna see ash with fire and brock with water like ruby and sapphire but fully evolved this time

yeAH hopefully and maybe he can have both the fire and grass
I was hoping for Ash getting Mijumaru (bc its been sooo long since he used a Water Starter), Iris with Pokabu, and the Contest Guy with Smugleaf. (bc you that thing's personality suits contests perfectly)

I just wanted someone else to have the Fire Starter so that Ash gets Hihidaruma, who makes a perfect hat-stealing monkey. :)
the only thing i dont see him getting is two starters or more, its a completly new gen. so i think hes gonna have just one with 4 brand new pokemon. hopefuly
NotVeryEffective said:
I was hoping for Ash getting Mijumaru (bc its been sooo long since he used a Water Starter), Iris with Pokabu, and the Contest Guy with Smugleaf. (bc you that thing's personality suits contests perfectly)

I just wanted someone else to have the Fire Starter so that Ash gets Hihidaruma, who makes a perfect hat-stealing monkey. :)

haha lol ok well maybe ash can have all 3 of them :] and hihidaruma 2
that would be pretty cool i quess

yeah i dont see him with 2 or more either well it dosent matter all 3 of them are pretty cool
PokeBlog said:
I want Tsutarja to be with Ash, not that big nerdy intelligent guy! O Y O
Ash~ Tsutarja

Mijumaru ~ Iris

Big Nerdy Intelligent Guy- Nothing

Brock~ Nothing because he is leaving

The bold is the thing i fixed. I would like to see ash with Mijumaru.