Finished Trivia of DNA I - Xdogking, a winner is you!!

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RE: Trivia of DNA I

...Yeah. I was about to say odd integer, but then I found out Solid Rock gives x3/4, not x2/3. That sorta screwed it up, but not too much.

oyeah1988 - 15
Bippa201 - 12
The Power of Three - 12
Xdogking - 10
Guilty Spark - 7
Dark Void - 7
catutie - 5
Zyflair - 3
Yoshidude - 3
TheDarkLucario - 3
Chillarmy - 3
batui4 - 3
Hatman - 2
Snivylover555 - 1
Delta - 1
hipoke - 1
Azelf Master - 1

Name the highest base stat of a Pokemon that is not divisible by 5. Name the base stat number, the Pokemon, and what stat it is in.
RE: Trivia of DNA I

Oyeah is on a roll.

oyeah1988 - 18
Bippa201 - 12
The Power of Three - 12
Xdogking - 10
Guilty Spark - 7
Dark Void - 7
catutie - 5
Zyflair - 3
Yoshidude - 3
TheDarkLucario - 3
Chillarmy - 3
batui4 - 3
Hatman - 2
Snivylover555 - 1
Delta - 1
hipoke - 1
Azelf Master - 1

With what moves in excess of 130 base power, not counting moves that require time to charge or moves with variable base power, is it possible for there to be no negative side effect to the user? This does not include side effects that are immediately resolved, such as Overheat + White Herb, nor does it include Focus Punch or Slaking using Giga Impact or Hyper Beam; there must be no negative side effect whatsoever. Name a move, and name how it is possible.

By the way, there are two correct answers to this question. Each correct response will net that person 3 points.

Also, I'm going to post the next question later tonight, so you guys will have quite a while to figure it out.
RE: Trivia of DNA I

Oyeah gets 3 points, since Last Resort now has 140 base power. TPO3 didn't read the question very well so he gets nothing.
There's still one more move out there...

teapot stop editing your posts
RE: Trivia of DNA I

Too bad Trump Card has variable base power.
RE: Trivia of DNA I

sigh was about to post what zyflair said but refreshed first and glad i did got ninja'd
RE: Trivia of DNA I

I believe that would be Water Spout, with 150 Base Power. I don't think there is any negative side effects to the user.
RE: Trivia of DNA I

Too bad Water Spout has variable base power.
RE: Trivia of DNA I

Judgment has 100 base power. Just because you get STAB off it does not mean it has 150 base power.
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