Two Magical Fish

Thank you. Now that's strange and cool, but couldn't anyone become a super mod and not actually deserve the position? :)
Thats what the story was, whether it was true or not

Flethcher, I was an early member at that time and that is how I recall it, it could be different, but I'm pretty sure that was it.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

One accepted all with a warm glow; Mew
Its opposite exerted anger and rage. Mewtwo

The first grew to love; Mew
The second grew to hate. Mewtwo

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles Mew...?. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.

I noticed these.
Probably really off track, but eh. I thought it works a bit.
Not sure what the heck this would mean for the 'Beach, though. Hahaha.

Yes, that does make sense, but would that mean this poem is teaching us the difference between right and wrong and to change a life of others, but not into destruction like Mewtwo? It's a unique analysis. :)
Yay! My suggestions was understandable!

I'm gonna look into this. It'll be a little treasure hunt for me.
Fun fun fun.

Um. Well. Althought I've been unsuccessful thus far, I HAVE discovered that:


So. yep.
I'm betting they're either involved, or just having a good time.
If this leads someone to a more fruitful result, congrats to ya.
and thank me. Hahahaha! xD

Hey, that was on Senor Noobnerd's user title. I'm not sure how they'll be involved but brainstorming is key! I still haven't thought of anything yet! :)
This is driving me insane.
And it really shouldn't be. xD
I just reeeaaally wanna figure this one out.

Too bad I'm terrible at riddles. ;B


EDIT:: I just realized something, guys.
It can't be a promotion/demotion.
WPM said if no one figures it out then nothing will happen.
What reason does he have to deny someone their promotion or delay someone's demotion if no one figures this out?
If we don't, then we'll have someone who was supposed to be a mod stuck as a member for who knows how long,
or a messed-up (loosely speaking) current-mod who should have been demoted.

If any of that makes any sense at all...
So, unless WPM feels that the promotion/demotion doesn't have a deadline, this theory is pretty much out the window.

I feel like this isn't gonna make any sense to those reading it...

Note the adjective on the first line.

EDIT: And not sure if this changes anything for you all, but the last sentence is referring to the other fish.
The very first line?
That'd be "little".

makes me wanna say Magikarp and Feebas.
Neither of them really accepted others with a warm glow.
They just said "Oh, I swear to God...When I evolve, I'm gonna kill all of you."

^ that had to be said.

But anyway...



Water Pokémon Master said:
EDIT: And not sure if this changes anything for you all, but the last sentence is referring to the other fish.

Actually, that does. :O
I thought it was the "good" one.
It is the good one. The first sentence of the last line is the bad, the second the good.
Water Pokémon Master said:
It is the good one. The first sentence of the last line is the bad, the second the good.

I gotcha now.
Told ya I'm awful at riddles. :B

If a staff member is unfaithful and is 'turned to bubbles' e.g. demoted or banned, their changed life is the payment for another's magic. Meaning that the magic is 'transferred' to another member. =O
I'll sleep on it.
With any luck, I'll dream an epiphany. xD


Come to think of it...
I don't know what the "question" is.
It's a poem. And we're looking for an answer.
Seems to me like we need to know the question, first.

Ah, so it has nothing to do with the forum... Still trying to guess if it has anything to do with Pokemon. xD

Perhaps I'll sleep on this as well.