Two Magical Fish

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I think it's time for another hint, WPM! :)

Hey, I just found out Spirit of Mew doesn't have any stars anymore. Is he not a mod?

Is this the demotion? That is actually too bad.
Too bad. I don't WPM will give us any's like the scroll thing last time...he didn't give us anymore hints after he told us the riddle
As if he would give us another one...

I'm starting to agree with Dawn's theory of WPM leading us on. I can't see this as an analogy, as a literally-true "legend" (unfaithful people actually turn into bubbles? lol), or as another piece of rhetoric. I just don't get it...
I wasn't a mod I was a strategists, but I felt I couldn't participate because of school combined with soccer. I have things under control now as soccer is ending and I am caught up in school.

Just to make it clear I was not demoted from anything.

Sorry guys I'm not part of the riddle.
The scroll thing was last year, in which a member named Amt cracked the scroll and became a Mod...and the complaints slowly flooded in....

There HAS to be another hint for this...what we have right now makes no sense...
Oh, that's a shame Spirit of Mew. ;[ Good luck in the future.

dmaster out.
There's always a hint, Dawn. It makes sense, but not from our perspective.

Just change the viewing glass...
Sweet Dawn: Still, I don't get it. Sorry. I sort of have an idea of what it is but what's a scroll? Sorry for the confusion. :)

Spirit of Mew: That's too bad, but it's alright. 'Just putting out some ideas.

But wait...Sweet Dawn...Dawn as in glow. The morning sun is also called Dawn which is a glow, and warm person is also called a sweet person. I'm not sure but it's starting to make more sense. ;)



I need help people!
Don't think that'll work. What about the other half of the poem?

I'm not sure but that could be a promotion. :)

And please some explain anymore indeptly what the scroll thing was
that got Amt to become a mod. And how did she get unregistered?
I think I may have figured it out. So here goes nothing.

Two little fish, [Holy Star and Amt]
Each endowed with magical powers.[Both became Mods]

One accepted all with a warm glow;[Amt, was kind and generous to all members.]
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.[Amt's opposite gender, Holy Star being male, went from good Mod to bad.]

The first grew to love;[Amt]
The second grew to hate.[Holy Star

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;[Amt]
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.[Amt]

Basically what he is trying to say is. Amt. Two sides to her. Both light and dark. Her opposite, Holy Star who injected hate through the Forums. Amt, was light in her birthed mod-hood, and took it as a privilege. Until one day, power over-rid her, and she cracked and deleted her account.

Am I in the ballpark?
A certain section of the poem will decode nothing, it must be deciphered in its entirety.

WPM posted a riddle like this depicting of one star and one scroll, apparently he hid a hyperlink in an old forum banner (that use to be up, isn't now) in starmies star, she clicked on it and "found a scroll" sending an alert to WPM making her a mod. She became SM, then decided to leave for some reason, randomly, I am a little fuzzy on that end, but that is the summed up story, there.

Tears of an Uchicha, how does that answer anything, that would make sense, doesn't really answer anything though. Amt coming back? I guess it could happen.
Amt is NOT coming back. Her and WPM aren't friends anymore...says Amt herself. This is Truth not fiction. I GARENTEE you that there is something non of us are finding or getting.
luckyluigi7 said:
Amt...I still don't understand the scroll thing.

How does it work? Can someone tell me? :)

Moneyking63 said:
WPM posted a riddle like this depicting of one star and one scroll, apparently he hid a hyperlink in an old forum banner (that use to be up, isn't now) in starmies star, she clicked on it and "found a scroll" sending an alert to WPM making her a mod. She became SM, then decided to leave for some reason, randomly, I am a little fuzzy on that end, but that is the summed up story, there.
Moneyking63 said:
luckyluigi7 said:
Amt...I still don't understand the scroll thing.

How does it work? Can someone tell me? :)

Moneyking63 said:
WPM posted a riddle like this depicting of one star and one scroll, apparently he hid a hyperlink in an old forum banner (that use to be up, isn't now) in starmies star, she clicked on it and "found a scroll" sending an alert to WPM making her a mod. She became SM, then decided to leave for some reason, randomly, I am a little fuzzy on that end, but that is the summed up story, there.

She never clicked on a link.