Two Magical Fish

I didn't say it had nothing to do with the forum. I said to read it as if you have never been on the internet; that way, you might understand it. Then apply it to the forum. Only AFTER you understand it. :p
Wow, can't believe I missed this. The person being promoted could be any good member. I wonder who will be demoted, if anyone. No one hates anyone. /stumped

/me 's post is probably way out of place from the current discussion

P.S. If this has nothing to do with mods, it's cool that I'm adding to the hype. ;)
Water Pokémon Master said:
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

two fish, given an opprotunity for power and greatness

One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.

one was thankful for the wonderous opprotunity, one grew jealous and anger for whatever reason, some sort of internal corruption

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

The first loved the opprotunity and helpled all that he could with his new given magic, the seconds internal corruption spread externaly and he showed to all that he meant

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

Great opprotunities in life are given to those that are kind and loving, with great potential. However great potential can be used for evil as well, and power is corroptive in the wrong hands

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.

If one mis uses an oprotunity it is passed on to another that shows the same potential it did, and so on and so on

Now how does this relate to Pokemon and the forum?

Many members have great potential, and 2 shall be given an opprotunity, if one becomes corrupt with the power then a new one shall take the case. That's been said though, it's nothing new. Wait is this reffering to the junior mod spots, that it was a test to see who would be corrupt and who isn't?

How does this work with WPMs previous clue of bias, bias on WPMs part? Bias on the rest of the staffs part? Bias on the members part? Bias to who an opprotunity will be given to, certain trates of love and kindess and acceptance of everyone, the standard "perfect" member, is that who is biased to recieve the opptrotunity, to recieve the magic?
So, according to WPM, we should note the adjective in the first sentence. And adjective being a word that describes a noun mean that the aqective would have to be "little".
Obviously llittle has something to do with it all.
The bias part may be people who think they should get the position because they registered previous and have more posts.
Geez, this is confusing. _-_
Little, little what, little members? Quality over quantity when it comes to posts? A little username? A little signature? Or does little not refer to a member, a little group? Sounds like the junior mods again.
If it would be anything of what you said, it would be the Quality over Quantity.
Everything else would be by complete chance.
But I doubt it relates to the actually idea.
Yeah that would make sense, all though re thinking it little doesn't describe any of those things very well. All these clues seem to be unrelated, thats what is getting to me, if we could find a common ground for all these it would make the task easier.

I depected my thoughts on reading the poem with no knowledge of the forums, then applied the forums...or tried

Bias could refer to multiple things, depending on whos point of view it is, something that has to do with WPMs bias with water, a bias by the members on who they want, a bias from the staff somehow?

Little, what could that refer to, good post, spelling and grammar, quality over quantity, not exactly decoded
MylesPrower said:
Definitely sleeping on this. Perhaps I will dream the answer. xD

Haha dare to dream...literally :p

I think it is pretty obvious we are all just reading way to much into this thing, the answer is probobly right in front of us. With fresh ideas, maybe things can be ellaborated on, that is my only thought. Haha now I see why these riddles are hear, to really make us think.
Day and Night
Darkness and Light
Evil and Good
Love and Hate
Heaven and Hell
God and Devil

All phrases that would come to mind for this particular riddle...
Though I doubt they would relate much.
<---- Lied about sleeping

They're little. Nothing to do with the internet, and these 'things' are little. Yet they hold magical powers.

I'm currently thinking about those little people that pop onto your shoulders when you're thinking over doing something bad. xD

EDIT: The common man has 'little' effect on the world.

In order to be endowed with magical powers, we need to be that first fish. When we are accepting of all, and when we positively impact the most with what we are birthed, then our dreams will be fulfilled.

For all people that are unfaithful and defiant in their ability to recieve the magical powers, there are few others that will be endowed.

It's corny, but it's worth a shot. xD
Meheheh, I really thought I had it that time. XC Let's see...

Is this basically just saying that when we are accepting of all and positively impacting others, we will recieve magical powers? [Staff positions, I assume] And the unfaithful [given up, generally bad] will be banned?(Turned to bubbles?)

Last guess of the night, I promise. xD
Water Pokémon Master said:
You guys just aren't reading it without bias...

I think he means read it without trying to connect it to 'beach life. Read it as if your English teacher told it to you. HOw would you then understand it? If you had to give an explenation of this poem, how would you explain it?

I would post my gueses, but I have to go to school. Expect me to be back with more gueses tonight.
So wait a minute- we're all little fishies? Man, that just pwns my usertitle to bits.

It really seems quite simple now- what Myles said. Some little fishies will get powers and be mods, others will be banned.

Hey, wait a minute... how are members magical? x_x
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.


rearanging gets:
TOM PM ET T (T obviously stands for Tomorrow)
The only PM I sent recently was to Porygon, ONE DAY AFTER THE 1st POST BY WPM.
The post was about a specific spelling error made by me on the day this thread was posted, but 16 hours after that.
So that's going nowhere.

But 2 fish refers to this:

Yin Yang

The Yin Yang symbol is on the flag of South Korea.
This flag is also called the Taegukgi
There was a movie by that name, directed by Kang Je-gyu.
That guy made another film, named Shiri
Shiri Maimon is the name of a pop singer
Elvis Presley sings songs
In memory of Elvis, they created Graceland, which was opened at 06-07-82.
And there's only one member with that join date, and it's no other than Light Venusaur.

Therefor, LV is the new mod.


Sweet Dawn said:
I'll wait until the news is out and what's going to happen

Martainia said:
Um. Well. Althought I've been unsuccessful thus far, I HAVE discovered that:


So. yep.
I'm betting they're either involved, or just having a good time.
If this leads someone to a more fruitful result, congrats to ya.
and thank me. Hahahaha! xD

Yeah, Kronar is going to be the admin and my real name is Tracy

Water Pokémon Master said:
Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.

The first grew to love;
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Note the adjective on the first line.

EDIT: And not sure if this changes anything for you all, but the last sentence is referring to the other fish.
MylesPrower said:
<---- Lied about sleeping

They're little. Nothing to do with the internet, and these 'things' are little. Yet they hold magical powers.

I'm currently thinking about those little people that pop onto your shoulders when you're thinking over doing something bad. xD

EDIT: The common man has 'little' effect on the world.

In order to be endowed with magical powers, we need to be that first fish. When we are accepting of all, and when we positively impact the most with what we are birthed, then our dreams will be fulfilled.

For all people that are unfaithful and defiant in their ability to recieve the magical powers, there are few others that will be endowed.

It's corny, but it's worth a shot. xD

I gathered up all clues, now lets see if I could give it a shot.

"Two little fish,
Each endowed with magical powers.

One accepted all with a warm glow;
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.

The first grew to love
The second grew to hate.

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone;
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others."

Two little fish(WPM says to us to use the adjective on the first line, so it should be "two little kids.")
Each endowed with magical powers.(WPM says to not refer this to the internet so this should mean "these two kids were given magical powers.")

One accepted all with a warm glow(One kid is very kind and used his power for them.)
Its opposite exerted anger and rage.(The other kid is very selfish and angry so he uses the powers for his own means.)

The first grew to love(The kind kid has grown being kind.)
The second grew to hate.(So the bad kid grown being with hatred.)

Magic is given to those who are accepting of everyone(Only magic will be kept by the kind kids.)
Magic is given to those who positively impact the most with what they are birthed.(Magic is also given to those who help the most people when they re given magic.)

It's an old folktale. If one remains unfaithful, it turns to bubbles. If lives are changed, its life is payment for the magic of others.(So if the bad kid keeps hating, the kid will have no power and if the lives helped by the good kid change, it's life's payment from the good kid.)

Let's relate now, certain members will have a chance to become a mod. Some of these mods will help others while the other mods don't. The mods will continue to help and the other mods will not. So magic is given to those who accept everyone and help a lot of people. So the bad mods will have their power taken and the members will be thanked by with the good mods.

This was my summary, I tried.