RSE/FRLG Tyraniking's Sapphire Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after PokeBeach idols :O)

Hatman vs. TDL

  • TDL

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Hatman

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Other (Describe in post)

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Hi, I'm a scrub
Hey everyone. If you don't know what a Nuzlocke is, I'll explain it. It's a challenge. The main rules are:

1. The first Pokemon you encounter in the wild can be captured, but all others cannot, even if you let the first faint/run away.
2. If a Pokemon faints, you have to release it. It's dead.

My additional rules are:

1. All Pokemon must be nicknamed (If I break this rule (I do) then I nickname the Pokemon asap. If I can't think of a nickname, I wait and go to the name rater when I have an idea) after a well known Pokebeach member.
2. No catching legendaries, or using them.
3. No real-life trading.
4. Duplicate captures are banned.
5. If I black out, I have to restart the game.

Let's get started:

Try 1:

Day 1:

Hey Professor Birch. I'm a man. And my name is T-Butt kicking-ee. Except my name is only one letter, so I guess that doesn't work. So just the T. Oh, you can't fight a wee Poochyena? Fine, a Mudkip will. Cuz Mudkip lieks Poochyena. Pooch gets defeated, obviously, and now I get to keep Mudkip. I nickname it Tking, short for Tyraniking. The May (Heading up to her--no wild Pokemon *yus*) battle was easy, Tackle spam, gg. Heading down to the lab, (No wild Pokemon still *yus*) I get my Pokeballs, and head back to Oldale town. On the way there, I capture a Pokemon. It's a female Zigzagoon. A more well-known member on these forums that's female is Gliscor, so I decided to name her Gliscor. Before going west, I grab Potions, Antidotes, Awakenings, and Pokeballs. While I was there, I found a new member of the team, a Female Poochyena. Unfortunately I accidentally chose "No" for the nickname. I don't even know a good nickname for her anyway. I'll make a poll or something. After that, I buy moar items in Petalburg, and head west again after the little tutorial. I got to capture another Pokemon and--HOLY SMOKES IT'S A MALE WINGULL! I capture, and it's nickname shall be WPM, after our webmaster. And that concludes Day 1.

Current Team:

Lv. 8 Male Mudkip (Tking)
Lv. 6 Female Zigzagoon (Gliscor)
Lv. 6 Female Poochyena (ZSL)
Lv. 6 Male Wingull (WPM)

Day 2:

Before I begin, I made up a nickname I couldn't use for Pooch--ZSL (ZoruaSnivyluver). Anyway, entering the forest, I catch a new Shroomish which I will call Snivylover, and battle the Aqua grunt. I was busy doing something else, and didn't pay attention to the Howls his Poochyena was using, and Gliscor died...I revenge with WPM, and continue. RIP Gliscor!

Out of the forest, I continued to Rustboro City. I completely forgot to buy Potions for the gym! All I had were some Oran Berries. But Tking completely made them wish they were never born. After that, I headed east to the cave with the Whismurs, where I trained ZSL. Unfortunately, she died in a trainer battle and was replaced with a Tailow, which I caught and named R-C after Rotom-Cut. When I entered the Cave, R-C died and was replaced with Bippa, a Whismur. Then I owned the little Grunt at the end out of frustration that I lost 3 Pokemon in one day.

Current Team:

Lv. 14 Male Mudkip (Tking)
Lv. 11 Male Wingull (WPM)
Lv. 11 Female Shroomish (Snivylover)
Lv. 9 Male Whismur (Bippa)


Zigzagoon (Gliscor):

Defeated in an epic battle with the first Team Aqua grunt.

Poochyena (ZSL):

Defeated in some random trainer battle on Route 116.

Tailow (R-C):

Defeated by a wild Level 7 Whismur, Bippa, which I later caught. I'm telling Bippa to behave himself if he wants to stay on team.

Day 3:

I head over to Dewford Town, go in the cave above, and catch a Makuhita. It's name is Afro-G. So then, after I snag him, I challenge the gym. I use WPM as my lead, but his Machop could tear through it. And plus, he had two Super Potions. Everyone else gets owned by Karate Chops, and I white out!

Try 2:

Day 1:

Catching up where I left off, I quickly choose the same name (T) and the same nickname (Tking) for my Mudkip. The Poochyena battle was easy, so I went north and fought May. By that time Tking was level 6, and that Treeko was level 5, so obviously I could win there. My first Pokemon encounter was a Female Zigzagoon, which I named Snivylover. It was only level 3, but it's Pickup has gotten me insane stuff (Rare Candy, PP Up, Full Restore, and a Super Potion). After I mash 'A' after meeting my Dad, I buy some stuff, and off to the forest I go. My new addition here is a MALE Shroomish, which I decided to name Yoshidude. I wish I would've caught a Wurmple for the second gym I lost to, but wutevs. So I train Yoshidude and Tking together, beat the Grunt (No losses) and I arrive at the end. I catch DNA, a Male Wurmple, and enter Rustboro. Before the gym, I got a Female Tailow which I named Gliscor. I plan on leveling it up slowly. So at the Gym, I Absorb/Water Gun sweep the heck out of everything, and I got....THE STONE BADGE!!!! Or whatever it is. Not much of a badge really, because as long as you start with Mudkip or Treeko, there's no accomplishment.

I grab Cut, get some bonuses, and go to that cave with the Whismurs. I trained Gliscor up slowly while I was at it, I caught another Whismur named Bippa. Beat the Aqua Grunt in an easy battle. His only Pokemon was at a very low level. Now I go to Dewford, and turns out by the time I am ready to battle Brawly, Gliscor is the highest level Pokemon I have. Oh yus. WING ATTACK GG. While I was at it, my Tking evolved into Marshtomp. Electric gym's gonna be so easy. What's that you say? Bottom floor of the cave has Arons? Well I'll help myself to one. I caught a female Aron named ZSL, after ZoruaSnivyluver. By the time I step foot in Slateport City, I have a FULL TEAM of 6 Pokemon, plus a boxed DNA.

Current team:

Lv. 18 Male Marshtomp (Tking)
Lv. 18 Female Tailow (Gliscor)
Lv. 10 Female Aron (ZSL)
Lv. 14 Male Shroomish (Yoshidude)
Lv. 7 Male Whismur (Bippa)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)


Lv. 6 Male Wurmple (DNA)

Day 2:

I walked into Slateport after some Trainer Battles, and ruined Team Aqua's plans with Tking the Marshtomp, Gliscor the Tailow, and Yoshidude the Shroomish. I look around, and realize that this is such a huge city, with pretty much nothing to do. So I exit, and head up around Cycling Road. I battled the trainers, and caught a Wingull. I named it Hatman. It was level 12, and I already have Gliscor for a Flying type, so I probably won't use him much. Sorry Hatman! Another battle against May, which I completely forgot about! I open Tking, and on her side is her Wailord. I rip it with Mud Shot, and I realize she's about to send out Grovyle. No. Just no. Switch to Gliscor, and Wing Attack for a OHKO. Her next Pokemon is a Numel, so I send Tking out again and OHKO with Water Gun. I continue through, and I'm finally at Mauville. I chose to get a Mach Bike, and raced through the area with it and trained excessively. I battled a Roselia with ZSL, and this is what happened:

ZSL used Metal Claw. It missed!
Roselia used Mega Drain.
ZSL used Metal Claw. It missed!
Roselia used Stun Spore.
ZSL is paralyzed! It's unable to move!
Roselia used Mega Drain.
ZSL Fainted!

So yea, REALLY lame. I really wanted to keep ZSL too. Out of my training, Yoshidude evolved into Breloom, and Gliscor evolved into Swellow. I also accidentally used DNA the Wurmple in a double battle, and it evolved into Cascoon! Yoshidude learned Mach Punch, so I realized, with that and a Mud Shotting Tking, this gym would be easy as pie. It was. Tking misses it's first Mud Shot against Magnemite, so it gets hit by Sonicboom, but then the next Mud Shot hits and it's OHKO. Same story with Voltorb. For Magneton, I got out Yoshidude and Mach Punched twice for game.

Current Team:

Lv. 25 Marshtomp (Tking)
Lv. 23 Breloom (Yoshidude)
Lv. 22 Swellow (Gliscor)
Lv. 12 Wingull (Hatman)
Lv. 7 Whismur (Bippa)
Lv. 3 Zigzagoon (Snivylover)


Lv. 6 Cascoon (DNA)


ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Day 3:

I go north, and head over to Fallarbor town. I encountered a Numel, which I named dmaster. It died while I was training it. I accidentally left it wide open for Wingull to OHKO it. I met a Skarmory as well, but couldn't catch it :( I heal and go to the cave where Team Aqua is. I follow them to Mt. Chimney and prepare for the epic battle with Archie. On the exit of the cave, I also caught a Swablu which I named Apollo. So Archie uses Mightyena, which I OHKO with Yoshidude's Mach Punch. He sends out a Golbat, so I switch for Tking. He has a hard time, so I switch to Gliscor and KO it. When I see Sharpedo, I switch right away to Yoshidude and KO. I go down to Lavaridge, claim my rightful egg, and challenge the gym leader. She opens Slugma, I open Tking. Mud Shot, KO. She opens another Slugma, Mud Shot, KO. I keep it up for Torkoal, and she uses Attract lock, which REALLY annoyed me, so I switched to Gliscor. Biggest mistake ever. OVERHEAT! I watched Gliscor burn to the ground. The Pokemon that won me the second gym. GONE. I send out Tking, cry a mighty battle cry, and tear the wretched turtle to pieces with Mud Shot. I got the badge, but I didn't feel happy at all. I lost my third member to the team. My "Gliscor slaps Tyraniking" senses are tingling.

Current Team:

Lv. 32 Male Marshtomp (Tking)
Lv. 28 Male Breloom (Yoshidude)
Lv. 15 Male Swablu (Apollo)
Lv. 12 Male Wingull (Hatman)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)
Lv. 0 Egg (???)


Lv. 8 Cascoon (DNA)
Lv. 7 Whismur (Bippa)


ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Day 4:

I finish all of the trainer battles, hatch my Wynaut (Afro) from my egg, shove Bippa and Apollo in the Day Care, and go to the Desert. I chose the Claw Fossil, because Anorith doesn't share weakness with Apollo, Bippa, or Tking. I take Apollo out of Day Care and put Anorith (PDC, after P\palkiadialgaclash) in instead. At the Normal Gym, I battled the Strength dude. Oh interesting, boosting attack there I see. I guess I'll go ahead and switch to Yoshidude for Mach Punch. Slash? Eh, it'll survive.

It's. A. Critical. Hit.

I watched as Yoshidude's mushroom head was sliced off by the Zangoose's claw. He laughed an evil laugh, at the agony of Yoshidude. Tking roared at the Zangoose, angry at the loss of his second friend. Mud Shot, KO. But how will Trainer T win without his Fighting Type against a Normal Gym? Here's how. Candy. Tking evolves into Swampert at last with a Rare Candy. But one Pokemon won't be enough! Will he get the help of Apollo, PDC, and Bippa? To be continued.

Current Team:

Lv. 36 Male Swampert (Tking)
Lv. 21 Male Swablu (Apollo)
Lv. 12 Male Wingull (Hatman)
Lv. 8 Male Cascoon (DNA)
Lv. 5 Male Wynaut (Afro)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)



Day Care:

Lv. 22 Male Whismur (Bippa)
Lv. 23 Male Anorith (PDC)


ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Yoshidude (Breloom):

Defeated by a Zangoose in the Petalburg gym.

Day 5:

So, I decide to level my other Pokemon up by throwing them into Daycare. I put in PDC the Anorith and Bippa the Whismur. After 2 hours of biking, I get something that looks like this and something that looks like this. And when I challenge my dad's gym, I look at something like this, and rip them to shreds for killing Yoshidude. I throw Hatman and Apollo in the Day Care, and turn off my GBA, victorious.

Current Team:

Lv. 36 Male Swampert (Tking)
Lv. 41 Male Exploud (Bippa)
Lv. 40 Male Armaldo (PDC)
Lv. 8 Male Cascoon (DNA)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)
Lv. ?? ??? (???) (Free space)



Day Care:

Lv. 24 Male Swablu (Apollo)
Lv. 12 Male Wingull (Hatman)


ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Yoshidude (Breloom):

Defeated by a Zangoose in the Petalburg gym.

Day 6:

So I take shortcuts and I enter Mauville City. I get the keys to New Mauville and meet PMJ the Voltorb. Hopefully he lasts, cuz I need him for two gym leaders >_< (Wallace and Winona). New encounter, it's a Linoone! Since my friend thought he would be a good Linoone, I named it Flaming09 after FlamingDriscoll09. At the Weather Institute, I easily defeat the AHAHAHAHAHA Aqua admin and claim a Castform. BOX SITTER! I enter Fortree after battling tons of trainers, and evolve PMJ to Electrode. I meet Stalker Dude Steven for the third time and he gives me this scope thingy. Too bad I already encountered a Pokemon in the area, so I Spark'd the Kecleon to death with Electrode. Before the 6th gym, I give Shock Wave to Electrode, because Thunder Bolt is for nubs :p (Actually, I wanted to save it just in case, considering Shock Wave would be enough for the gym). Gym is easy, for Altaria, PDC worked it with Ancient Power. All the rest, PMJ. On my way out of Fortree, I caught a new Pokemon--Saferblad the Electrike! I run to Mt. Pyre, and fail to catch a Shuppet. D'aww...Instead I get a Blue orb. End of Day 6!

Current Team:

Lv. 42 Male Swampert (Tking)
Lv. 41 Electrode (PMJ)
Lv. 41 Male Exploud (Bippa)
Lv. 41 Male Armaldo (PMJ
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)
Lv. 25 Male Castform (CMP (Planned nickname)


Lv. 8 Male Cascoon (DNA)
Lv. 26 Female Electrike (Saferblad)
Lv. 25 Female Linoone (Flaming09)
Lv. 6 Female Wynaut (Afro)

Day Care:

Lv. ?? Male Swablu (Apollo)
Lv. ?? Male Wingull (Hatman)


ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Yoshidude (Breloom):

Defeated by a Zangoose in the Petalburg gym.

Day 7:

So I head downstairs, go to the interior of the top of Mt. Pyre. HOLY SMOKES IT'S A SHINY SHUPPET!

Nuzlocke says hi.

I decide to take Apollo out of the Day Care, I give it Rare Candies, and he's an Altaria! So I leave and go to the Abandoned Ship. I cream everyone, go outside to the routes near Dewford, cream everyone, (Realize Mr. Briney got kidnapped) head to Mossdeep, cream everyone, in the gym, cream everyone, battle the Gym Leader...oh boy. Well as long as that Psychic doesn't hit critical on my Tk--

It's. A. Critical. Hit.

Nah, just kidding, it survived. Exploud, Shadow Ball,


Current Team:

Lv. 45 Male Swampert (Tking)
Lv. 43 Male Exploud (Bippa)
Lv. 43 Electrode (PMJ)
Lv. 43 Male Altaria (Apollo)
Lv. 43 Male Armaldo (PDC)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)


Lv. 8 Male Cascoon (DNA)
Lv. 25 Male Castform (CMP)
Lv. 25 Female Linoone (FlamingD09)
Lv. 6 Female Wynaut (Afro)

Day Care:

Lv. ?? Male Wingull (Hatman)
Lv. ?? Male Electrike (Saferblad)


ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Yoshidude (Breloom):

Defeated by a Zangoose in the Petalburg gym.

Day 8:

Time to hit underwater. I go in the Seafloor Cavern, catch TDL the Zubat, and battle Leader Archie. I KO his Mightyena with Bippa. He uses Crobat, so I send out Apollo and PDC to beat that. Last one, Sharpedo. PMJ 2HKO's with Thunderbolt. After the dramatic cutscene, I race to Sootopolis and on the way to Kyogre, catch Broken the Sableye. In the Kyogre fight, I used Bippa, but it got weak, so I switched to Tking.

Hydro Pump.

Tking, my very first Pokemon was blasted against the cave wall. NO! I revenge with PMJ, Thunderbolt, kaboom. I mourned the loss of the last of the original 3 (Tking, Yoshidude, Gliscor) and now I'm stuck on what to use to replace it. I could use TDL the Zubat or Hatman the Wingull.

Current Team:

Lv. 44 Electrode (PMJ)
Lv. 43 Male Exploud (Bippa)
Lv. 43 Male Altaria (Apollo)
Lv. 43 Male Armaldo (PDC)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)


Lv. 8 Male Cascoon (DNA)
Lv. 31 Male Zubat (TDL)
Lv. 6 Male Wynaut (Afro)
Lv. 25 Male Linoone (FlamingD09)
Lv. 25 Male Castform (CMP)
Lv. 32 Male Sableye (Broken)

Day Care:

Lv. 29 Male Wingull (Hatman)
Lv. 29 Female Electrike (Saferblad)


Tking (Swampert):

Defeated by Kyogre's Hydro Pump.

ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Yoshidude (Breloom):

Defeated by a Zangoose in the Petalburg gym.

Day 9:

I decided to get rid of Strength on Bippa and use Return instead. After all, it simply ADORES me. I go up to the last gym leader, beat all the trainers below, and beat Wallace easily. Everything that isn't Wishcash (Who gets KO'd by Apollo) got KO'd by PMJ. So now that I have the beloved Rain Badge, I beat some trainers down near Ever Grand City and make my way up to Victory Road. So I enter only to try and catch a Makuhita/Hariyama. Then I will grind it up and win. Well, that didn't happen. So I try and avoid this trainer, because I haven't trained much. But I don't. We engage in combat, and he has one heck of a Muk. I use Apollo to attempt to KO it, but he uses Minimize to avoid hits, and Sludge to do a decent amount of damage. He uses Sludge again, with the Poison effect, to kill him! The Sludge burned away his cloud feathers, and the poison choked him. PMJ, the strongest on team, was going to avenge him. Muk used the same strategy, and thanks to Minimize, I couldn't kill the thing. Instead, he used Sludge twice, to poison AGAIN, but I Full Restore and Tbolt. Sludge twice, oh, guess what?

It's. A. Critical. Hit.

The Sludge burns PMJ's sphere-ish body. KILL'D. So I'm all like "Hax much?" and KO with PDC. Whatever, I have replacements, Saferblad and Hatman. Plus, I'm getting a Hariyama. On floor one, I encounter a Zubat, so no luck there. Floor two. I see a whopping level 40 Hariyama! And it has Whirlwind! OK, so now I have to switch out but--

Oh yes. a different effect in the wild. Of course.

I HATE THIS POKEMON WORLD AND ALL OF ITS INHABITANTS! I don't like Stalker Dude Steven, or Stalker Gal May, or Flannery's Torkoal, or Kyogre, or Roselia, or Critical Hit Zangooses, or Whirlwind Hariyamas, or HAX MUKS!!! >:[

I'm done now. Did I really post me acting like a 3 year old over a Pokemon video game? Oh well, makes things more dramatic.

Current Team:

Lv. 45 Male Armaldo (PDC)
Lv. 45 Male Exploud (Bippa)
Lv. 31 Male Pelipper (Hatman)
Lv. 6 Female Wynaut (Afro)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)


Lv. 25 Male Linoone (FlamingD09)
Lv. 25 Male Castform (CMP)
Lv. 8 Male Cascoon (DNA)

Day Care:

Lv. ?? Female Electrike (Saferblad)
Lv. ?? Male Zubat (TDL)


Apollo (Altaria):

Defeated by hax Muk.

PMJ (Electrode):

Defeated by hax Muk.

Tking (Swampert):

Defeated by Kyogre's Hydro Pump.

ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Yoshidude (Breloom):

Defeated by a Zangoose in the Petalburg gym.

Day 10:

Time to replace my loved ones. I catch some box sitters, including sillykyle! the Doduo, and Xie the Xatu from the Safari Zone. Pokemon99 comes from Meteor Falls. Broken the Sableye comes from the bottom floor of Victory Road. But other than those, I caught Pokemon to fill the team. I caught ESP the Oddish from the Safari Zone, which would soon grind up to Bellossom. The second Pokemon I caught would soon be the heart of the team, Xous the Spheal hailing from Shoal Cave, and he grinds to a boss Walrein. I also decided to take some Pokemon I already had and use them. Saferblad the Manectric joins the team, as well as Afro the Wobbufett. Now fellow readers, why did it take so long to update? Well I took those wee little Pokemon and leveled them all up to level 55 MONSTERS. So I head up and complete Victory Road, but I see n00b Wally wants to battle. Well then, let's begin.

I start with Bippa, he opens Altaria. I use Return, and then he Dragon Dances. After that, I see Super Potion. That's right, SUPER Potion. Most people in the cave used Hyper Potions. But not only did this prove that CPU's were poor/stupid, it also made his Altaria just faint right after I used Return once more. I see Delcatty, so I switch to PDC, and OHKO with Brick Break after a scratch from Assist, then Aerial Ace. I switch back to Bippa when I see Roselia, and OHKO with Flamethrower. I keep Bippa in place when I see Magneton, and EQ for x4 damage. I stay put yet again with his most treasured Pokemon, Gardevoir. This was his most treasured Pokemon. Well, I had treasured Pokemon too. I lost them. I'll show him what it's like to lose a best Pokemon! Shadow Ball, OHKO :O

Obviously, all that time running around in the Day Care and grinding paid off. My team is a monster. I buy some stuff for the final battles. Will trainer T win the league? Or will he face doom? Stay tuned for Chapter 11, the final chapter!!!

Today I'll do a moveset special edition current team update.

Current Team:

Exploud (Bippa):
~Shadow Ball

Manectric (Saferblad):
~Rain Dance
~Iron Tail

Armaldo (PDC):
~Ancient Power
~Brick Break

Walrein (Xous):
~Ice Beam

Bellossom (ESP):
~Solar Beam
~Sunny Day

Wobbufett (Afro):
~Mirror Coat
~Safe Guard


Lv. 25 Male Linoone (FlamingD09)
Lv. 25 Male Castform (CMP)
Lv. 8 Male Cascoon (DNA)
Lv. 3 Female Zigzagoon (Snivylover)
Lv. 39 Lunatone (Pokemon99)
Lv. 29 Male Xatu (Xie)
Lv. 32 Sableye (Broken)
Lv. 31 Male Pelipper (Hatman)
Lv. 27 Female Doduo (Sillykyle!)


Apollo (Altaria):

Defeated by hax Muk.

PMJ (Electrode):

Defeated by hax Muk.

Tking (Swampert):

Defeated by Kyogre's Hydro Pump.

ZSL (Aron):

Defeated by a trainer battle against Roselia.

Gliscor (Swellow):

Defeated by Flannery's Torkoal.

Yoshidude (Breloom):

Defeated by a Zangoose in the Petalburg gym.

The Final Chapter:

Vs. Sydney:

I start PDC, Brick Break my way through, as well as using Bippa for Cacturne and Shiftry, and Manectric for Sharpedo.

Vs. Pheobe:

Everything against Sableye, I spam Bippa's Shadow Ball. Sableye gets owned by Xous's Surf.

Vs. Glacia:

This is where things get interesting. I start with PDC, and use Ancient Power for Critical Hit KO on Glalie. Then I see Sealeo so I switch to Saferblad and Rain Dance. Well that was a mistake. He gets KO'd by I think Surf. So I Encore lock with Afro, then hit it hard with my other Pokemon. I see another Glalie, send out PDC, and two hit KO. I see ANOTHER Sealeo, so I switch to Afro and Encore. Well, I accidentally Encored his Blizzard, which was Super Effective, so bye-bye Afro! The rest is easy, I own with Bippa.

Vs. Drake:


Vs. Steven:

This is it. I hit Skarmory with Xous's Surf, and then I see Claydol come out. I send out Bippa to KO it. Now it's 4 on 4! I will for sure win this! I use Surf on Xous to OHKO Armaldo, and Aggron eventually gets KO'd by Bippa's Earthquake. Cradily dies to Brick Break from PDC, and I know he has one last Pokemon left, and I easily have four. So I send out ESP and use it to cover while I heal. He KO's with Meteor Mash, expected. Now I send out PDC, but he OHKO's. I send out Bippa, Earthquake, but he OHKO's! Crap. I have one Pokemon left. Xous, you better win this! 1 on 1, and it's intense. Xous hits with Surf, to blow it in...

The red zone...OK, PLEASE survive this Meteor Ma--

Xous fainted!

Wow. I just spent day after day trying to get level 30-40 Pokemon up to level 55, and this is what I get? Bummer. Oh well, maybe one day I'll pick it up again. But for now, I'm doing a new chapter. Stay tuned for LG Nuzlocke!
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Wow, you're letting yourself retry? That's super generous, considering that's one of the main rules of a Nuzlocke. I would consider removing that rule, but whatever.

Anyway, you're doing really good! Nice to see some cool nicknames. Good luck! :)
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Yea, you're right. May as well remove it. Thanks for the comment.

Also, someone dies in Day 2.
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Really? Well, looking good so far!
I hope to see a couple of non-mod nicknames. As great as mods are, there are still active legendary members.
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Another spoiler, someone who isn't a mod replaces someone who died :p
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Awesome! So, I'm intrigued as to who dies now! :|
I really need to continue mine. I paused it after I went away for a week and haven't continued since I've been back.
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

nb4 DNA is a nick.

Yeah well I better be like a Seviper or something.
Haha I will be keeping up with this.
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

I'd laugh if DNA was also a female Pokémon that got nicknamed. I half expect it, though, so many Pokémon on the games are fmale. It seems unbalanced.
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Ummm....Zangoose? Before the first gym?

Anyways this is really cool :D. I'll be reading it, the names make it interesting. Good luck!

RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

I thought he meant Zigzagoon at first (and he probably does). Zangoose that early on would be pretty neat.
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Dude, what's wrong with your game? Zangoose only eappears in Ruby on Route 114 and doesn't appear in Sapphire or Emerald. So if you got a Zangoose on the first few routes in the you mean Zigzagoon?
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Yea, I get Zigzagoon and Zangoose mixed up all the time.
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Well, there's a whopping difference. But I foresaw it, so it can't be too ridiculous to get them mixed up. I used to get Basculin and Bastiodon mixed up once or twice. :p
RE: Tyraniking's Nuzlocke (All nicknames are named after Pokebeach idols :O)

Day 2 update. IT'S SO EPIC OMG.
Yay whismur. Don't let it die even if it's Bippa. -_- shroomish is cool too. Mudkip is the best whoo. Wingull are okay but it's WPM. He won't forgive you if you let him die :p. Overall your team looks good. :) keep going!
Tyraniking said:
I'm telling Bippa to behave himself if he wants to stay on team.
Don't worry. I'll be the best Return user you've ever seen. <3

Guilty spark said:
Yay whismur. Don't let it die even if it's Bippa. -_-
What's that supposed to mean? >.<

If Tking the Mudkip dies, I think this thread might explode. ^_^

Keep going Tking. You're doing good.
Wow, I'm like so honored! :p But good job! Your team is awesome! So keep it up!
Thanks for the comments guys. Unfortunately, on Day 3, I whited out against Brawly! But don't worry, I'll update the first post again shortly when I restart.
:O Oh no!
Well, I guess that means more nicknames. :p
Let's hope that the future is better!