US Nationals 2012

Mudkip711 said:
I don't really think of my opponents as better or worse than me. I should show up the first day with an Ultra Pro deckbox, Celebi prerelease sleeves, and a tin while wearing the Nats t-shirt. Do you think I'll be considered a nub? LOL.

No offense to anyone that does this.
That's too pro. I will have a Zekrom tin, no sleeves (people care about condition? idgi), a coin, my damage counter collection, the Nats shirt, and tons of Pokémon stickers (no offense to the one person who shows up like that).
Glace said:
That's too pro. I will have a Zekrom tin, no sleeves (people care about condition? idgi), a coin, my damage counter collection, the Nats shirt, and tons of Pokémon stickers (no offense to the one person who shows up like that).

I played a kid with no sleeves at a tournament once and I thought he was a scrub but he turned out to be really good and he won the tournament. And NO! You have to buy a theme deck and use the deckbox in that lol.
Lol, Zele is right about that. I once played a guy that wasn't using sleeves using Luxchomp. O_O

And that might be fun just to act like a n00b. But you need to have a matching coin to go with the deckbox and a starter deck playmat.
Glace said:
Golden Catchers are ugly. I'm going hipster with normal ones.

I hate the shiny Catchers, I traed mine off and got bunches for them. :p

thefleeee said:
Ha thats funny, I never underestimate my opponents, theyre always better than me until proven otherwise

Same, they could always pull an unexpected card and take the game if you're not careful.
Glace said:
That's too pro. I will have a Zekrom tin, no sleeves (people care about condition? idgi), a coin, my damage counter collection, the Nats shirt, and tons of Pokémon stickers (no offense to the one person who shows up like that). And a starter deck mat

I will have my Worlds Mat, Worlds shirt, Japanese imported Pikachu and friends dicebag filled with lots of tournament legal dice, Japanese imported Victini deckbox, blue Dragon Shield sleeves, and Worlds 2008 Competitor backpack. I make the best noob ever.
No starter deck for the trick. I don't want to waste my money on theme decks.
olimar1023 said:
In Nats your opponet shuffles your deck?

A lot of players shuffle your deck to prevent cheating. Just like you can shuffle theirs. After they shuffle you can cut it though.
We should all try to convince everyone to play 1 Tyrogue with 59 energy and when they do I can show up with Darkrai and win. :)

Also, do you guys realize one of us might still be playing in Top Cut this time next week? Go go go!
Mudkip711 said:
We should all try to convince everyone to play 1 Tyrogue with 59 energy and when they do I can show up with Darkrai and win. :)

I would love to know if you could get anyone to do that. :p
Mudkip711 said:
We should all try to convince everyone to play 1 Tyrogue with 59 energy and when they do I can show up with Darkrai and win. :)

Bro, Tyrogue would donk you. :p

Tomorrow, I'm going to post the picture of what I'm wearing at Nationals. I'll post it in the Beach Member Picture thread, and link to it in this thread.

Anyone know any other good places to eat nearby(besides the noodle place lol)?
Glace said:
That's too pro. I will have a Zekrom tin, no sleeves (people care about condition? idgi), a coin, my damage counter collection, the Nats shirt, and tons of Pokémon stickers (no offense to the one person who shows up like that).
My mom won't let me go, so I guess I'll tell my secret of going super noob.

- Put your ultra pro sleeved deck in the trainer kit plastic. (Ultra Pro is nessecary! It is the easiest sleeve to find!)
- Say to your opponent "I'm using my super strong Excadrill!"
- Destroy them
- Walk away.

Works every time.
Nah, don't lie about kind of deck your using, or else immediately when you flip the cards over they would know you were pretending. Say something like "My daddy built my deck," or something along the likes so that when they see your competitive deck they wont know you are good.

If you are really going hard-core, no sleeves would be best, but I'm sure black Ultra Pro sleeves wouldn't change their opinion on you that much.
alexmf2 said:
Nah, don't lie about kind of deck your using, or else immediately when you flip the cards over they would know you were pretending. Say something like "My daddy built my deck," or something along the likes so that when they see your competitive deck they wont know you are good.

If you are really going hard-core, no sleeves would be best, but I'm sure black Ultra Pro sleeves wouldn't change their opinion on you that much.
Take out something for ONE Excadrill.
Lol Henry. Only 5 days left to go! ill be the seniors wearing a black puma hat and using a worlds mat.
Does anyone have fighting or dark CoL energy for trade? Not the P!P promos. They need to be mint.

If I see anyone next weekend not using sleeves but playing with Darkrais I swear I'll lose it. It's bad enough at the prereleases.