EspeonROX said:OK then. Never mind, I might have one incoming.My trades are happening so quickly! XD I'm just kidding.
Wishirulz said:can you CML for the set of rotoms?
I have SW flygon
Wishirulz said:would you do both flygons for all 6?
EspeonROX said:Just wondering, about how much do you value that set of RH cards at?
BTW, could we do a Meteor Blast Arceus for my Psychic Bolt? Are any of your Gardy X mint?
ESP said:CML for:
Garchomp C Lv. X Promo
Garchomp C RH (and one or two non-RH if you have them)
Garchomp MT RH
INFERNAPE112892 said:Cml
Alakazam 4 LvX
Floatzel GL LvX
Luxray GL LvX
i do know values so luxray is the only one i value high
EspeonROX said:A buck each? much do you value the Gardy SW X at? Is it mint?