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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB

richkid50000 said:
Would that be just for shinx or with heatran? Also do you have sceptile 31? I would prefer to pick up all I need in one trade so lmk what you all have and then well see. I value azelf kind of highly for reasons not to be discussed in a thread.

These are the three things I need:
shiny shinx
heatran pa
sceptile 31

Blaze fb
LA Azelf
PA Spiritomb

shiny shinx
heatran pa
sceptile 31
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Hey, man. I am hoping the 3rd time is the charm at us trying to make deals, so here goes. I need 7 Roseanne's and 5 candies. Maybe we could swap some staples or something? I just udated my thread again, so CML and let's see where it goes.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Shakespeare said:
Darn, I am loosing my mind. I am so sorry.
I had 3 Arceus cards so far, right?

Looking again...

*edit* How about the 3 Arceus and a PA Spiritomb?

Those three and a PA Spiritomb for Garchomp Lv. X tin and Garchomp MT? I'd have to pass on that one. The PA Spiritomb would put it over the top for me, since it's worth $5+.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

I dont have any Roseannes to trade,sorry.

ESP said:
Those three and a PA Spiritomb for Garchomp Lv. X tin and Garchomp MT? I'd have to pass on that one. The PA Spiritomb would put it over the top for me, since it's worth $5+.

I thought of that after I posted that. Sorry about that.
how about the three Arceus cards and what ever you think is good for the promo Garchomp c x?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

im going to post here since there was no response to the PM. is it possible for you to choose 2 of the three of those for those 3 cards?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Shakespeare said:
I thought of that after I posted that. Sorry about that.
how about the three Arceus cards and what ever you think is good for the promo Garchomp c x?

I think we're a little bit conflicting on our views of values. The Arceus I value at $3-4, and the Garchomp C Lv. X at $6, $8 at most.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Do you still need:
Blaziken FB
Salamence Lv.X
Arceus Lv.X [PsyBolt]
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

I had a momentary mental lapse there. I value the cards about the same. What ever holos you want to throw in to even it up is good with me. PM your address and I will get the Garchomp out to you right away.

PokeKid Brandon said:
Do you still need:
Blaziken FB
Salamence Lv.X
Arceus Lv.X [PsyBolt]

I can use the Blaze fb and Salamence X.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

I think you may ot have seen my post as its on the other page. but lMK as i really need those three cards. i need to beat my friend finishing the set.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Shakespeare said:
I had a momentary mental lapse there. I value the cards about the same. What ever holos you want to throw in to even it up is good with me. PM your address and I will get the Garchomp out to you right away

I'm really confused. Can you write out what you were thinking of for the trade?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB

richkid50000 said:
I think you may ot have seen my post as its on the other page. but lMK as i really need those three cards. i need to beat my friend finishing the set.

I made an offer on the other page. You can counter or accept...
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

which one? i realized another previous offer and would do that one now if you would

Blaze FB
Azelf LA

Shiny Shinx
Heatran PA
Sceppy 31

LMK in PM or counter
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB

ESP said:
I'm really confused. Can you write out what you were thinking of for the trade?

Sorry. Trying to make it easier...
Garchomp C X promo
dark arceus
Pyschic arceus
??? Arceus
Whatever Holos you think even it up.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB

Shakespeare said:
Sorry. Trying to make it easier...
Garchomp C X promo
dark arceus
Pyschic arceus
??? Arceus
Whatever Holos you think even it up.

Could you add in the Garchomp MT?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

I have:

Arceus Lv.X Psychic Bolt
Salamence Lv.X
Flygon SW Holo(I think)

Could you CML for more for the Luxray GL Lv.X?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Shakespeare said:
I had a momentary mental lapse there. I value the cards about the same. What ever holos you want to throw in to even it up is good with me. PM your address and I will get the Garchomp out to you right away.

I can use the Blaze fb and Salamence X.

Would you do those 2 for Palkia G Lv.X and a Palkia G?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

PokeKid Brandon said:
Would you do those 2 for Palkia G Lv.X and a Palkia G?

I do not have a Palkia G to trade. I can do the Palkia G X for the 2 mentioned.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Do you have a Mesprit [LA] that you could possibly throw in?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Brawler said:
I have:

Arceus Lv.X Psychic Bolt
Salamence Lv.X
Flygon SW Holo(I think)

Could you CML for more for the Luxray GL Lv.X?

I have a trade pending for an Arceus X (psychic bolt). I didn't see anything anything to add the the Salamence X, sorry.