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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

I have Sally X and a lot more. I want your Luxray GL X. cml to add to the trade.

pm me for quicker response. also, if you don't find enough to trade the luxray, i want other stuff kinda...lmk
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

DeafenLock54 said:
hey its me the person who jus talked to you but here is a trade offer:
my darkrai x promo and salamence x and others for your luxray gl x?

I'm looking over your list. You have a lot of nice LvX cards.
Promo LvX cards don't really interest me though.

Thegame8228 said:
I have Sally X and a lot more. I want your Luxray GL X. cml to add to the trade.

pm me for quicker response. also, if you don't find enough to trade the luxray, i want other stuff kinda...lmk

I didn't see anything for the Luxray, sorry.
I am interested in your Salamence X.
You see anything from my list that you need for it?
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X


sally x
gengar x


luxray x
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB

How about MY:

Great Encounters: WANTS
Beedrill 13/106 - RH only
Darkrai LvX 104/106

Majestic Dawn: WANTS
Glaceon LvX 98/100

Rising Rivals: WANTS
Flygon 5/111
Beedrill 15/111 - RH only

Supreme Victors: WANTS
Blaziken FB (Lv 50) 2/147 - Regular holo only

Arceus: WANTS
Salamence LvX 98/99

City, State, National, and Regional Stamped: WANTS
2007-2008 - Luxray 7/130 (National Stamped)

Luxray GL LvX (high want)
Dialga G LvX (medium want)

RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

Spardan19 said:

sally x
gengar x


luxray x

No thanks, Gengar X is a low want.

Suser said:
How about MY:

Great Encounters: WANTS
Beedrill 13/106 - RH only
Darkrai LvX 104/106

Majestic Dawn: WANTS
Glaceon LvX 98/100

Rising Rivals: WANTS
Flygon 5/111
Beedrill 15/111 - RH only

Supreme Victors: WANTS
Blaziken FB (Lv 50) 2/147 - Regular holo only

Arceus: WANTS
Salamence LvX 98/99

City, State, National, and Regional Stamped: WANTS
2007-2008 - Luxray 7/130 (National Stamped)

Luxray GL LvX (high want)
Dialga G LvX (medium want)


Darkrai LvX 104/106

Salamence LvX 98/99

2007-2008 - Luxray 7/130 (National Stamped)

Dialga G LvX (medium want)
?? something else...I can't do the Luxray X, I had to update, The Glaceon X and RH Beedrill I don't need anymore.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

okay so is there any other lv x's you saw of mine that you want? i will trade sally x and any other lv. x that you want and more cards for luxray x? please cml
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB

Shakespeare said:
I like your leafeon x. Any way that can be part of the trade?
I have unlisted Rosies and Bebes...

konter_j8902 said:
will you cml for luxray gl x and TSD please

I will check your list in a few.
How is the league going?

Suser said:
I got some of your wants and you definitly got some of mine.
I got:
Secret Wonders: WANTS
Flygon 5/132 - Regular holo only

Great Encounters: WANTS
Beedrill 13/106 - RH only
Darkrai LvX 104/106

Majestic Dawn: WANTS
Glaceon LvX 98/100 - low want
Leafeon LvX 99/100

Rising Rivals: WANTS
Flygon 5/111
Beedrill 15/111 - RH only
Infernape 4 LvX - Low want

Supreme Victors: WANTS
Blaziken FB (Lv 50) 2/147 - Regular holo only

Arceus: WANTS
Salamence LvX 98/99

City, State, National, and Regional Stamped: WANTS
2007-2008 - Luxray 7/130 (National Stamped)

I'm interested in these:
Luxray GL LvX (high want)
Dialga G LvX (medium want)
Blaziken FB LvX (low want)

Maybe you want to make an offer so I have an idea of what you want the most.

You just may be my new best friend. I am very interested.
Oh, I didn't skip you by the way....
Let me see what I need most.

Leafeon X is gone. I have glaceon X? Are you interested in that? I would be interested in like 2 or 3 rosys if possible as well.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

DeafenLock54 said:
okay so is there any other lv x's you saw of mine that you want? i will trade sally x and any other lv. x that you want and more cards for luxray x? please cml

The only things I see I might need are your:
Salamence X
Uxie X

I can't do the Luxray X, sorry.
Do I have something else you need for those too?

TheBBProductionz said:
Leafeon X is gone. I have glaceon X? Are you interested in that? I would be interested in like 2 or 3 rosys if possible as well.

I don't need another Glaceon X, sorry. I just traded for one. At least not enough for 3 rare candies anyways.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

CML for luxray GL X. I have lots of HGSS and I have a gengar X.
RE: (H)Have a FlyChamp deck? I have your HOLO FIGHTING ENERGY,RARE CANDY,Blaziken FB X, Luxray GL X, Dialga G X

While your HGSS Primes are tempting, I'm going to pass for now.
After I get my boosters I will use the Luxray X as trade bait to get what ever I am missing.

Check back late next week, I should have a list of HGSS wants up by then!
RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

Found a few shadowless cards I didn't know I had...
RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

ok, i would do it for your dialga g x?
RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

Thegame8228 said:
ok, i would do it for your dialga g x?

Dialga G X is worth a little more (at least to me) than Salamence X...
RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

CML me for these I have an unlisted FlygonRR and I think a SW flygon need to check on that. I am just trying to compleate my sets here. I wish you had a buying thread lol

All of these are RH that I want
Regigigas FB 9/147
Wailord 47/147
Breloom 52/147
Chatot G 54/147
Wailmer 87/147
Baltoy 89/147
Cherubi 96/147
Croagunk 101/147
Gible 106/147
Meditite 113/147
Sandshrew 124/147
Seel 125/147
Skorupi 128/147
Whismur 132/147
Battle Tower 134/147
Cyrus's Initative 137/147 (2)
VS Seeker 140/147
Ponyta SH11
Cyclone Energy 94/100

RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

the situation said:
cml for luxray gl x.

I don't see a link to your trade thread...

Tristan said:
CML me for these I have an unlisted FlygonRR and I think a SW flygon need to check on that. I am just trying to compleate my sets here. I wish you had a buying thread lol

All of these are RH that I want
Regigigas FB 9/147
Wailord 47/147
Breloom 52/147
Chatot G 54/147
Wailmer 87/147
Baltoy 89/147
Cherubi 96/147
Croagunk 101/147
Gible 106/147
Meditite 113/147
Sandshrew 124/147
Seel 125/147
Skorupi 128/147
Whismur 132/147
Battle Tower 134/147
Cyrus's Initative 137/147 (2)
VS Seeker 140/147
Ponyta SH11
Cyclone Energy 94/100


I can trade something for them.
I do have a selling thread.
Link is in my signature.
If you post that list in that thread I can give you a price, thanks.
RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

Tristan said:
CML me for these I have an unlisted FlygonRR and I think a SW flygon need to check on that. I am just trying to compleate my sets here. I wish you had a buying thread lol

All of these are RH that I want
Regigigas FB 9/147
Wailord 47/147
Breloom 52/147
Chatot G 54/147
Wailmer 87/147
Baltoy 89/147
Cherubi 96/147
Croagunk 101/147
Gible 106/147
Meditite 113/147
Sandshrew 124/147
Seel 125/147
Skorupi 128/147
Whismur 132/147
Battle Tower 134/147
Cyrus's Initative 137/147 (2)
VS Seeker 140/147
Ponyta SH11
Cyclone Energy 94/100


I can trade something for them.
I do have a selling thread.
Link is in my signature.
If you post that list in that thread I can give you a price, thanks.

K I did not see that I will

Edit can you bump your thread

RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

Do you have any DCE or Holo Fighting Energy from HGSS?
RE: (H)Look what I just found! Shadowless Alkazam, Chansey, Magneton, Poliwrath!

Can you cml for your PT Memory Berry RH? Thanks.