Virizion EX / Genesect EX

camoclone said:
Jamster said:
Tropius plus a supporter like Juniper/corless/N, you can shuffle through alot of cards Turn one. My friend also has two Silver Bangle in his deck. That plus Tropius second move can hurt alot. My friend will be playing this setup this weekend when we go to a local tournament.
The one thing I don't like about Tropius is this:
Turn 1 Emerald Slash > Tropius

I would rather devote the 3 cards to a more consistent turn 2 Emerald Slash or a more consistent deck overall.

While I'll agree that tropius isn't very good in this deck I think sacraficing the card space for more cards to get t1 emerald slash (badge mainly) is a bad idea. I don't really think it's a bad way to run this deck, I simply think that the Drifblim route is better. Beaching for draw and getting t2 virizion is a lot more consistent, and it makes it so that you don't have 4 dead cards later plus better matchups with the mirror and a way better matchup with plasma. Especially if you expect a lot of plasma in your area I'de reccomend drifblim lines, but even if there's just a small amount drifblim is still worth the spots.
Aggressiv said:
camoclone said:
The one thing I don't like about Tropius is this:
Turn 1 Emerald Slash > Tropius

I would rather devote the 3 cards to a more consistent turn 2 Emerald Slash or a more consistent deck overall.

While I'll agree that tropius isn't very good in this deck I think sacraficing the card space for more cards to get t1 emerald slash (badge mainly) is a bad idea. I don't really think it's a bad way to run this deck, I simply think that the Drifblim route is better. Beaching for draw and getting t2 virizion is a lot more consistent, and it makes it so that you don't have 4 dead cards later plus better matchups with the mirror and a way better matchup with plasma. Especially if you expect a lot of plasma in your area I'de reccomend drifblim lines, but even if there's just a small amount drifblim is still worth the spots.
A T1 Emerald Slash is amazing... If you can pull it off. Like I've said before the actual probability of getting a turn 1 Emerald Slash is better then getting a Turn 2 Night Spear. Also beach really isn't necessary. This deck is consistent enough that it really doesn't need extra draw. It seems that you are focussing on getting extra draw turn 1. This just isn't necessary... VirGen is a very consistent deck so yeah you really don't need to waste the space for beach. I can't figure out how you could ever run beach+Driftblim either. So yes Driftblim is the way to go if you expect to see a lot of plasma (I can't argue with that) and Plasma Badge is good if you don't run Driftblim.
Now I know this deck is called VirGen, but what about Victini EX instead of Virizion as a energy accelerator? It only uses 1 [R] energy which is more consistent then Emerald Slash, and, helps in the mirror.
Blueinvader said:
Now I know this deck is called VirGen, but what about Victini EX instead of Virizion as a energy accelerator? It only uses 1 [R] energy which is more consistent then Emerald Slash, and, helps in the mirror.
It's an interesting idea however I see a lot of problems with it:
-You would have to run fire energy reducing consistency
-It has 110 HP making it an easy easy KO...
-It hurts your TDK matchup so much
-Virizion has a good ability
-It takes your good Blastoise matchup and changes it to about even
camoclone said:
Aggressiv said:
While I'll agree that tropius isn't very good in this deck I think sacraficing the card space for more cards to get t1 emerald slash (badge mainly) is a bad idea. I don't really think it's a bad way to run this deck, I simply think that the Drifblim route is better. Beaching for draw and getting t2 virizion is a lot more consistent, and it makes it so that you don't have 4 dead cards later plus better matchups with the mirror and a way better matchup with plasma. Especially if you expect a lot of plasma in your area I'de reccomend drifblim lines, but even if there's just a small amount drifblim is still worth the spots.
A T1 Emerald Slash is amazing... If you can pull it off. Like I've said before the actual probability of getting a turn 1 Emerald Slash is better then getting a Turn 2 Night Spear. Also beach really isn't necessary. This deck is consistent enough that it really doesn't need extra draw. It seems that you are focussing on getting extra draw turn 1. This just isn't necessary... VirGen is a very consistent deck so yeah you really don't need to waste the space for beach. I can't figure out how you could ever run beach+Driftblim either. So yes Driftblim is the way to go if you expect to see a lot of plasma (I can't argue with that) and Plasma Badge is good if you don't run Driftblim.

I did some games last night because I was bored and I was not only able to get T1 Emerald Slash I also got a Plasma on benched Genesect before so T1 I had a powered up Genesect-EX. I have 4 Badge and 4 Machine.

Blueinvader said:
Now I know this deck is called VirGen, but what about Victini EX instead of Virizion as a energy accelerator? It only uses 1 [R] energy which is more consistent then Emerald Slash, and, helps in the mirror.

I tested it and it's really not that great. It could easily be donked by Kyurem and it can be an easier kill then Virizion plus you don't have Virizions ability.
camoclone said:
Aggressiv said:
While I'll agree that tropius isn't very good in this deck I think sacraficing the card space for more cards to get t1 emerald slash (badge mainly) is a bad idea. I don't really think it's a bad way to run this deck, I simply think that the Drifblim route is better. Beaching for draw and getting t2 virizion is a lot more consistent, and it makes it so that you don't have 4 dead cards later plus better matchups with the mirror and a way better matchup with plasma. Especially if you expect a lot of plasma in your area I'de reccomend drifblim lines, but even if there's just a small amount drifblim is still worth the spots.
A T1 Emerald Slash is amazing... If you can pull it off. Like I've said before the actual probability of getting a turn 1 Emerald Slash is better then getting a Turn 2 Night Spear. Also beach really isn't necessary. This deck is consistent enough that it really doesn't need extra draw. It seems that you are focussing on getting extra draw turn 1. This just isn't necessary... VirGen is a very consistent deck so yeah you really don't need to waste the space for beach. I can't figure out how you could ever run beach+Driftblim either. So yes Driftblim is the way to go if you expect to see a lot of plasma (I can't argue with that) and Plasma Badge is good if you don't run Driftblim.

Right no I'm not saying plasma badge is bad, but it's just risky. From what I've tested 1/5 games you'll get t1 emerald slash, and its SUPER good when you get it, but a dead 3-4 cards if you don't. Not to mention for badge variants to be good they have to run deoxys, which gets hardcore catcher/laser stalled by darkrai garbo. Beach is really good in any deck that doesn't want to be attacking turn 1 either, especially if you run evolutions.
Aggressiv said:
camoclone said:
A T1 Emerald Slash is amazing... If you can pull it off. Like I've said before the actual probability of getting a turn 1 Emerald Slash is better then getting a Turn 2 Night Spear. Also beach really isn't necessary. This deck is consistent enough that it really doesn't need extra draw. It seems that you are focussing on getting extra draw turn 1. This just isn't necessary... VirGen is a very consistent deck so yeah you really don't need to waste the space for beach. I can't figure out how you could ever run beach+Driftblim either. So yes Driftblim is the way to go if you expect to see a lot of plasma (I can't argue with that) and Plasma Badge is good if you don't run Driftblim.

Right no I'm not saying plasma badge is bad, but it's just risky. From what I've tested 1/5 games you'll get t1 emerald slash, and its SUPER good when you get it, but a dead 3-4 cards if you don't. Not to mention for badge variants to be good they have to run deoxys, which gets hardcore catcher/laser stalled by darkrai garbo. Beach is really good in any deck that doesn't want to be attacking turn 1 either, especially if you run evolutions.
No... There must be something wrong with your list because I get it 4/5 times and sometimes more. Also being able to power up Virizion is always good even in the late game so it is never "wasted space".
I've actually tested Plasma Badge throughly; and after about 20 games, I hit the turn 1 Emerald Slash...once. And that's with 4/4 and 4 Skyla. While its possible I'm unlucky, it's statistically unlikely that you're going to hit it often. Even if you hit it a significant amount of the time, I still think those 8 spaces are better put towards a more consistent strategy, rather than relying on your luck to get quick starts.
Blah said:
I've actually tested Plasma Badge throughly; and after about 20 games, I hit the turn 1 Emerald Slash...once. And that's with 4/4 and 4 Skyla. While its possible I'm unlucky, it's statistically unlikely that you're going to hit it often. Even if you hit it a significant amount of the time, I still think those 8 spaces are better put towards a more consistent strategy, rather than relying on your luck to get quick starts.

For some reason I just can't see that happening... I hit is so much more and statistically you have better chances of hitting it then a turn 2 Night Spear.
That's a good analogy; do you build a Darkrai list around a turn 2 night spear? It's more of an added bonus, but it's possible to get while just using the normal strategy. In this, it requires you to essentially build your deck around getting it; and when the main strategy of your deck only works some of the time, I simply think it just isn't worth going for. Despite results you may have had, I don't like going into a tournament knowing that the main strategy if my deck may only actually work some of my games.
camoclone said:
Aggressiv said:
Right no I'm not saying plasma badge is bad, but it's just risky. From what I've tested 1/5 games you'll get t1 emerald slash, and its SUPER good when you get it, but a dead 3-4 cards if you don't. Not to mention for badge variants to be good they have to run deoxys, which gets hardcore catcher/laser stalled by darkrai garbo. Beach is really good in any deck that doesn't want to be attacking turn 1 either, especially if you run evolutions.
No... There must be something wrong with your list because I get it 4/5 times and sometimes more. Also being able to power up Virizion is always good even in the late game so it is never "wasted space".

Blah said:
I've actually tested Plasma Badge throughly; and after about 20 games, I hit the turn 1 Emerald Slash...once. And that's with 4/4 and 4 Skyla. While its possible I'm unlucky, it's statistically unlikely that you're going to hit it often. Even if you hit it a significant amount of the time, I still think those 8 spaces are better put towards a more consistent strategy, rather than relying on your luck to get quick starts.

Yeah no. 4/5? I've had similar results to Blah on this one. And the only reason I got my 1 Turn 1 Emerald Slash was because my opponent mulliganed 6 or 7 times. I only played 3/3 Machine/Badge, but I just don't like all those spots being devoted to something so inconsistent.
camoclone said:
Aggressiv said:
Right no I'm not saying plasma badge is bad, but it's just risky. From what I've tested 1/5 games you'll get t1 emerald slash, and its SUPER good when you get it, but a dead 3-4 cards if you don't. Not to mention for badge variants to be good they have to run deoxys, which gets hardcore catcher/laser stalled by darkrai garbo. Beach is really good in any deck that doesn't want to be attacking turn 1 either, especially if you run evolutions.
No... There must be something wrong with your list because I get it 4/5 times and sometimes more. Also being able to power up Virizion is always good even in the late game so it is never "wasted space".

Late game you wouldn't want to be powering up virizion though, you'de want to be investing energy onto your attackers genesect or lugia and using their attacks other than emerald slash. If you have to power up a virizion or some funky math makes it the same as megalo cannoning (doing 50 on a 170hp EX with only 120 left, and you don't have enough energy on the field). Even then the snipe with genesect might just be better. And like I mentioned before plasma badge helps with deoxys/bouff variants especially, but again even with 4 float stones it's really easy to get catcher laser'd to death with garbodor in play.

I got a friend who I've been testing with and he's got the t1 emerald slash probably 2-3/5 times if he starts virizion. Pretty good, but if you don't start virizion with that variant your options are limited and your deck becomes pretty klunky. (6-8 dead cards with Virizion ex and plasma badge)
Aggressiv said:
camoclone said:
No... There must be something wrong with your list because I get it 4/5 times and sometimes more. Also being able to power up Virizion is always good even in the late game so it is never "wasted space".

Late game you wouldn't want to be powering up virizion though, you'de want to be investing energy onto your attackers genesect or lugia and using their attacks other than emerald slash. If you have to power up a virizion or some funky math makes it the same as megalo cannoning (doing 50 on a 170hp EX with only 120 left, and you don't have enough energy on the field). Even then the snipe with genesect might just be better. And like I mentioned before plasma badge helps with deoxys/bouff variants especially, but again even with 4 float stones it's really easy to get catcher laser'd to death with garbodor in play.

I got a friend who I've been testing with and he's got the t1 emerald slash probably 2-3/5 times if he starts virizion. Pretty good, but if you don't start virizion with that variant your options are limited and your deck becomes pretty klunky. (6-8 dead cards with Virizion ex and plasma badge)
I must disagree... Especially if you are running Lugia. 50+120=170

That is a magic number against a lot of things. Also if you re going for that 180 then you can just throw in a Deoxys. One Deoxys! One Deoxys creates so many KO's that I might even run 2.
I run Badge engine to get a fast start but my friend thinks VirGen is a slow deck and I should play it that way. Any thoughts about that?
Pokewiz1999 said:
I run Badge engine to get a fast start but my friend thinks VirGen is a slow deck and I should play it that way. Any thoughts about that?
ViriGen is fast...XD
camoclone said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
I run Badge engine to get a fast start but my friend thinks VirGen is a slow deck and I should play it that way. Any thoughts about that?
ViriGen is fast...XD

I'd say without Badge, it's more of a middle-speed deck. With Badge, I guess it's fast, if you can actually hit the magic combo of Grass+Badge+Colress Machine+Genesect+start with Virizion. Plasma is what I'd call fast. A very high probability of doing damage turn 1, as well as a lot of damage turn 2. In case you were wondering, Darkrai(/Garbodor) is fast-mid, Trubbish is fast-mid, and Blastoise is slow.
Four Arms said:
camoclone said:
ViriGen is fast...XD

I'd say without Badge, it's more of a middle-speed deck. With Badge, I guess it's fast, if you can actually hit the magic combo of Grass+Badge+Colress Machine+Genesect+start with Virizion. Plasma is what I'd call fast. A very high probability of doing damage turn 1, as well as a lot of damage turn 2. In case you were wondering, Darkrai(/Garbodor) is fast-mid, Trubbish is fast-mid, and Blastoise is slow.

Thanks for the speed notice. I've hit that magic combo quite a few times. I'll do some games later and let you know the exact statistics.
I'm not saying take Virizion out altogether, I'm saying swaping it out for acceleration. The Ability is too good.