Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

WailmerMan said:
Guy's not a werewolf. Wailmerman guarentees this. His wolf buddies would be telling him to back down now, or trying to help him out, yet nobody's really taking his side, and he hasn't changed his tactics except unvoting shoyru. He's defending himself in a completely different way from last game. He's not a wolf. Wailmerman thinks TSL's a wolf. Why? It seems like whenever TSL posts in the past games she always has a lot to say, never has Wailmerman seen her post to say she's here. She's acting differently then she did as a townie. So, Wailmerman's vote is for her.



Finally something in the right direction! This is making me think, I am stil heasitant to vote and continue to abstain.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

That is very true WM. But she could just be inactive. Does anyone know when she was last on?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

My turn to ask a question. Wailmerman and Guy, TSL hasn't really posted yet. Is it really that necessary for an incompetent, foolish shot into the an even further darkness? It does not make sense, that's what it is. It's like saying Guy should be murdered at the mansion just because he knows all. It's ridiculous. I'm sorry, but that type of irresponsible, irrational thinking will get no one nowhere. Instead of looking into a perpetual darkness, look at the clues you do have and work off of these.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Wailmerman saw her active.... a couple times today, but she did not post.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

WailmerMan said:
Guy's not a werewolf. Wailmerman guarentees this. His wolf buddies would be telling him to back down now, or trying to help him out, yet nobody's really taking his side, and he hasn't changed his tactics except unvoting shoyru. He's defending himself in a completely different way from last game. He's not a wolf. Wailmerman thinks TSL's a wolf. Why? It seems like whenever TSL posts in the past games she always has a lot to say, never has Wailmerman seen her post to say she's here. She's acting differently then she did as a townie. So, Wailmerman's vote is for her.


First of all, WHAT?! I was completely surprised by this post. You know, the werewolves are aloud to talk through PM to warn each other, so that's what they could be doing. Also, did you consider that maybe TSL just hasn't had time to make a post today? I didn't start until tonight. I think that's a pretty bold thing to do to vote off TSL with pretty much no evidence.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Wailmerman, first of all, PLEASE stop referring to yourself in third person. Too confusing. Second of all, by answering this question, you need to realize what you say is incompetent foolishness at a high degree.

Joeypals!! said:
My turn to ask a question. Wailmerman and Guy, TSL hasn't really posted yet. Is it really that necessary for an incompetent, foolish shot into the an even further darkness? It does not make sense, that's what it is. It's like saying Guy should be murdered at the mansion just because he knows all. It's ridiculous. I'm sorry, but that type of irresponsible, irrational thinking will get no one nowhere. Instead of looking into a perpetual darkness, look at the clues you do have and work off of these.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


Guy89 said:
Ok, Shoyru is annoting me with his questions so for now

Vote: Shoyru
This probably will change, but just for now. :)

the bolded (other than "vote: shoryu") is the only thing even close to evidence there is. Although, this evidence is not going to prove him innocent. No, its going to do the exact opposite. "How?", you may ask? Lets take a closer look at this sentence.

This probably will change, but just for now. :)

"This", by itself means nothing

This probably will change, but just for now. :)

"probably" meaning "it" most likely will happen, but what?

This probably will change, but just for now. :)

"will", meaning something certainly happens.

This probably will change, but just for now. :)

"change", meaning to transform, to perform a transformation, to switch.

This probably will change, but just for now. :)

"This probably will change", Meaning he most likely is going to switch who is is voting for. Now, he has unvoted shoryu, which means this is true. Although, just killing people to get to the night phase; which is easily done by changing your vote to whoever has the most votes; is just what the wolves/pink geek want to do. They want to rack in kills by skipping to the night phase.

Now, lets take one last look at that statement.

This probably will change, but just for now. :)

a smiley face. a d**n smiley face when voting for someone for no apparent reason!? Really? Does anyone else find this suspicious?

Anyway, I'll need 1 more GOOD reason to finally cast my vote. That is, unless, guy can defend himself.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

JoeyPals I have a feeling all you care about is that I get lynched and you do not expect any other evidence.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Wailmerman is simply throwing out an idea. Wailmerman addressed the fact that the wolves could talk to each other, like Wailmerman said he hasn't changed his tactics, and no ones coming to his aid. TSL was active a couple times today, and she usually has a lot to say. Yet all we get is a posting to avoid modkill. She's trying to lay low. Wailmerman honestly doubts any of the wolves that have played more than this game have more than one post right now. Think about this: how many experienced wolves have the town killed on day 1? Not many. Because we always make the mistake of voting for the people who make wild accusations or make a newbie mistake.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Not that in the slightest. Along with what sonicyellow said, which perfectly makes sense, you have not watched your wording what so ever. Time after time, you try to defend yourself, not realizing you look more guilty. I do not care about lynching, just about catching the ones that are truly guilty, such as yourself. And, if you are right, you may have dug a hole too deep for yourself to dig out of. Not only that, but you keep personally attacking me. That just shows your desperateness to stay. Sorry, not buying the crazy act, not from you or your new found "buddy", which is looking a tad Werewolf-ish for defending you, Wailmerman.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Wailerman is experieced enough to know that you do not directly defend a fellow werewolf, so I think it puts me and WM out of the question of being wolves.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

How exactly is that? Even though you say that, he did technically defend you. I have no time to argue with incompetent fools trying to defend themselves when they know they are guilty. I'll be going until morning, where I hope you have more votes against you, saying you dug too deep of a whole.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Guy89 not playing this well only proves there are no wolves PMing him trying to help him. And sorry if Wailmerman wants to get away from the tradition of killing someone because they make a mistake. This tactic has not worked day 1 in past games. The wolves won't post anything good day 1! They're lying low. We need to mix up our tactics, we'll kill no one good going after people who mess up. Because believe this. The wolves won't mess up. They won't. We're not going to catch a wolf on a mistake.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

I don't have much time to post, but I can say that Joeypals is COMPLETELY right.

See ya in the mornin'.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

I'm not guilty, I'll defend myself until my keyboard breaks, knowing I am innocent and if you lynch me the town will regret it knowing, I could have helped them.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27


WailmerMan said:
Guy's not a werewolf. Wailmerman guarentees this. His wolf buddies would be telling him to back down now, or trying to help him out, yet nobody's really taking his side, and he hasn't changed his tactics except unvoting shoyru. He's defending himself in a completely different way from last game. He's not a wolf. Wailmerman thinks TSL's a wolf. Why? It seems like whenever TSL posts in the past games she always has a lot to say, never has Wailmerman seen her post to say she's here. She's acting differently then she did as a townie. So, Wailmerman's vote is for her.



...haha. look here for my statements.

or, just read the following:

...Really WailmerMan? "His wolf buddies would be telling him to back down now, or trying to help him out, yet nobody's really taking his side," ...Weird, It seems that your whole post is just you, taking his side. I'm sorry WailmerMan, but you've contradicted yourself. What makes it worse, you've done exactly what I was afraid would eventually happen. You decided to vote for someone JUST BECAUSE they are being inactive and not posting that much. A lot of others only posted ONCE. Take Electimortar as an example. He posted once, simply to vote for guy and avoid modkill. Yet, you go for TSL, who has posted about 3 times, just because of the quality of her posts. If this isn't a wolfy tactic, then..... I don't know what is.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

OK you got me.

RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

YOu vote for yourself?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

Now suicide? OK, i don't know whats going on anymore. Quick, everyone vote for wailmerman before he unvotes JK. Perhaps this is to get us away from the suspicion of wailmerman being a wolf?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 1 Start. 19 Votes to Kill. Day ends 2-27

They're all right. Why mix up our strategy when we can use the day 1 method that's worked so well in the past. Vote for me.
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