Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

Posting to say that i am still active. I'll wait for ThePokemonProfessor to post before i vote.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

Guys I have a feeling he isn't gonnna post. He hasnt posted in several game days.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

He did come online and viewed the GC.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

He could not have posted for fear of giving a bad excuse...
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

well right now he has no excuse which is worse than a bad one.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

I think we have the time to wait. If he does not post in a couple of days, we can lynch ThePokemonProfesor then.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

No one (including ThePokemonProfessor) has posted lately, so for the sake of the game not dying....

VOTE: ThePokemonProfessor
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

I guess that, without any other leads, ThePokemonProfessor will have to go.

Vote: ThePokemonProfessor
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

Vote: ThePokemonProfessor
Sorry for not posting lately, went to a convention recently and was getting ready for it
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

since we have no other lead,

Vote: ThePokemonProfessor
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

We need 2 more votes or an innocent person might face death from z-man's dice.

Vote: ThePokemonProfessor
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

this game is kinda stupid

Vote: ThePokemonProfessor
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

I think the game slow down because of Regional. There should be no excuse for not posting other than some sort of restriction(role block;etc...).

I prefer to wait until the ThePokemonProfessor post to defend himself before I make my final decision.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch


Would you rather have a random person die instead?! We just need ONE MORE VOTE to lynch an inactive person! And you're just gonna withdraw your vote just to see if he will post, ON THE LAST FREAKING DAY OF THIS DEADLINE?!! Get real guy!
PS: Anyone who has an antidote or a way to cure pink-blood poison, please make yourself known! My role is actually beneficial to the townies :p
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

Tough luck guys. The necesary vote count has not been met. I will be rolling my dice later today. Freeze the game.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 4 ends 4/19/10. 13 Votes to lynch

As a result of the dice roll 0 (on a 100 sided dice), the first person to post, and the person who got lynched will die.

z-man said:
Ice Espeon:

You are Neo. You live inside the Matrix. You have learned how to see the code of the Matrix and use it.

Ability: Seeing the Code
Once per night, a moderator will pm you every action and their targets (i.e. brawler targeted z-man)

Win condition: Pink Geek Dies
Obviously, you all had lost a powerful ally. Even so, his body was all wripped up. It is probable that he was not able to see anything; let alone the code of the Matrix.

Next, it was pretty much agreed on that ThePokemonProfessor should die. He was found dead with a pink powder all over him. He was:
z-man said:
ThePokemonProfessor :
You are Jigsaw. You are the 2nd in command to the Pink Geek. You are in charge of sending people to the Fun House where they must play your many games.

Ability: Do you want to play a game? Well I do.

Once per night, you may send one person to the fun house. That person will be considered dead. They must answer your series of riddles (made up by the moderators) to survive. If they fail a riddle, they die a horrible death which will be broadcast to the world. If you die, and players in the fun house still have not failed a riddle, they will return to the world. PM the moderators the name of the person to send to the fun house (you may do this to your fellow wolves).

Ability: Wolf. You may communicate with your fellow wolves. A separate PM will be sent containing you fellow wolves.

Win conditions: Pink Geek Lives

Because of the destruction of the fun house, those in it will rejoin the world.

RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Night 4 Ends April 27

Rage780, Lenny, Musical, Dmaster, and Pokechamp have all died!!! Because of this, the Geek has launched his final attack. He has completely stopped the rotation of the galaxies. He is gaining power quickly!!! From now on, there will be no night time! After day, an interloper will act as the heavens and kill two random players. Its getting down to the wire guys!!!

Here are the killed members' roles:
z-man said:
You are zero. You have been given the power of persuasion through your Geass. You often wear a mask to hide yourself.

Ability: Mask

Seers will not be able to find out your role.

Ability: Geass

Once per night, pm the moderators the name of a player. Give them the name of the player you want them to target with their during that night (if they have a role). You will also see their role.

Win Condition: Pink Geek Dies

z-man said:

You are an Al-Qa’ida terrorist. You have no interest in the Pink Geek’s ventures… yet. You simply want to kill the many world leaders.

Ability: In Hiding

To have any abilities work on you, you must be targeted by more than 2 people in a single night.

Win Condition: Last world leader dies by your hands.

z-man said:

You are Optimus Prime. You are a giant robot that can transform into a pickup truck… you’re just that cool. You were in many movies. You are always the primary good guy

Ability: I die for your sin

<Been used>

Win Condition: Pink Geek Dies

z-man said:

You are a thief. You steal stuff.
Ability: Theft
Once per night, pm the moderators the name of a player. If that player has any treasure at all, you will take it and be able to use it.

Win Condition: Pink Geek Dies

z-man said:
You are King Arthur. You have been magically resurrected by unknown forces. You were once the greatest king of Britain. Now, you are just a normal man. If you are able to re-find your sword Excalibur once again, you can become the legend that you once were.

Ability: Reanimated

<Been Used>

Win condition: Find Excalibur and Pink Geek Dies

Good luck!!!
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Darn it. PokeChamp, one of the smartest people in the game, has died. Where should we start?
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