Finished Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Game over... everyone loses... continued in WWVIII

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RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

PokeChamp said:
@ oyeah1998:
I actually am inclined to think that the Pink Geek has an entirely separate faction. With so many people accepted into the game, I have a feeling this may be like Pokegym's latest Werewolf game, "Cyrus's Revenge", in which there are both Werewolves (Team Galactic in that game) and another separate faction that has their own win condition. If this is true, dmaster could be just as well a townie as well as a Werewolf.

One of you is being dishonest. oyeah1998 claims that dmaster is a townie and dragonexpert claims that he isn't.

There are a few possibilities here:

1.) dmaster and oyeah1998 are Wolves
oyeah1998 may be faking a powerful role in order to protect his comrade. As long as he claims that he has a powerful role that allows him to see identities, who would possibly oppose him?

2.) dragonexpert is a Werewolf
He could very well be lying to try and trigger a lynch on the town's part. I am a little skeptical of this option, only because it isn't the smartest move out there. I doubt this is true, but it is a possibility.

3.) oyeah1998 and dragonexpert are both Werewolves
Warning: the following is a CONSPIRACY theory. dmaster and oyeah1998 are both Werewolves and they decide to get into a mock argument. They lynch dmaster, an innocent townie, and if the town kills one of them, the other then looks like the hero.

All three of these are valid theories, although some are less valid than the rest. If this is true, we can lynch dmaster and pursue the following course of action:


...Is a townie, then we lynch dragonexpert for lying.
...Is a Werewolf/Pink Geek, we lynch oyeah1998 for defending him

Either way, we are bound to lynch at least one Werewolf. The plan is foolproof.

The great PokeChamp helps us even from the grave. The only proof that the is a wolf Power of Three is stupid. You are trying to say because 3 apears 2 or 3 times that we should kill the some one with the name that has "three" in it.

Oyeah, its not that I want you to die, its that your role is of no use to us since there is no more night. Also, I found that you said DMaster was a townie when many called him a wolf. Which was true. So the only thing we as proof against is DE.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End Day 3 Start. 15 Votes to kill Ends 3/14

CommonCandy said:
The great PokeChamp helps us even from the grave. The only proof that the is a wolf Power of Three is stupid. You are trying to say because 3 apears 2 or 3 times that we should kill the some one with the name that has "three" in it.

Oyeah, its not that I want you to die, its that your role is of no use to us since there is no more night. Also, I found that you said DMaster was a townie when many called him a wolf. Which was true. So the only thing we as proof against is DE.
I forgot about that!

[B/]Unvote: Mew Jadester
Vote: Dragonexpert[B/]
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Well, first of all, the Three thingy appeared several times, not just a couple. Also, why are you allowing a dead man to make decisions for you? o.0 That sounds kinda wierd.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

It does sound weird.

Anyways, it is just proof that DE is a wolf. your baseing your "theory" on the fact that chance happens to have roles that point at three. not to metion the Power of Three was a replacement and did not start playing untill after many of these "hints" did occur. Not to metion, that many were not said by Z-man, they were chance results from others roles. Aftet takeing out all of these, you wind up with 2 or 3 "hints" if you are lucky. Makeing your "theory" fall apart.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

I think I died a little inside from that horrible spelling.

First of all, your theory is pretty bad, too. You're voting just because you suspect there was a faked arguement, and because there was a dead person saying so. Also, who says that the person who posted that didn't have a grudge against the person you're voting for? Second, there is an old saying about the number three.
One may be a liar;
Two may be conspiracy
Three is the number I trust.

Meaning, if something happens the first time, think nothing of it. If it happens a second time, it could be a coincedence. If it happens a third time, then the odds are very short.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Sorry I have bas spelling, fine motor skills problem so I make alot of typos.

DE said that Dmaster was a wolf, when if your smart enough to scroll up you will see he was a townie. I am not saying that it is because of a fake argument, as I to doubt that. I am saying that because claimed that he was 100% sure that Dmaster was a wolf that he, even if not a wolf, is agianst the town.

Also, why with the dead guy thing? It's like saying E=mc2 is wrong because Albert Einstien is dead.

Meaning if a genuis proves something that it doesn't matter is there dead or not.

Also, PokeChamp has hosted a werewolf game. Infact, his broke the chain of werewolf games that didn't finish, and your trying to say that he did something a stupid as playing this game based on something that has nothing to do with it. He is a top ranked TCG player for a reason, he doesn't let emotions get in the way of logic when playing a logic game.
Besides your baseing your idea on oyeah's theory. I still don't trust her, but here is a way she can earn my trust.

1. tell us what mapleboy's role is
2. maple boy either agrees or disagrees
3. if mapleboy disagrees then we lynch oyeah
4. if mapleboy agrees then we lynch [insert suspects name here]

It does not matter if he is importent or not, there is no more night therefor no more night roles including wolfs.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Sorry for being inactive. After Regionals I kind of forgot about this thread. Some other player must have used an ability that did that to dmaster. I thought it was my own; perhaps I didn't understand my role fully. Since several of you have commented how Mew Jadester hasn't posted yet my vote will be:
Vote:Mew Jadester

I also see a fallacy in explanation here. You accuse me of being a wolf, yet why would I comment how I had thought dmaster was a wolf? If you look at it from a wolf's perspective it wouldn't make any sense for me to call out one of my own kind. In another viewpoint consider me being a third party, being neither wolf nor townie. If I had thought Dmaster was a wolf, why would I be against the town? True it may have ended up that dmaster ended up dying, but this could be that another player also did an ability to dmaster the same time I did, and that caused a different reaction than I anticipated. Also I would like to point out that dmaster's role as a thief isn't exactly a good thing. What if one of the townie's had a treasure that was really important and then it got stolen so it was never to be more known to everyone?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night


sorry I forgot to bold
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

One more thing I would like to add, while I may have visited the site when I was at Regionals, I just did it to mainly check a PM. I didn't have enough time to post. I basically checked if the PM was something urgent or if it could wait. After that I was viewing a thread that had a link to the compendium in the event we needed to consult the compendium during the tournament.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

dragonexpert said:
Sorry for being inactive. After Regionals I kind of forgot about this thread. Some other player must have used an ability that did that to dmaster. I thought it was my own; perhaps I didn't understand my role fully. Since several of you have commented how Mew Jadester hasn't posted yet my vote will be:
Vote:Mew Jadester

I also see a fallacy in explanation here. You accuse me of being a wolf, yet why would I comment how I had thought dmaster was a wolf? If you look at it from a wolf's perspective it wouldn't make any sense for me to call out one of my own kind. In another viewpoint consider me being a third party, being neither wolf nor townie. If I had thought Dmaster was a wolf, why would I be against the town? True it may have ended up that dmaster ended up dying, but this could be that another player also did an ability to dmaster the same time I did, and that caused a different reaction than I anticipated. Also I would like to point out that dmaster's role as a thief isn't exactly a good thing. What if one of the townie's had a treasure that was really important and then it got stolen so it was never to be more known to everyone?

Because you were trying to get us to lynch him and because you were sure that he was a wolf. The point is you flat out called him a wolf when he wasn't, you were framing him. Besides Dmaster only got to use his role 2 or 3 times because he was in the fun house. The only role that matters is one of you being a wolf since DMaster wasn't that means you are. You were trying to get us to lynch someone that was very usefull to the town, he could have gotten exalbeir for PokeChamp, or the anti-dote for Oyeah. You are also forgetting that he was a townie, and he had to kill pink geek to win. From a wolf's perspective, you were trying to kill a good player because he wasn't a wolf. If you logged on at regions then you did not forget about pokebeach and you still had 2 more day's to post.

The only thing you did was was make it look like you wern't the alpha, or else you would have just killed him at night. Also, you seem to be smart wich means you could be trying to make it look like you are an underling for your own protecion.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

But what if his rolebenefitted from him being correct about someone dying? I think that that may be a possibility. Another role possibility is that he can steal someone's ability if that person is dead.

Also, with the Einstein comparison, Einstein was a genius. Whoever posted that is probably not (no offence). Also, there have been centuries of time to prove him wrong. Whereas we have no way to prove that (insert name) knows what (s)he is talking about.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

The person I quoted the first time is PokeChamp, easily the best player that is a townie. Also, that last person was DE, still if he could steal a dead persons role, why would he want to kill a townie! The only reason that is if he wanted to use an abilty that his side couldnt. So yes he would still be a wolf.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

CommonCandy said:
Because you were trying to get us to lynch him and because you were sure that he was a wolf. The point is you flat out called him a wolf when he wasn't, you were framing him. Besides Dmaster only got to use his role 2 or 3 times because he was in the fun house. The only role that matters is one of you being a wolf since DMaster wasn't that means you are. You were trying to get us to lynch someone that was very usefull to the town, he could have gotten exalbeir for PokeChamp, or the anti-dote for Oyeah. You are also forgetting that he was a townie, and he had to kill pink geek to win. From a wolf's perspective, you were trying to kill a good player because he wasn't a wolf. If you logged on at regions then you did not forget about pokebeach and you still had 2 more day's to post.

The only thing you did was was make it look like you wern't the alpha, or else you would have just killed him at night. Also, you seem to be smart wich means you could be trying to make it look like you are an underling for your own protecion.

How can you prove one of us or the other is a wolf? There is no logic that I could find that says either one of us has to be the wolf or the other is. Also note that there is third party roles too, not just townie or wolf. This was seen from one of the players roles that had been lynched. I really wish it wasn't against the rules for me to quote what my role is or you could see things the way I do. Certain characters have abilities that can take place in the night, not just wolves, third party and some townie's may have roles too. The way you and Shoyruu talk about how I am a wolf when there is no such evidence makes me quite suspicious of both of you. I also thought the point of you going after inactive players seemed kind of like you changed your mind a bit. I have posted in this thread more than Mew Jadester and possibly a few of the others that were mentioned. At least I have made my presence known in the game, something some of the others haven't really done. I may not be as experienced as some of you being that this is the first time I've ever played in a WW game, but I feel that I have been learning from it. You don't want to be so easily swayed or it can come back to bite you.

You should try and get solid evidence that someone is a wolf. I will admit I was wrong when I thought dmaster was a wolf but I'd like to reflect on it a bit further. When the update that said dmaster got put in the funhouse, I did in fact PM Zero dmaster's name while it was night time, however, there were conditions that had to be met or he wouldn't have ended up in the fun house, essentially killing him. Around that time he was acting very suspicious, which is true of how a thief would act and how a wolf would act. I didn't think there would be a role of a thief, thus I felt he was a wolf.

Now I will comment about your comment about how I had time after Regionals. During Regionals I had very little time to use my computer for private use. I had only used it to check a PM I received for the most part. Now I wasn't staying at my house for Regionals. I was staying in Madison, still an hour from the Regionals site, however, I had family there so I could sleep for free. I only see them once or twice a year. Can you really blame a person for wanting to visit their family they rarely get the chance to see? When we did leave, it was still a five hour drive plus we also and stopped along the way for food making it be longer still. Once we had got back to my mom's house, I had to drive back to my house, thereby taking even more time away from me. When I got back home then I had gone to sleep shortly after arriving and telling my dad how it all went. The next morning my Grandma calls and wants to hear how everything went and conversations with her can take a long time even when I don't have much to talk about. While it may seem I still had like 12 hours where I could have posted, remember that I too have a life. While I normally spend 8 hours online or more, occasionally I do other things like my DS and Wii. Being that I also had to work that night, I needed to get some sleep or I would be regretting it. I ended up working every night counting that Monday until the following Monday. This meant I spent a large portion of the day sleeping both to recover from the previous night's work and in preparation for working that night.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Still there were 2 days before then that you could have posted. Anyways, there is solid evidence that you are a wolf or at least agianst the town, possible just overly desprate. The only reason you would be desprate is if you could not prove your inocence. You are "forgetting" very importent factors. DMaster may have been a thief, but he was also a TOWNIE. So you can not say that because he was a theif that he was a bad guy.

dragonexpert said:
It is mainly because of my special ability that I think they are wolves.

I even got a quote of you pretending to have a seer like role. Wich is funny since Oyeah is the seer and the only other seer like role was Ice Espeon. Also, if you had a seer like role you would have been right about him being a wolf, not complelty wrong.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Haha oh yeah

unvote mew jadester
vote dragonexpert
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Guys, this is silly. We were so close to lynching Mew Jadester before this big argument started, and there's only two days before the deadline. Why don't we just lynch Mew, avoid a dice roll, and see what happens tomorrow?
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

Yeah, just give me my last (?) wish guys, please just don't let my sacrifice go in vain. Thank you Flare for sticking up for me.

Anyway, why do I have a bad feeling CommonCandy is protecting Jadester? We had a brigade against him until Common decided to go for DE. Just my two cents.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

CommonCandy said:
Sorry I have bas spelling, fine motor skills problem so I make alot of typos.

DE said that Dmaster was a wolf, when if your smart enough to scroll up you will see he was a townie. I am not saying that it is because of a fake argument, as I to doubt that. I am saying that because claimed that he was 100% sure that Dmaster was a wolf that he, even if not a wolf, is agianst the town.

Also, why with the dead guy thing? It's like saying E=mc2 is wrong because Albert Einstien is dead.

Meaning if a genuis proves something that it doesn't matter is there dead or not.

Also, PokeChamp has hosted a werewolf game. Infact, his broke the chain of werewolf games that didn't finish, and your trying to say that he did something a stupid as playing this game based on something that has nothing to do with it. He is a top ranked TCG player for a reason, he doesn't let emotions get in the way of logic when playing a logic game.
Besides your baseing your idea on oyeah's theory. I still don't trust her, but here is a way she can earn my trust.

1. tell us what mapleboy's role is
2. maple boy either agrees or disagrees
3. if mapleboy disagrees then we lynch oyeah
4. if mapleboy agrees then we lynch [insert suspects name here]

It does not matter if he is importent or not, there is no more night therefor no more night roles including wolfs.

Why don't we go with this? Then we can do what oyeah thinks we should
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

That's interesting, oyeah. Actually, CC has been only going for that one person this entire time... it looks like he is perhaps protecting someone.... I am not changing my vote yet, but he might be next.
RE: Werewolf VII: The Beginning of the End. Day 5 Ends May 4. 10 Votes to lynch. No more night

I am not protecting MJ, I just think that DE is more likely to be a wolf.
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